HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-1958 Council Meeting Minutes 30
Se')t. 16, 1958
Canton City Council. met at Sent. 16, 1958 at 7:35 I'i. in the City Counci_1 Room..
Doll. call. Pr_>sera: Iia,Tor ,goods, Alderman Sebree, 1,1artin, lviiller, Jones, rim.
1dright, Turner, Shelb , Wright, not.- Hill, Lester Mill, and. � encier. Absent:
Alderman Lundry. Attorney Lawrence Picllunn on vacation.
nlltes of the nreviol?s meeting were read and ainnroved to be olaced On tile.
A Petition protest i--Ig the proposed paving imnr.ovement on ",lest V' .ne Street,
signed by thirty-four residents on that street, was read. Alderman. -rider
moved t',,-,-t the Petition be nlaced on file, seconded .), 11.1dentian `filler. Ural
vote. AYS: "nanirrrous.
ia.ror Woor�s extend 3d the tha;_11cs of t'>e visit-1_,i(,- iayors and C i the Official,-: who
attend>d Vne iH'estival Luncheon. Ile also stated that the City Officials
had a special invitation to attend tl)e Astoria Tlcree Comint; to be held Sent.
Mayor Woods reported that Illinois ''iunicipal c)nvent i on will be held in
Snring;.field o rov. , l'), and 11.
t renor-_ o ' the Snecial 'T(-ar ing held on S,mot. 8, 1'),58 regarding Stre->t 1D,,inrove-
rents was given b�r Tiayor 1 oods w')o stat:-d that between 350 and X00 nersons
attended, that there were several talks, some for and some ai ainst t'-re nronosal.
In the vote there were 74 for and 98 against this improvement.
I.ayor `.Moods then called for reports of Standing Comrnittees, Snecial Ca nit•tees,
and Corresnondence. A letter of thanks from L. Ha-1_nh Stevens, Ex. Slice-Pros.
of the :Nat'l. 3ank of Canton, regarding t'�.e use of three narking raters was reap;.
re^ort of the examination of t,)(- Count-/ :'records of a tract of land to be i(i
as '3arcrest b, Harr, -arr, ii'�.rlton Counter Cl_erK was read. ;,lderrnan Lester Hill
mov d t'lat this plat, subject to t'-re annroval of t'-e Cit,, Eng_i.neor and <'ttorne�:,
be accepted and -olaced on file, seconded Alderman 13endcer. Roll- call vote. AYE:
Al.deman 3(�nder, Lester Hill, 13.oy Hill, Shel y 1.4ri ht, i'urner, 14m. ',;rig'nt, Jones,
liner, Martin, a»d Sebr:e. i`r `;one. lint ion ca.rri-'d.
2irst read.i.-ig c ' an Ordinance ')ertainio),- to t}re= >isa of three parking met,.:rs in
the vicinity; of the :aat'l. :3ank of `.nton f:)r L ie Use of a Ili•a_k-un dr?_v,'-uo, w .'idow
was read. Alderman i? .nder moVr'd t''l.at Vie, r'..1-'c be S 's'?e-n(je(1, s.;co ded iJ` Alnermari
�1arti _. 11o11 :;all -.rote. ,i1('errnan Sc>tJree, i�iarti , �i_71.er, Jonc:,s,. .-• --�;'�. ,
Tamer, SheIv)Tr 'rig'�t, LI_"_, L ,st_rr '11 I 1 , an,a .3f)nder. "Av:
Wri-lit _rriov^dm that the Ord 'Lnanc,� be :-)1ac!d on its nassa`e, s c.c>rldFd b; r,lc?erman
Lester i_1.1 . ?ol.l call vote. Ald.eniian 3, (`ler, rester Hill-, -i.oy i.l.l_, She;lo�r
L�_rt, urn r, '.v� Ir , '.1t, orz�.�, �=.iller, ;.,arti _n1 ai_r? Sebre: �?r is). Motion
carri ed. `i'h i_s 'aei_ng: Ordinance /r 382.
Alderman Tlrrn'er ,nave a motion that the City, 'lerir be instract?d to open am read
to t'n: Counc - for t''re installation of a gas brarn( f'or t'i.e old
Trar, 3 ildi S Cf)n,'pd b„ i":li'err2an 3_;nder. Oral vote. AY '!nanzmolrs, Bids r:��.;
Canton lumbing Co.
7T,,r I jI--er 1 98.00
RoT; Clift P]ui!.b-i_.tg 2391.()2. Alderman Bender made a il�otion
that these 'yids be referred to tine 3'_:1-lding and Grounds and l,'i.nacice Co .i_ti;e=? and
report •�)ack to nest Council meetin ,seconded bar Alderman Shelby. 1,1rig}.t. Jral vole.
na,i n o -s.
Alder,:an Lf-ster '� l ! �, ,ended t rat th ?fights 'Corr,".itt rive.-t' t ate ti n-
rec_... F s
for a street lip-ht on Cornorat i on Street ai_d .� oUrth 1'.venue.
Alder`,ian 'earner ''1c'.Fle a '7moti_nn for t''? ' Counc __l. to r'-c.1_ ?d tnF action tai{F;i1 at.
the last m;','t' 'm wi%'t? rye are'T to the 'o'lrcm'lasc3 Of an ',ndl-oader. Tll s ,goti.()i was
seconded b .t11dermaz t0l7 cal] vot.e. 'e�r-�an Eart,_mt,
rvni. Sri t; '1 iirrcr, Shelb- ;'r, �'�t, a�Jti� 'I i.l1, iest',r Hi_1_i_, an(l 3;°nder, � :_. Alger_
man Lebre,-, J on .. s 11Y'_1 a` 2 171,Y . `ioti_on carried. Alderman
t'1a t t''le voi e l,e r'eco:'!s !c-ered Oi ti-le o.?�' ,2tl0adt'r lJ?r
Capitol '".;o., .;ortor-, Ill. Di-seussi on followed. Roll call vote., -'�. �.1.��.�m�rlan
Tr- ,; 1 l �' `! C i. ht ur:_"r, ?. _I!_'r' art.•.._..
11, _4J , she ;' , , ,
:Yr AlCierma'^ vn',?�:_' , u"Jre^�. A':�i�J a 1(: 2 r � � . 1`iOtl.On to ?'�rC[iciSe'' :�ndl.o-rd?ar
..1_ll(?r I?rarle a motion for adjournment, sC con'Fed b,, AlC'er_7c1r1 �nCier.
Oral vote. VW nani.noas. Canton CounC'_1 adjourned at R:n5
71—t11 Clerk.