HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-18-1958 Council Meeting Minutes >�t )p alt: Cnnncl �nt �arch 03 195 nt MY V. CiQ "A" Room'
noll call with 09 011owIX "resirt: :Ay no Woo4s, tvnrma- Sohrov, Z�pt!n'
Nmlry, :Allnr, ionic, Un, VINVO, T=qr, ShOP! &I - 4h, log 5111 la-,"
2bsart: Werman Nick a-d Lester 7111.
of t�, vp2— -a-q rp�K PM annrnved to he nlaced 00 f"e-
Fetition for of 21 acres of a nart of tbp SoAtueary nartor
of sec,ti— P.,), 12r,T Tns h 1,o 7 7 or th. On- a k 7a s t a f ��e 7 n vrt ' TV 1 c 1"" i
Oitvat, in On 0-nQ N Wtan !- hh- C"te Of Tlly "" -nr
P"O-O nP-0101"& nrOnerk yas aicn rc�"-
th,t AV, ne s7s-nn6p&, sic—IN b,,-
,v-, - , Alonin 7 ,vuer, aoy 311,
'Ir '75t, Nr=, Ui, K40t, Jones, !V31;r3 ]�nrx� , artin an warc-a. �Z
AlsqPwan Sabra*, xapttq humps, AUNP, Janaq, -ne. "
carrOd. Aloar-an t,-n., 7- wox :pq t�,K tve qrd. nnjco niac:od a) its nasnace,
,ocondy6 & Aporpaq ionnar. Ulz C& I VOte. Z Aiderion Sebreo, �arU�,
LmYW, 0111r, JOMO to, xl0t. Urror. Shelby WrIP't 110
mKor. VL-, Van, 1:otinn carriK. wo helat ird' qance ,Q.
A vatithon, 5ftV.thrne e:nj -Tops of the C of Canton,
for an increase in salaries uns read. HaVor .00ds reconnendeC Oat the
matter >a referred to t- Xnance Coanittoc, NO AttorneV a Cit Treasurer.
a: -)r - -s-
asknd jar re-orts of HapOng CowAitte
f-r ne nawr aAd So7or ter?'' jittoo, "a.7 nr inKs re-ort,& K at r.
irsufordi of thy Z041 IraNON, Ojr �r; pm TUN- , recnmnenOd Ow nc
water 11-e �- 5rouCht iq Zrai nate Gavto- a, tost %estnut Streat
than Aast Ash Street as OaAnad. AZt,, S,,, tisc�ss nq 1dr, inuard Cibbons,
Cit AnFlnper, jast chestnut Street as the ioElcal site.
1rawZoN an(..
Anenjan innas �wdc a antinn Oat t,o rocomwerOatinns K Er
yr, Gihbo7s reyardtw the line ba!�- rop �t in an East hest; HMO
A j.s aution disclaimer al a,-�, r',--its t,, o--.mersh-5--, of lots TO. 11 and 12
in Cdity,, t, the Cjt of cantn , 2wUn Count T11 r,' Ir
road. APerAan Lunfry moved that the Resolr0n , be adonted, secon-ca b-,
klo,rn,., It,, qyyht, aolT call vote. A727 Alderman 3ender, Roy 1211,
Shelb-,- I!r-*!-,- t, Turner, U1, I&iyvt, Jones, Ailler, Lundry, Hart in, aN
Sebree. 70 �onn, josDlutlon §216 adintod.
A Resolution for the Transfer of 15000.0Ci frcn the Sales 'Tax to the
Fire rrotoctOn Fund was read. AlCerna- Lundr: moved that the Ysolut o-n
bi adonted, seconded Q Alderman Turner Ralt call vote. AYE: Alderman
Sebree, Kart'--,--, D,,-n(!r-,,-, Miller, K-ps !11. Turner, NQU Wri ht,
Roy Uill , and ltinder. TA-7 "Done. es lute #217 adopted.
A Resnlution for the Z07eal of jesoluttou §215 was read. k finer man 5ebrge
made a motion to vdnnt the resolutKon, sacnnded by Aldermao Lundry. noll
.she ht
C,11 vote. Ay&: Alienaan Aender, Do,- "all-11, S, Jh-,,e Wrip , r . �
Jonas, Miller, iondry, part n, and Sebree. UN: Alderman Tvrnei, (9 AYES
and 1 MAY) . Kotion carried, This boi7i Resolution #218.
ANernar Turner reportad that Livio lo: Sloli 103 contracted to roac-a the
debris iron the oiC Canton Norks C1 nu lot for 11900.00 ana now an
additi-nal 1200.00 for fills in t4a vaca-L lot. May-v Woods regorted thn't
this nroblay had been solved.
A Resolution regardhnV nlaclar a street liEht on Hobhiso � Court (nole #C21%
was read. ANerman Sebree moved that the resolution N adanted, secon0d b-,,
Alderman Jones. Roll call vote. A77: AlCerman Sebroe, Martin, lnndr�, '
Taller, Jones, On. Nright, Turner, ShelQ Wright, 'Ljo`,- a2-,(I 3e-nOer. jA,':
7nne, ation carried. This being Resolution #219.
Oarch 18, 1,55, Cont.
A Resolution reZardUg nincl C street l&hts on:
Ave. 7 A State Mute j9 (Tole 105)
State Route 19 (Pnic 11219Q
West Mnnt St. (Me §1211)
Nest WaInnt St, (-ale §124h)
West ".,Tal:�-t,it -;t.
Mermat Sebree made a motion to adont the jesolution, seconded b- Alrler!,.an
Bender. RMI call vote. AV! der' i :nVer, 2a-;- Tlilll Wrgulf,
bTurner, M, !TQ�t, Jones, Killer, Lundr-, Martin, .:. 'd Sere,�. cyi
L Resolution #220 adopted.
Alderman Jones made a motiai that Me "Ordinanne Aelatlnn to Local Civi-I
infanse" he tablod until tne next Council mentinS, seconded by Merman
%Mer. Oral vote. M. 4nanimous.
Aldernan lender reported that Euge jo _',,tj-j-,7er had _�iade a request for the
Boy Scout Tro-n §04 to Pse the Clt2 Coun0l Room each Wcdnesda� eve ninr
.-rua 6:30 P. M. to 8:30 He made a aotimi that this request be
granted, seconded by Alderman Roy 7411 . Oral vote, KY7: -nanimous.
Alderman Turner renorted that Na, ir Woods, Robert Jonninrs, Street
Sunorintendent and he had met u" th we 17, V. 24 ler Comnany regarding
a Street weever. 'N stated tMt a Zour-cnbic-yand sweeoer could be
narchased Qr ;12 3 225.00 which included $475.00 fraig"t .. 01425.00 trade-in
allowance for old sweener, makirF the total cash cost �lqpno.n% or on a
rental oasis ON IN= ner month fro Virty-six months. .a or Woods
recommended that the Cl tY Of. Gantai advertise for sealed bids for such
sirvice. Aldenaan Torner maKe a notior that LM Cif advertise for sealed
171ds streat sweeper on a levsn a 'd also aq a cash basis, bids to de re-
ceivad by A-ril 1, 1752 at 5:00 P. �. a& oncied at the Anril 1 Council
meetinF. This motion was 3acond7d 11� - 3,ebreo. Oral voL,-:).
ia nLmo,is
Ar. hearie, 11anager M the D J!Qnj s cali Tole,ho .0 Co., Canton, r linois
introUced Pr. T00as Sutbles Vn re ,nrted on Ve nroject of Ivervasin,, '
telenhwe sDrvica 1v the City M CaM 'P. le requrted that t�-io co?:Ina,.,
W'shed to a0artise for bUs for underEround cahles --condnit to bo 2).�
incnes below sixface a;A want-d Me an-roval of the City Council for
tAis orojoct, He stated that tM Prujoct waald V under the s iervislun
of the 111inois !ell Talenhone Camm-,, a C, all work would be governed
by a70 State regulations. All nrcmaQ disturbed was to be
restored in original C ndition. After some Mscussion, Al der oan Jones
moved to 'rant nermission for tKIP work, seconded Q Aldermaq Miller, Holl
call vote. AY0 Alderman Sabra- , KaTtln, Undry, :-Iill:r, Jones,
Turner, Shelby !Vght, Roy 7ill, aqd ITA:': jone. Eotion carried.
Alderman Lnndr-- made a motion for seconded b7 Alaerman 7wnVorl,
Canton City Council adjoar-nec! a` ':2c'