HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-1958 Council Meeting Minutes Oct. 7, 1958
Canton City Council met at 7:04 P. M., Oct. 7, 1958 in the Cite Council Room.
Roll call: Present: Manor 'foods, Alderman Sebree, nartin, Lundr7, :filler,
Jones, Turner, Shelby 'i right, Hoy Hill, Lester Mill, and Sender. Absent:
Alderman IRm. Wright.
Minutes of Ve Previous meeting were react and annroved to be Placed on file.
Alderman Lester Hill excused at 7:09 P. R.
Alderman Lundry read the bills for the Finance Committee and mane a motion
that all bills nronerly approved be allowed for Payment, seconded by Alderman
Martin. Roll call. vote. AY Alderman 'sender, Roy Bill, Shelby Wright, Turner,
Jones, Miller, Lundry, :Martin, and Sebree. `1AV: ,-ogle. Motion carried.
Alderman Miller read the bills for the Police and LeCal Cainittee and .Wade a
motion that all bills properIT anprovcd be allowed for Payment, seconded bL=
Alderman Bender. Roll call_ vote. AYE: iLl er:!1a_'? Sebree, Lartin, Lundry,
Miller, Jones, Turner, Shelby Wright, Rn, 'r;l_l, and Bender. -'ione.
:lotion carried.
Alderman Turner read the bills for the Street and Alley* and Sidewalk Committee
and made a motion that all bills rronerll annroved be allowed for naJ-ment,
seconded by Aljerman Roy Hill. (Eunt. of Streets Jennings .reported that the
bill for the Canitol tractor Co. should be held un until certain Parts of the
.q uLnment had been nronerIj installed) . loll call voto 910
Bender, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Jones, Biller, Lundr%, 7artin, and
Sebre . MAY: ['done. Motion carried.
Alderman Landry read the bills for the !ire, ?°Tater and Sewer Departments and
made a motion that all bills nronerly annroved be a klowed for !-)a;rnent, seconded
by Alderman :'filler. Roll call vote. A`_,Tis: Alderman. S::bree, Marti--,., Landry,
Hilinr, Jones, Turner, Shelby ritbt, Hoy ? ill, and Sender. NA7: None.
Motion carried.
Alderman Shelby Wright read the bills for the TrYntinE Committee and made a
motion that all bills nronerly annroved be allow d for na�,ment, seconded b;r
Alderman Sender. Rol]_ call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Roar Bill, Shelby',
u y
Wright, Turner, Jones, Eiller, Lundr, , . arti:n, and N AIL`: �'o-,ie. IIotion
Alderman Vender toad the bills for the B i_ld '_nS and Grounds Committee and made
a motion that all bills pronerl,y aonrov d be alloyed for Payment, seconded b;;
Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, "art_i-n, Lundry,
Hiller, Jones, turner, Shelby ::rLn t, 'ny Hill, and Bender. NA`' : Vne. Motion
A101erman Ro`% 7ill read the bills Zor the GarbaE e Di.s'-oral Con iittee and Made a
motion Vat all bills nronerly approved be allowed for Payment, seconded b,,,
Alderman Shelby- Wrinht. loll call. voice. AYI: Alderman Bender, Hoy bill,
Shelby Wri€;ht, Turner, Jones, hiller, Iundr, , Martin, a:�d. Sebre ;. ltA` 'done.
!lotion carried.
Alderman Jones read the bills for the Lights Casgittee and made a motion that
all bills nronerly aonroved be allown(l for -)ayrq,-:nt, seconded. bL Alderman Miller.
Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, tart .n, Lundri, :Miller, Jones, Turner,
Shelby Wright, ':Till, and "•ender. NEY: Hone. Notion carried.
Alderman Martin read the bills for the 'altic CQTvittee and made a motion that
all bills nronerl— aporoved he allowed for qayment, seconded by Alderman Aender.
.Rol-1 call vote. AY Alderman Bender, Ho; Hi_l1, Shelby Wright, Turner, J unas,
=°filler, Lundry, Martin, and Sebre_-�. 4nee, Lotion carried.
A petition signed by 34 persons requesting the Extension of Wat-er and Sewer on
West Locust :street beginning, at Avenue D was read. Amerman Turner mace a motion
that this Petition be referred to the Ha7or, City ng zeer, ?rater and Sewer
Co:? nittee and `ilnancfe Co)rl' ittm !or study ana re 'ort to the next Council meeting,
seconded b; Alderman Sender. Oral vote. AYE: Lnanimous. Motion carrl3d•
motion We b; Werman jones that same be
Renorts of ti e City Off_?corn --T .7 OnVI-nronod to be nlac,,�d on file., seconded
by Alderman Miller. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. notion carried.
Yayor WOWS called ror reiorts of StandinZ Caoni=ns: Werman hiller
revorted that ',,,,ie IDoll-ce and Legal Caqnittea mot on Sept. 223 they )nrovou
the 7urchase of a now siren 07 the Tolice Chief's car and also aynrovad the renalrs
of the motorcycle, The Chief of Police re ,orted We need of new -arviq_�
meters a nlyn the need of an extra Tolicaqan. "o action taken in the
latter two Vars.
?A or Noods ranorted that Q and Chief Lindzey were mlannY7 to attend a
ment%F in �acoriib on Tlaurs&7 regard.LiE the change-over of radio com-unnications
L1)e f,:turo.
Aldermav Tirner re-ortal that he had talked to Kr. Lawrence Sheiley about tie
nossibility of incjws j tha lowor `)art of the water-tower and aslnE smae f02
storaEe of mac hinnrl . it "an nears that thQ State has no restrictions to this
AVeryan jines made a notion that a aesolutini bo drawn for new street 074ts
to be Naced on Third enun 50tween hsh 27.n4 olivo Streets aW on the cor.Aor
of Corroratlan Strnet end fourt" Loenue. 04ornan ?Qndcr s0cul-ed
motion. Oral -otC lanlmoos.
Alderman Vir,wr ro iorted that t'is E@ 11E, W_eanars on East Ein Stront Vs es
tn have n e n :0- wetargenovad f ro2 in Iront of his n Wce of bas-ness a C-,,
Vat stall uc ,d Ar a "QWlAr zone" for his ostablis4pent. Me Wq tKe
statennnt that Ar. je- eV wo ,ld be willinn to or rental Tor I"! use Of
this siacn, AlvOrman V11jr ja�j a notTon tW t"o nattgr be rafn red to tn
7raffin in i ittao aV OWN oz -olicy a 6 rannrt cant to ON 40PIVI, 70c Q 4-
b7 210ar�a- 0rnar. Oral vnte. AY�: naphious.
"""oof"s rV10,t,d V�,t , renrn- ontat-i-n or the Villpan Una Co. nl'
Winslonrg, 011nois his recanondid. the remo7a)
that are affected with Eutch El ' Disease.
j tre-s have Kann raao�nn aN
�wo othnrg will he raioved as soon as conditions arc favorable. M Aoburt
jernin7s renortod Vat Ve . --oral nn,ic couW at detect the disecso aQ
s tat ca that a snecinan of a" susnected tree woilo have to be sent to W,
7WyersitV of ill4nis Tab-Tatorins frw VnntWcatino. 7c ra�nrtyd 021,
tie Etandn& Di lo, had a film availvblo for f-a- t ,c-
njtc vim Disease. QT Dr Noods ynfornnn nr, js2ninEs to arranne frX this
1`int t�e t02 aQ Wace.
Na Jr �oods re )orted that the Sewor aii(*,_ "'.'ate'r '-!a] I-lei Q a invotin- n
Sent. 30 aN thpt niarn a )d s ON Zicatin!--S L�_e Zor
Yngsl snWaze trwat-ent -,mwr tutor if t,
were n-reibr9d. -- a raforandan coull be held for the consideration of this
entirs nroject at one tine. Werman Sebray moved Vat Vy firy of Urawford,
a,-!(, Til -1
-Kn be infOrned to draw lams a-d snechficatia" s so thht al
could be aresented in a reforendmi at D-a W-0, qpconCad b7 Aldprman artin.
Roll call vote. AVV: kloermpo Sabree, Martin, lnirer: , .110r, joons, Turcar,
Hy- -111, a A o0yr.
lot o." carrYQ.
Cjprk in.try etod to write tl 'a firn of "rawforO, h r l a_ d T--lie-
ln; swne.
7qods t�en calind for ranorts N Snecial CW�itwess:
Alaorvan 1po:er r ;r0d nn the f*10JAks OZ Ve 7) tiding and crounds Cnniihtw!
rng are ny V, caivers" on hurnor Zor t4e ON libroV building ard
al ],uqoj_nq in Vp amount W ADAM e
a motion that Q � OZ 3r into a
a�, cr aN the Alt- Work c2 instrneted to ant,
also a, Vl-i t4v ' tn entire qroject s �ouia 5,--
con-rnat with this firl
s-condal h: AWerman Roy 2ill. Hall.
comnleted" -a later Unn OV, Tj
call voti. K7: Alfaraw--, londnr, R,, ill, Bhelo- qk jht, lurrar, j �t
W lar, nnnN7, "art1q, anc `err-,.,. -A'' - -ji, Zntion cavriwo.
Son-unlcatioqs: A latter of thanks for all cooneration of Ve Cit OZ
lanW,_ iron jap3s QnSicklq PPISIN0 Of We Canton Friendshin Festival was
reY and Mayor Wits lnfnn�jod t13 City Clark to thann Ar. VanSic:V for Ids
t4ougbtfulness; and file the Utter.
3 3
So,_ItFieast and L C,-,I,.,),e-r 0-I -Ul
C CV a. 1 e
r,2ferred to +,',e Tr_.f'fic to the nxt Council
�-solution j`.'Or -(11�111 C,*U) �'l
n o's 'L r s rc- aI
e a: m
.'rcv� 's
ii ind !t]Aermai- :,.o-v,,:0 ac.Ot lor,
_J t
iq T lr-,7 r
1,1 (�.ermn 1% ?01 AL' c:^l-1 v o
Jones, T-,,Iner, T
a;,( _c olui t 230
t readin- Of an 0-IM1-nane . 1p 1ve;me, 'L?as t
Loc•7_-t "tre-A Zlft._" a L,,i Str i(' r�t`) _"t_r�?,A I' ro i
0 C,_L to ?1--oc',
.t 'tru,
tabled antil flzrt'ier stud, 'hadl
call votc: A ',;•• it0..er n. a 30,16(�r, 0 - T'.' I t, J or e s I di ler, D m6
dart n, a..)d Sebr,,e. car"i(,C,
'Irst o" a!, ri, ard t,)n s �s rmnn !rod Ac I i to
-L7,i a n
slisnend t'�e r..,es, secr)nn'(-_,�j b '1� Z A17�- A 1,,•
�)ebree, �fart!_,,�, Lundi7,7-, 11L�r, Jones, a-c!
an e. I - -ne -A r,Iles carrir�,. -;ender moved that
-n Ot1!_-),_ to s,,, Alderma�i
1_0 �j -
be, nlaced on its --)as,,a,-,e1 a,r t_�:_n. �)Lol 1 c-'ll
D.�,n6r, Jo -lies, '1)urner, Slneli_)-,
1,Ir .'It �Cp7 T Till., a0 �T A 1�
Aldler,,qa-ri Jones rioved for secnnC ,6 b-. 3cn(',,---. 11"anton CIi-t-
Counc- 1- a.r�,n' r .r (i at 9
r C1 A 7
I '.)
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'Jt I L;.3' C E
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Ki:�- 1, to -ct. 23.90 Sutton '�, �.00re 114-40
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1.1--son Ulardware Co. Cantw)
Police Dent. 126.00 T �`wart,7ba,.zgh 6.ni
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ont;.—e-cital Oil '.20 e� ") 2 1")
T,Jvernool -'�at,-�r.]..als 4.40 1.3olon's .ienair Service
F Snoo�� R'Ll,,er 'Elect. 3 9
�Oleraton T,-maber 2 7
1 03
mr,T .45
Oct. 21, 1958
Canton City council members met on Oct. 21., 1958 at 7:00 P. ". in the
City Council Room. Owing to a death in the family, Mayor Woods was
unable to preside at this meeting. The City Clerk called the meeting
to order stating that a motion for the selection of a Mayor pro tem to
preside was in order. Alderman Jones made a motion that Alderman Lundry,
Chairman of the Finance Committee., be nominated as Mayor pro tem,, seconded
Oral vote. AYE. Unanimous,
by Alderman Lester Hill.
Mayor pro tem Lundry took the chair and called for roll call: Present:
Alderman Sebree., Martin, Lundry, Miller., Jones,, Wm. Wright,, Turner., Shelby
Wright, Ray Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. Absent: Mayor Woods.
Mayor pro tem Lundry inquired if there was any urgent business to be pre-
sented to the Council; there being none, Alderman Wm. Wright moved that
the Canton City Council be adjourned until October 281 1958 at 7:00 P. M.
This motion was seconded by Alderman Turner.
Canton City Council adjourned at 7:05 Po M.
City Cler