HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-1959 Council Meeting Minutes Canton City Council met Jan. 6, 1959 at 7:05 P. H. in the City Council Room.
Roll call. Present: I,layor Woods, Alderman Sebree, Ilartin, Lundry, !'tiller.,
Jones, 101r,". Wright, `T'urner, Shelby I^tri€;ht, Aoy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender.
Absent: None.
Minutes of the previous meetin[; were read and approved to be solaced on file.
Alderman Lundry read the bills for the finance Committee and made a motion
that all bills nronerly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alder-
man Jones. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester hill, Roy Hill,
Shelby Wright, 'Turner, T&a. Wright, Jones, I-Tiller, Lundy;:, I° rtin, and Sebree.
NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman lKiller read the bills for the Police and Legal Cor�mittee and made
a motion that all bills pronerlsr annroved he allowed for payment, seconded
r. by Alderman Martin. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, I,iart_n, Lundry,
yid I,iiller, Jones, au". '1,4ri'c ht, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, '''ester Hill,
and gender. NAY: None. 1-lotion carried.
Alderman Turner read the bills for the Street, Alley and Sidewalk Committee
and made a motion that all bills properly annroved be allowed for na;,ment,
seconded by Alderman Roy hill. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender,
Lester Hill, Roy Bill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, i"liller,
Lundry-, I`Iartins and Sebree. NAY: None. 'Notion carried.
Alderman Lester Hill_ read the bills for the i ire, Water and Sewer Committees
and made a motion that all bills properly anproved be allowed for nayment)
seconded by Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, i,Iartin,
Lundry, Biller, Jones, 11m. IdriY ht, Turner, Shelby 1,Xi-ht, Rol- Hill, Lester
Hill, and Bender. MAY: None. Hotion carried.
Alderman Shelby Wri ht read the bills for the Printing Committee and made a
motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by
Alderman Sender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman mender, Lester Hill, Roy
?-!ill, Shelb,;r !,fright, Turner, Wrn. Wrip�ht, Jones, 'Miller, Lundry, Martin, and
Sebree. I'11AY: !None. Motion carried.
Alderman '3ender read the bills for the Building and Grounds Committee and
made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for nayment,
seconded by Alderman filler. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, "latin,
Lundry, Ililler, Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Dill, Lester
Hill, and Bender. NA4': (done. Motion carried.
Alderman Roy hill read the bills for the (garbage Dis-)osal Committee and made
a motion that all bills properly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded
by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester
Hill, Roy Hall, Shelby Wright, Turner, IJm. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lundry,
!Martin, and Sebree. NAY: ?done. I'lotion carried.
Alderman Jones read the bills for the Lights Committee and made a motion that
all bills properly approved be allowed for nayment, seconded by Alderman
Martin. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Niller,
Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Rill, Lester Mill, and Bender.
NAY: !gone. Motion carried.
Alderman Martin read the bills for the Traffic Committee and made a motion
that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alder-
man Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill,
Shelby Wright, 'Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, !Miller, Lundry, Martin, and Sebree.
NAY: None. Motion carried.
Renorts of Officers were read. Alderman Lester Hill moved that the reports
be acce-oted and ;laced on file, seconded by Alderman I-lartin. Oral vote. AYE:
I Iayor Woods called f or Yeports of Standing Committees:
Special Committees.
Mayor Woods read a telegram from Congressman Robert Chiperfield informing
the Cite of the Federal grant toward the proposed water and sewer extensi-on.
1,%yor Woods '_ntroduced Mr. Vernon Meyer, Chairman of the Retail Division of
the Canton Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Meyer thanked the City Council for the
courtesy extended last August when the City's ?parking meters were covered for
the dollar-day sale. He requested permission for the same privilege for the
dollar-day sale Feb. 5, 1959. Alderman Martin moved that the request 'be
granted, seconded by Alderman Miller. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mr. Meyer
thanked the council for this favor and stated teat the Chamber of Commerce
was nlanning a celebration of Canton Industrial and Eduational Program to be
held the second or third week in I-lay..
Mayor Woods reported that an I.B.M. time clock could be purchased for $145.00
and two racks at $%EO each.
Mayor Woods suggested, that, because of Injunction rapers served on the members
of the City Council, it would be advisable to secure additional Legal Aid to
assist the Cite Attorney. Alderman Lester Hill moved that legal aid be employed
to assist the City Attorne- , seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote: AYE:
Alderman Martin, Lundry, Miller, VIm. Wright, Turner, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and
iender. MAY: Alderman Jones, and Shelby Wright. idOT VOT:r°dG: Alderman Sebree.
(8 AYT,�S, 2 ?SAYS, and 1 NOT VOT'i'dG) . Mayor Woods declared the motion carried.
The Resignation of Alderman L. B. Lundry from the City Council was read. Alder-
man Bender moved that the resignation be accepted, s-conded by Alderman Turner.
Roll call vote (Mayor 1"Toods excusing Alderman Lundry from voting) AYE: Alderman
Sender, Lester dill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright., Turner, Win. Wright, Jones, -filler,
Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. :`lotion carried. Mayor Woods expressed his
gratitude to Alderman Lun.drj for -she fine work and cooperation he had given the
Alderman Turner stated that Mr. 2red Linder inquired about an increase in the
Cemetery anpropriation -- that since thirteen acres had been added to the
Cemetery, the appropriation was insufficient to maintain same.
A Resolution regarding the election of an Alderman in Second Ward to fill the
two-year vacancy caused by the resignation of Alderman Lundry was read. Alder-
man Lester Trill moved for the adoption of this Resolution, seconded by Alderman
Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, 1`iartin, Lundry, hiller, Jones,
vym. '.%1rig ht, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. A`r: ";one.
lotion carried. This being Resolution #236.
A Resolution for the installation of a street light at the end of Sout'i Avenue B
to Cemetery was -read. Alderman Lundry moved for the adoption of this Resolution,
seconded by Alderman i-Ln. Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester
TIi11, Ro-,- Tli ll, Shelby %rricht, 'burner, it1m. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lundry;, iart:i.n,
and Sebree. dAY: done. !lotion carried. This being Resolution #237.
A Resolution for installation of a street light in the alley located between
McLuckie's Store and Brown Lynch Scott (108 ' east of Fole ;126) was read. After
some discussion it was decided to hold over this Resolution until next <:tin. .
A resolution for the payment of Interest on Public Benefit Assessmentf for
Sections 39CS, 41CS, 42CS and 43CS (due Jan. 1, 1959) total amount $5,060.78
was read. Alderman Lundry moved for the adont_ion of this resolution, seconded
bT, Alderman Lester Hill. Roll call vote. A-,Lr : Alderman Sebree, lartin, Lundry,
Miller, Jones, cTm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy 1111, Lester Hill, anti
?Sender. IIAY: `wne. !,lotion carried.
First reading of ar Ordinance prohibit:,_ng parking on the East side of I'lartin
Avenue between Pine and Walnut Streets. Alderman `Vm. lri£lht moved that the
rules be suspended, seconded b7;- Alderman an Shelby Wright. Roll cala. vote. AY.F:
Alderman 3ender, Lester Trill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. '.%!right,
Jones, Mil-ler, Lundry , ioiartin, and Sebree. NiAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Sender moved that the Ordinance be 71laced on its passage, seconded b ,
Alderman Wr . 'Alright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, I'Iartin, Lundry,
Miller, Jones, ;arm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and
Sender. Motion carried. This being Ordinance #390.
(Jan. 6, 1959, Continued)
First reading of an Ord-1nance designating one-way streets -- Traffic on
Chestnut Street from Avenue A to Fifth Avenue to move west and traffic on El:n
Street from Avenue A to a'ifth Avenue to move 'Mast. After some discussion,
Alterman Martin moved that the rules ;)e susnended, seconded by Alderman Bender.
'.loll call vote. AY:,,: Alderman Sender, Lester 111_11, Roy hill, Shelby YJri.r;ht,
Turner, Jones, Lundry, 1 artin, and Sebre ,,Lundry, : Alderman ti;hn. Wright, and Miller.
(9 AYES and 2 "JAYS). iloti.on to suspend rules carried. Alderman Jones moved
to place the Ordinance on its passage, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll
call vote. AZn : Alderman Sebree, i-iartin, Lundry, I i11-er, Jones, Wrn. 'uJric;ht,
Turner, Shelby Writ- t, Rohr Bill, Lester fill, and ;ender. :IAY: None. :iotion
carried. This being Ordinance #391.
First reading of an Ordinance , k-ink, 1,1artin Avenue and West 01alnut Street a
four-way stop. Alderman Wm. Wright moved that the rules be susnended, seconded
by Alderman Jones. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sender, Lester Hill, Ro;y Bill,
Shelb�T Tilright, Turner, ti}Jrn. ?,'right, Jones, IIi11er, Lundry, Martin, and Sebree.
NAY: "'one. Motion carried to suspend rules. Alderman Jones moved that the
Ordinance be placed on its massage, seconded b. Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll
call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree ilartin, Lundr r, Miller, Jones, Wm. Wri-ht,
Turner, Shelby '•fright, Roy Hi11, fester hill, and .i3ender. 'TAY: iti?one. Motion
1 carried. This being Ordinance #392.
Alderman3ender made a motion that the City Clerk be instructed to open Sealed
Bids for redecorating the old librar;/ building, seconded by Alderman Lundry.
Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous.
Bids read: R. B. Rutherford `total bid Ip46L 7.58
Ercell Brush 5327.52
King and Briggs 6372.1.6
laynard Kohout 4640.00
Alderman Lester Hill moved that the bids be referred to the Building and
Grounds Committee and report back at the next Council meeting, seconded by
Alderman. Wm. Wright. Oral vote. AY:;: unanimous.
Alderman Miller made inquiry.- about t'rie It",to Skatingf1 rules on Lane Canton.
Discussion followed.
Alderman Lester Mill moved for adjournment, seconded by Alderman i-Iiller. Oral
vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 8:50 P. M.
General Account: Police e,,)t; :
Beckman Blueprint ';;7.56 Atlas Cainera Center ;6.72
Canton Da L17 Ledger 11}.00 Canton Clean Towel Service 9.40
A.C.Shenle % 5.00 Garbage Disposal De-?t. 153.41
Ill. Sell Telephone 30.34 Ill. Bell Telenhone Co. 18.50
Francelle Larson 30.00 Bing Auto Electric 51.06
Petty Cash 42.90 Lock's Auto Co. 6.00
Phillips Greenhouse 20.00 Lock's Auto Co. 200.00
Bernard W. Smith 29.50 i'iacomb Co.m�unications 40.00
Frank Thornber Co. 228.83 Police De`)t. 90.00
L. F. Weller 20.00 A.C.Shepley ' Son 5.00
White's Book Store 8.82 R•W.-Tallace Service Sta. 9.85
436.95 White Is Book Store 4.98
C.I.P.S.Co. 840.38 O.H. Biersdorf 7.00
Canton Supply Co. 5.62
Bldg. ?c Grounds: E.D. Glazebrook 465.00
Am. Pest Control 15.00 I11. Bell `Telephone Co. 5.05
C.I.P.S.Co. 86.43 Jarvis Welding Co. 7.20
Canton Clean Towel 26.00 Ding Auto Electric 6.25
Canton Daily Ledger 28.20 riacomb Communications 10.00
EZ Plumbing Co. 3.50 R. W. 'efallace Service Sta. 12.25
Harry Luker 3.60 518-37
H.C.McCoy 10.00
G P3� G� h7S iAL DE ?T,;;; 1 :Pason Hardware Co. 22.70
Mrs. Allie Ray 20.00 Canton 'fire Vulc Co. 91.40
Swearingen Wolesale 10.80 Leon Cevillon Oil Co. 15.00
Harm,, Whalen ass Wks %50 Continental. Oil Co. 324.49
23 4.73
Garbage Disposal, Continued: Water - Sewer Dept., Cont`..nued:
D-X Sunra,c Oil Co. 217.00 Liverpool iaterials 11.77
Illinois Hell Tole. 8.75 Canton Paint & Wallpaper 4.95
King Auto Elect. Co. 120.65 Rhodes Transfer 2.00
Miller Auto 30d,,,, 3.40 Electro Rust-Proofing 108.00
Phillips Petrol6um 32.94 Utility Sales Co. 638.40
Livio Pot�"gioli 290.00 Ill. ]'deter Repair Co. 274.66
Sears,Roebuck & Co. 13.45 Am. Water Works Assoc. 15.00
Shell Oil Co. 18.84 Continental Oil Co. 139.23
Swattzbaugh °r =''elson 1.57 Roscoe Cadwalader 6.00
113 . Melvin Trucking Co. 126.00
Menke Stone '-, Lime Co. 262.50
Street & Alley: 0. H. Biersdorf 4.00
O.H. Biersdorf 17.00 Swearingen Wholesale Co. 18.56
i3olon's Repair Sere. 5.00 Phillips etroleum Co. 65-45
J. E. Coultas 90.00 liational Disinfectant Co. 297.93
Canton Concrete Prod. 52.80 3
Canton Tire r: Vulc. 83.65
Canton Supply Co. 67.92
Duck Island Sand 76.25
Elgin Sweeper Co. 289.07
Garbage Disposal 224.94
Hainline Sign Worlcs 3.50
'jolbrook C'.)evrolet 3.23
International Salt Co.678.30
industrial Towel Serv. 8.89
Jarvis Welding Co. 337.85
King riuto 'electric 25.07
mason 7ardware Co. 6.03
W.L.Miller � C(1. 1135.25
Livio Poggioli 250.08 TOTAL, w12,185.73
Pschirrer Coal Co. 22.61
A. C. Shepley i'.: Son 132.00
Swartzbaugh '� :"'elson 434.37
Sutton c°c "oore 14.10
TR0 F IC '3iPT.
Canton Daily Ledger 6.75
Duncan Parking Meter 470.37
Ill. State Penitentiary
IFason Hardware Co. 15.38
'11,iller Ieters 1.53
Wayne 'tall Si,n Tost217.00
WATER k SE'1Fi2 DS P i'. .
111. .3ell 11eler)hone 20.80
Central Ill. Pcblic 948.48
Jarvis 1,eldin,; Co. 17.00
1,1ason Tardware Co. 18.73
Garbage Dis-,-)osal 174.16
Kroell ' lectric Co. 37.29
A. C. She?ley Son 22.27
City Cler
Canton Clean Towel 7.65
Wlgite's Booic Store 5.42
BabcocTc Job Pr 1_ntery 86.50
Canton Dail-` Ledger 14.00
Adcressograr)h Ira7_t i . 166.44
Petty Cash 23.22
Pschirrer Coal Co. 21.27
L'row 'Hardware Co. 8.86
Central Butane Gas 2.00
Holbrook Chevrolet 3.66
Swartzbaugh "r, nelson 10.34
Canton Sun )ly Co. 22.36
i+ullerto?, L xnber Co. 2C.20
Livi_o Po�gioli 160.65