HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-1958 Council Meeting Minutes CqA
S,,r)t. 2, 1958
nt. 2 4 - - Council
Canton Cit�, Councj.i convened at 7:33 on Se, 1�-)5)Fl in t`ie Cj
Present: IMay-or ',goods, Alderman Sel)re, , martin, Landry, 1-1i�ler, Jones, 14m.
Wright, iCurner, Slhelby ':.Trir 'rjj -?,
TT Loster TH-11, and A. rider. 11lbsent: %jone.
Citl;r Attorney Lawrence oiri vacation.
Alderman Tzir.-.er read the bills for the ;,'inance Go!,,iriittee and made a motion tnat
all. bills nronerly aT)r)rov,,-,d be allowed 'for nayment, seconded by Alc,ermian .Martin.
Roll call vote. A7 : Alderman Bender, T,
�Ilster Hill, ao-v Hill) She]-'v llri,jrit
Turner -'Killar, 1
Lu-ir ndr-,.7 TIartin, ano Sebree. !,T
i'Lotion carried.
Alderman Tliller read the bills for Liie "olice a--d Legal C0111 -ittees and made a
.motion that all bills nro�-)arl-y approved ',--)e allowed for seconded by
Alderman Jones. Roll call vote. AY r! A.10errrian Sebree, 1-larti-n., Dindrv, Miller,
Jones, Wm. 1dri, ht, -i'lUrner, Shelo, o' 7T_i.11 T
NA' - ''one. "I'otion carried. -ester Hill, and 3ender.
Alderman Turner read the bills for t ,,e Street, Alle- ao.d Sidewalx GomliitLee and
moved t1l'at all bills nroT-)orly, a,,-).,)rov(,,d �)e- alloTied •'or payment, seconded by
Alderman Tester. Hill. 11,011_ cal-1 vote. A"'-,': Alderman i3ender, Lester Hill
Roy Hill, Shelby lqright, Turner, Wm. T,&.- !-)I., Jones, iIill r, Lun(ir-, i-iaiL,t..Di, and
Sebree. L : !one. "lotion carried.
- -
Alderman Lester HI-11 read the bills for the he Fire, 1,1ater arid Sewer CoiTfiaittees
and made a motion that all. bills nroperl,- a -proved be al owed for pay ment,
seconded by Alderman Wm. Wrir-ht. Rol) call vote. 1"TE' Alderma ,, S' ebrec, Martin,
Lundry, 1-Tiller, Jones., Wrini. 71,1r1 c,lit Turner Dill,
• I , She-lby Wri.c.1-it, Roy 'Ell, Lestor
and 11ender. 'TAT : `ione. Motion carried..
Alderman Shelby,- 1sJrirllit read the bills for e T)
t� U, -1 1 rinti-rl(, C;xilriittee and made a
motion that all bills nronerly an-,)roved br- allowed for payment, seconded by
I I nt,
Alderman Sebree. Roll call vote. A`11?,- Alderman .Sender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill,
'Shelby Wris°ht, Turner, `,:lm. 1,1rir~'rt J on(�s I
'li11-ar, Landry, Mart'.n
4 and Sebree.
NA-": ?done. JjotLon carried.
Alderman Bender read the bills for the 13ilildi.-,,: and Grounds Comm-Ittee and made
a motion 1'on that all bills T)ronerl-17 an )roved The allowed for na-,,,mf..nt, seconded by
Alderman ,filler. Roll call Vote. Ayr?: Al-,?errrian -'-',--bre(,1 :Martin_, Landry, iAillerl
Jones, W,-1. 11riFl t, Turner, Shelby ',jrilgiit, Ro7,,- 1�jll, Lester Hill, and 3ender. NAY:
Ndone. 1,lotion carried.
Alderman Roy T ill read the bills for t1he (Barba Lr
11 - e Disposal Com�,iittee and moved that all
bills nroperly, a,-)-)rov(,d be allowed for navmerit, seconded by Alderman :3-.3nder. Roll
call vote AYE,: Alderman '3eneerl Lester' T-T:*,Jl Roy 'Till 'helb- `,,IrJ-ht Turner,
',1ril--ht, Jones, �Ililler, Lun( r,,�, 1�jartin, and Sebree. -TAY: 0ne. notion carried.
Alderman Jones read the bills for tT e T,iFhts Com:`aittee and moved that all bills
properly annroved be allowed for naym-.ent seconded b, Alderman Sender.
Roll call
vote. A"7,,- Alderman Sebre--, 11-7arti n T,I-nrin?
i,lliller, Jones, Vii. Wri-lit, Darner,
Shelby WriLht., Roy Hill, Lester Tfill, and Bender. NAY- none. Motion carried.
Alderman Martin read the bills for the Traffic Com;mittea and made a motion that
all bills Dro�,erly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Miller.
Roll call vote. AY s: Alderman Bender, pester ',]ill, T 0o,It
16 'Till,
Shelb, 1�°Jrjr-ht,
Turner, Ith. Wright, Jones, Miller, L,,)nd,27,-, Martin, and Se�ree. �one.
L Motion carried.
Renorts of the following Officers were read: Cit.,,, Treasurer, Cit-&, Engineer,
Super'-ntendent of Streets,, B-,,ilding Com•:issioner, Chief of Police,, ?platter and
Sewer Denartment, Water Treatment ?I-ant, Plumbing Insnector, and Sewage Treatment
Plant. Alderman Lester Till
11 moved that the renorts be accepted and :laced or
fl-le, seconded b7
Alderman Bender. Oral vote. AY1,4 .- Unanimous.
Mayor Woods then called for renorts of Standi-rig Committees: `done.
.z,ayor Woods stated that there were reservations of several visitin_ l-a-yors and
w fives to attend a luncheon to be held at the Canton Works Club followin-, the
Friendship Festival T)arade and 'he urged the Alderman to make the-i-r reservations,
Alderman Turner gave a renort on the nurcnase of a time clock and the matter was
then referred to the Finance Committee for further investigation.
Mayor Woods then called for reports of Snecial Corrqittees: None.
Ha- or Woods then called or Correcnondence:
A letter from Mrs. C. T. TTi-mt was read -protesting a 'Petition filed 01
n Auk. 13
regarding annexation of a certain tract I of land in the Eastern Star Addition.
A Resolution for the nermission to close three parking meters on South 1111ain
,T "An
Street near the �ational sank of Canton from 7-,')',-) A. 1-1. to 2:30 M. on
A bi to 12QOteaYe'�o?ntq qatujft�s was
t,pg�W`r�,,F on oe
r d rs aud fr Pee move esou Piria p,'SS101,M:`SA� " �Td�*02 adoDted, seconded by Alderman Mlartin. Roll call : Alderman Sebree,
Im ,aright, i'ur.ner, Shelby Wrig,it, Rod l Hill,
.1).ler, Jones, 1w.. 1
IIartin, Lundy:, _I -f-one. t�14otion carried.
Lester !Till, a -d Bender. - -1"1 1
I.,layor I.To orl S introd�_�ced 111r. Lewis., renresentin,,_- the Holy _\1;_uTie Society: bt.
4 that organization to ':i.old a Street Dance
1.111ary's Church who asked nermission for t
Sentember 27 on East Chestnut Street oetween the Alley and Second Avenue -- in
front of the Parish Uouse. Alderman Jones inquired if no bottles of beverages
be allowed to leave the refreshment stands won1d be nromised and was told
teat a-,:,- beverage leaving said stand wol,,Id be in naner containers. Alderman
Lester Hill moved that the request be granted, seconded by Alderman 111iller. Ora
vote- A'rE. TJnanimous. Permission to hold Street Dance Gra,ited.
A Resolution regarding Street 1morovements __ State route #V from L inn. and
V lent #1 --
lifth Ave. to I'Iain and Birch Streets being known as Improvement
Chestnut Street from Fourteenth Avenue to the present East City Limits being
'.mown as Imnrovement #2 -- and West Vine Street from Main Street to the
nresent West Cit,.,, Limits being known as Improvement #3 -- was read. Alderman
d into three separate sections, seconded
moved that the Resolution be divide
by Alderman Sebree. Roll call vote: AYE: .'alderman Bender) Roy Mill, Shelby
T 'Tiller, NAY : Alderman Lester Hill, Turner, Vllm.
Uric ht,':right, ones, ller, and Sebree.
V :lotion declared carried.
Lundry, and iliartin. (6 AYES a-:d 5 '� YTAY S
After some discussion, Alderman Jones moved to eliminate any action on Imnrove-
ment IT'l at this rq(-et-;-n,7, seconded by Alderman 1111iller. Alderman Lester Hill,
:roved that an amendment be added to that motion -- that no action be taken
until t',-ie 1,11avor, C ty Ittorney - _incll, -Board of Local lm.-)rove rents and
1, , City Coi
any interested Ci_ti_ze!-is of Canton had held a public meeting. This motion was
secondej by Alderman Lundry. Roll- call on the Amendment to _1,' T)rovemert I.
- -r li). WriClrit, Turner, Shelbl, 1.4right,
AYE: alderman Sebree, Mart n, Lundr-, , Ilil-l- , _ d
Roy T,Till, Lester Ull, and Sender. ',,!Av- : Alderman Jon-s. (10 AYES:- a.-d 1 'JAY
`otior. carried. It was also agreed that an Engineer from out-of-Canton be invited.
Alderman Sebree moved that tine Resolution for Improvement #2 be adopted, seconded
by Alderman Martin. Roll- call vote. A7E- Alderman Sender, Lester :Till, Roy
T-Tilli Shelby 1,1rir.ht Turner, Jons-rs, l'i'ller, Lundxy, Hfart_Ln, and
Sebree. 'TAY: "one. '''lotion to adont carried.Improvement #3 be adopted, seconded
Alderman Lundry moved that the Resolution for _11-m-o
b- Lester�ester Hill. Roll call.. vote. AYE! Alderman Sebree, 14artin, Lundry,
'':filler, Janes, Wm. 1,JriC0-it Turner, She lip �Jrjght,
Lester Hill, and
Bender. one. 'Notion carried.
Alderman 111artin made a motion that an Ord1nance for appropriate stop signs on
each side of East Chestn,-it Street in the Willis Young Addition V.,lere school
s be made, seconded b S
,' Alderman ender.
cii�_Idren enter and leave school busses tion of
Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Sender requested an inv(,,stiga
stop s-*,-.Fns in the v-,.cinit,,, of East Birch and Eighth !:venue. Alderman 1•iartin
stated this sho-�-.ld be incornorated in the above Ord4lnance.
Alderman Turnerrenort'l-fig, for V-1e :street, Alley and Sidewalk Com.,ittee stated
that t`ie Committee had decided to nurc`iase the End-Loader from the
Canitol- Co. of 1'Morton, T11. and made a motion that th*-s 1,nd'_-Loader :)e
nurcliased b,. City, s.�condcd by Alderman Un. 7;�right. lifter some discw.ssi-_)n,
a roll call vote was ta'-17en. AY ',16erman Lester Hill-, 1?oL, Hill-5 Turner, `.L
11�1.17_er, 1,1, .dry. Y: lilderrnan Sender, Shelby Ifiri, ht, Jones, "art'ri
arc' S,�b ree (6 A"71'S and 5 11TAYS) 7la.; or Woods declared the motion lost until
-)e �,a(l co, f,,-�rence with the C;it,,,
Alderman 1,,Tart�_n stated th�,At he had a request from Mr. Geode Kauzlarich, rf- )resent-
-to hold a "Forget-me-not" tag day start!--,- oil
in- V-ie Disabled Americari Veterans
Oct. 3 at 4:00 a, d end-I.-L, Sat. Oct. 4 at noon. Alderman 1,1artin made a
motlon teat this request be gran ted, seconded b,� Alderman 13ender. Oral. vote.
A' ',: '_na-nlyflo�is.
Sept. 2, Continued)
Alderman Hiller i nqu=i.rea regarding the extension of the water mains -- and
what was taking place to the finance end of this project. Mayor Woods informed
nim the Council was awaiting the Engineer's report.
Alderman Jones nov_:d that the Council adjourn, seconded by Alderman Miller.
Oral vote. AYE: Unan.im-pus. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:03 F. M.
'Bills allowehr no mint:
-r;T.117' T n CCO 70
Gen..Acct4 : Stamns 16.00 Dierdorff & Sons 300,00 ill. Later Renair 26.63
C.I.P.S.Co. 824.13 Drow Vardware Co. 1.17 Elliott's Shoe 113.28
Lee Cook 28.00 Elgin Sweeper 498.77 Cantor. Tire Co. 7.00
Campos Book Store 1.60 Elliott's Shop 8.75 Fullerton L,. "i--per 24.85
I11. ',ell Tel.. 17.04 Fullerton Liunber 1.00 Liv io Pog;�ioli 9.18
Yrancele Larson 301 00 Garbage Dept. 130.87 n� S 8r. n
g per_ urd Slack 2 0.
A.D. winter Agcy-. 0 H 2 Vitrified,
. .. ti � 5. � ) Geo.�.offman Sr.�r?.�250.�.5 t,:r�.. �z�:rif,,�o C01798.58
A.C.Shenle Son 2697-15 Tndustrial. Towel 1.30 02 4.3. 1
Dernarn W. Smith 2.90 Jarvis Welding Co. 21.20
White's Book Store 0.71 Arthur ��nowles 200.00
� r
� 5 Mason Hardware 59.0 1
Bldg. & Grounds: T. at'l. Disinfect, 134.47
.red Butkovich 41.60 Phillips Petroleum 71.65
Nomer Electric Co. 4.8f Sears.Roebuck A Co.82.78
Butch Jones 3.00 Shola�-a Gas 3-74
Harry Luker 3,60 Sullivan Auto Pts. 3.00
Eason 7ar6ware 7--44 - Swartzba "•.ielson114.99
.52 ?
Garbage Disnosal 127.19
ill. 30_1 Tel. 16.10 rIR:,rF,C ._,r, l. .
King Auto Elect. 3.53
L n W. I;otor Co. 200.50 Canton Paint int `;tore 12.78
Lock's Auto Co. P.00 Cantor"_ Ledger 5.70
Mac's Coffee Shop 10.64 Duro-Test Corp. 21.50
;�Iacon'Cb Comm. Serv. 42.95 Sherwin-Williams 165.00
Police Dent. 96.00 2 01499
Selkirk's 4.00
R. 'd. INal_lace 2.47
White's a T 5 r.rn SEWER i��?'���,
,��11tE S '�OO�C Store S.ZI.J gar: it :_ .1,_,�a�:� „_�. . :
Tll. !ell Tel. 24.70
FTR DEPT: C.I.P.S.co. 959.65
County Welding g Co. 3.00 Phillips Petroleum 86.40
E.D.Glazebrook 2506 Jarv' s Welding Co. 37 .82
Ill. 'fell Tel.. 3.20 Swartzbaug•h-Telson 19,90
Iacomb Comrr:. Serv. 10.00 Garbage Disoosal 52 .14!4
'hillins 0660 82 n ,_ e r � .08
3. tti�'te, s �.,00lcs
A.W.Wallace Sta. 10.65 Canton State :Bank 9.17
Welders San l;_ Co. 3.55 Babcock Job i'r'nter 5.80
Petty,- Cash K-2-13 TOTAL $13,869.65
G-ener,al Ftnd 225.00
GA1ACE D,S 'OSAL: lurroaghs Corn. 75.oc�
Canton `1'=i_re V.lc. 95.29 Harry Luker 3.09
Continental Oil Co.205.43 Melvia Trucking 122.40
Holbrook Chevrolet 8.95 Hach Chemicals 9.81
Miller Auto 3ody 1 1 .85 . arblehoad Lime 255.00
Livio no ,;gioli 145.00 Xroel l Unctri c 25.26
Soenny nil_ Co. 192.95 Qv;_lco, ':nc. 2.40
5wart,baugh �?� Vetson13.52 Socon�� I'lobi.1 il. 12;9.94 City Clerk pit
Zen Mfg. Corp. 22."7 Navy l rand. Co. 30.25
79 Canto.-, 5.70
S' II'I:, -z ALLEY: Gavenc?a Taros. 3.00
Bolon's Repair 0.40 King Auto s1 act. 60.38
Candon Daily Ledger 12. 00 Sanico 'Ifs;. Co. 265.74
Canton Sunnly Co. 53.22 IIa-,,ert-, 'giros. 79.95
Canton Tire Co. 03.85 Nat'l. Disinfect. 375.33
Capitol Tractor 36.00 utili t& Sales Co. 946.214
Cummings L Emerson 17.92 'Loo. Mfg. Corn. 111,30