HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-1958 Council Meeting Minutes 33
Canton City Council met on Nov. 5, 1958 at 7:05 P. 14. in the City Council Room.
Roll call. Presents Mayor Woods, Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller,
Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Ray Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender.
Absent: None.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Miss Deanna Swartzbaugh, acting
City Clerk in accordance with "Youth Appreciation" week, and were approved to
be placed on file.
A Petition for Annexation of property in the Park Plaza Second Extension was
read. Same was tabled until an Ordinance for this Annexation was presented
for consideration.
A Petition for construction of a Filling Station on the corner of West Locust
Street and Avenue C was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee, City
b Attorney and City Engineer for study and report to Norember 18 Council meeting.
Alderman Lundry read the bills for the Finance Committee and made a motion
that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman
Wm, Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill,
Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin, and Sebree.
NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Miller read the bills for the Police and Legal Committee and made
a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded
by Alderman Martin. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry,
Miller, Jones, Wm.- Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and
Bender. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Turner read the bills for the Street and Alley Committee and made
a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded
by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester
Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lundry,
Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Lester Hill read the bills for the Fire, Water and Sewer Committees
and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment,
seconded by Alderman Miller. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin,
Lundry, Miller, Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester
Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. Motion carried. }
Alderman Shelby Wright read the bills for the Printing Committee and made a
motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded
by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill,
Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin,
and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Bender read the bills for the Building and Grounds Committee and
made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment,
seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree,
Martin, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright,' Roy Hill,
Lester Hill, Bender. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Roy Hill read the bills for the Garbage Disposal Committee and made
a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded
by Alderman Miller. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill,
Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, 'turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin,
and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Jones read the bills for the Lights Committee and made a motion
that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alder-
man Miller. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller,
Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, Bender.
NAY: None. :lotion carried.
Re )orts of Officers were read. Alderman Lundry moved that they be accepted
and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Bender. Oral vote. AYE. Unanimous.
Mayor Woods called for re-ports of Standing Committees, None.
Mayor Woods called for reports of Special Committees. None.
Mayor Woods called for correspondence. A letter of thanks from
the Gustav A. Miller family was read.
A Resolution for Additional Contract Street Lighting for First Avenue
and Sycamore Street was read. Alderman Lester Hill moved for the adoption
of the Resolution, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE:
Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright,
Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried.
Mayor Woods introduced the students visiting the Council meeting, allowing
time for any questions they cared to ask of the Council. He invited them
to visit the various offices of the City on "Youth Participation" Day.
An invitation to attend the Illinois Municipal Convention to be held in
Springfield on Nov. 92 10, and 11 was extended to members of the Council
and Officers of the City. Alderman Jones made a motion that the expense
of this Convention be paid to the Mayor and any Alderman or Officer by the
City, seconded by Alderman Turner. Oral vote. AYE. Unanimous,
Alderman Lester Hill moved for adjournment, seconded by Alderman Jones.
Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 8:32 P.M.
City Clerk.
Genera: Bolon's Repair Service 16.15
Babcock Printery $51.80` Canton Auto Body 74.00
Canton Daily Ledger 102.00` Canton Supply Co. 118.68
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 12.69 Canton Tire & Vulc. Co. 515.28
Francelle Larson 24.00 Coff ing Hoist 17.55
Bernard W. Smith 2.10 Cummings & Emerson 4.47
L. F. Weller 32.00 Elgin Sweeper Co. 290.42
White's Book Store 1.05 Garbage Disposal Dept. 163.07
25.E Hill-Kastien, inc. 21.55
Geo. E. Hoffman & Sons 218.35
kldg. & Grounds: Holbrook Chevrolet .90
Am. Pest Control 15.00 Industrial Towel Service 2.00
Canton Clean Towel Service 14.40 Jarvis Welding Co. 34.46
Canton Plumbing Co. 39.11 King Auto Electric 14.23
" C. I. P. S. Co. 2.00 Mason Hardware Co. 70.88
Mason Hardware Co. 5.72 Mason's Home Shop 1.00
Phillips Petroleum Co. 21.85
Livio Poggioli 104.22
Lights: C.I.P.S.Co. 830.35 Sears, Roebuck & Co. 31.40
Swartzbaugh & Nelson 49.66
Police Dept.: 1770.12
Canton Clean Towel Service 4.70
Lock's Auto Co. 4.00 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMTVT:
Lock's Auto Co, 200.00 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 35.15
Farmer's Co-op. Grain 4.60 C. I. P. S. Co. 886.86
Garbage Disposal Dept. 129.95 Mason's Home Shop 4.75
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 15 15 Jarvis Welding Co. 17.20
King Auto Electric 15.17 Mason's Hardware Co. 42.54
Macomb Communications 53.00 Garbage Disposal Dept. 54.74
Mason Hardware Co. 1.65 Elliott's Machine Shop 3.50
Police Dept. 82.00 Babcock Job Printery 18.15
Selkirk's 1100 Burroughs Corp. 55.80
R.W.Wallace Service Sta. 11.46 Addressograph-Miultigraph 78,39
227 Melvin Trucking Co. 57.79
Bolon's Repair Service 430.98
FIRE DEPARTMZ�TT: Utility Sales Co. 702.82
Canton Auto Body 16.50 Ill. Meter Repair Co. 162.62
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 8.40 Wilkins Pipe & Supply Co. 16.80
Macomb Communications 10.00 Swartzbaugh & Nelson 21.75
Sears, Roebuck & Co. 16.14 Continental Oil Co. 16.40
Swartzbaugh & Nelson .81 Miller Auto Body 10.40
R. W. Wallace Service Sta. 5.23 Canton Supply Co. 4.02
57-08 Phillips Petroleum Co. 14.75
Fullerton Lumber Co. 23.25
GARBAGE DISPOSAL DEPT.: Livio Poggioli 149.34
Canton Supply Co. 27.31 Liverpool Materials 23.71
Leon Chevi'llon Oil Co. 15.00 South Side Foundry Co. 145.80
Continental Oil Co. 206.38 Kammerer Concrete Products 214.20
Holbrook Chevrolet 2.61 Cummings & Emerson 10.77
Homer Electric Co. 29.55 Melvin Trucking Co. 190.47
Jarvis Welding Co. 12.00 W. D. Tanquary 148.39
Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 8.50 Socony Mobil Oil Co. 54.25
Miller Auto Body 2.00 Am. Cyanimid Co. 656.00
Livia Poggioli 145,00 Menke Stone & Lime Co. 300.00
Star Delivery 7.14 Kroell Electric Co. 14.00
Shell Oil Co. 357.73 Midland Laboratories 49.99
Swartzbaugh & nelson 29.47 Nat'l. Disinfectant Co. 393.78
x.69 Chicago Pump Co. 53.92
0 0.2-F-
Canton Daily Ledger 11.85
TOTAL $9096.92