HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1958 Council Meeting Minutes mr. 4, 1958
ontan City Conncil act at 7:qq j. o- Parch 4, -11--),,-�,,) in t'iP Cit;, Co-anci-t Room.
Roil call: vayor loods, Aidervan Sebree, Kurto, hunrr-, Elllcr, joies, Un.
1r t, Turner, Shs, ;rjj,ht, nq- TQ1 , "nstor !nil, a h "=Oor. "nsont-
Alderman Orim.
1:10,tos of tAe -revions mootIY7 war- rca& a-& ap-rryv-:d to - --lac36 On f--le.
Aayor Woods wolconcd nmlors of the 7moVvass a4. ofassiunal Janan's Clun of
tic Y, •, C, 1, who were visit'nF to CQV Council.
-.- rY1)nrtQ0 that t1derAnn ?7 c" a0 E. T . Janitr)r -,Tero co.)-f-,--,.--cd
to the Prahav Nos-ital.
'-Aa-- r .,',--ds called for P re-nort of hills irqn L following caEiit Leese.
LiKerman Lyndrn ran& tko hVils for oa 91-vnce Cua KtLaw an! maQ a motion that
all bills nronorly annrovp& on 0101" Aw -=qnt, seconded 4, Aldernan Us.
"Iri7ht. Roll call: A74: 06enAaA 2enKer Tester 7111 An; !ill, Shelb
4C- ,,ri ht, Yurner, 1ha. 101111t, Jones, Miller, Tim&w, art in, a-d Gebrco. TA".
Vona. Aotlan carried.
:1.1dorman Aillar read the bills tor the 101ce and lttn: ,_ a, TaNe a
motion tha� all bills -roperI7 no�roy ." he allowed Nor 7p7ient, seconbn6 0,
Lidermav Tdmdr-. to_ _ call, A77: AlVerxac Sabrq-, "artin, Tqndr:4 lillcr,
Jonno On. 1040% Turner, She%- cl0t, toy Nil 1 , Lester :1 ,1, a-d ?ciader.
Q7: "one, -ottns car-iod.
Al. orma- Turner read the bills for t.w ntreot, 0117 am sirewain avvlittq,�
aid rwvod that all bills vronerij a -nwy-C le alloya for -a7acnt, seconded b-.-
116erman RoT 7111. Roll CaY . A""i Alderman loader, Lester 'nil, 27: 7iji,
ll Turner, Oz. j-,� lier, Lnn6rj, ilartin, a Sebron.
�17: Vn"e, kotion carried.
AYerman Shelby '1 It read the bills nr the ?rIntinS Caiqittoo and nade a
motion that a!! bills nroverl- a-n.: Y b i allowed for eu
AlC err or Irtin. Noll Caji: A ,: 0r an icbree, i,a t-*,--,,-i,
jonoo On. jrUht, Trrner, Shelby 01: ht, 2oy Vill, Lester Vill, an? nendor.
NA-: Tone. _'Lotion carrind.
Alderman lender read tAo bills for t„ > 3n1ldjAp aM Sro)nOs Uon .002 a-,,-'
wade a notion that all bills nrnnorf an r be a ilo-.,ied for seco.n-ed
Q Alder jonvq. Roll call vote. AA�7 Alherman H--l!, Rcoy
Hill, SIvI57 flight, Turner, 0. Ori ` Q, Jones, AjIler, L,-Lndr-,, 1,arti.-'1, and
Sebree. TAN: 7nnc. Antion carried.
AlYerman no 7111 road the b0ls for the Carbage Disnosal Departient oY
made a mo0on that all bills nroaerj, aparnved he allowcd for 4y mzM,
seconded by Alderman Shelby Olrijt. Roll call vote. A`Q: Alderman Sebree,
Eartin, Lunrry, Ziller, innes, Wa. nrh ht, Tvrner, Shold: �ri ht, Aoy 1i)
Lester Hill, and %nder. =' : 71in, Nation carripi.
AlVermar Sobren road Qa b lls for tm Lichts Condttee and maon a motion that
all bills ntuna rly a nroved be a5lavoO for seconCed by Alderman
Martin. Roll call vote. AvE: Alderman nender, Lester Hill, Roy 011,
ST-iel',5-,,- Wr-I-,-,,ht, Turner, Ui. Wri it, jGnos, Zilar, Il art i-n, an(d c,e bree.
Tr` 7: 7one. Notion carried.
Alderman Joner read the bills f-r the TraZfic Do-artment aad made a notion
timt all bills nronerly ao"roved be wlowiad f:)r )a;,.ment, secandqd bV Alderman
AenOer, Roll All vote. A77! Alderman Sebree, Aartli, Lvndry, Miller, Jones,
J. UrQlt, Turner, Shelby 0" int, zw 9 11, 7a star 7ill, an& o0er. 70: Voin2.
Aotion carried.
AldermnL Lester Hill read the bills for the Fire, Yater and Sewer Coniittea and
made a notion that all bills nro-orly a9-Tnvc6 be allowed for nal-mant, s candad
by Alderman Rq- Hill, Roll ell! vote. A" > h1derman lancor, Lester Hill,
Roy Vill, Shelby lri-ht, Turner, 0. ntt- �K, Jones, A .11or, Lundr , Aartin,
and 3ebroe. 3TAY: Asin. Sotion carried.
Henorts n too following officers woro noad aN voted to oo ylac& nn 004
>Qv Troasurer, Chisf of Police, ircusurer of the fire Dc� artwcnt, G'`_ildia.-
Covoissioner, Su-)!'r of Qre3ts, llpmbinF insooctor, Water Treatmont
Tlant, Sewano Wreatment l-ant, and � ter and Sewer Danartment.
Mayor called for ranorts of Standing ConUt t ees-
Alderman Killer renorted that tbn "olice aN DoEal Comaittee has met a''ry
decided to son? two renresentatives to the Duncan Parking Meter snecial
instruction tiny to he hold in SprinrXield rm. �arch 12 anQ 13. 70 also
stat& t thorn And been sane discunsion regardinE roNction of -1 lcensr; Zec-s Z _r
AlOorman Lester 7111 rennrted that ao"bnrs of the Canton :oat Club had wa6e a
request to hold a boat race on June 29 at the Canton Lake. Tle oa4- a notim-
t'la t normission be _''ranted to the Oanton ?oat Club to hold the race an t4at
00, secor.60 by Alderman Tioner. Yho fact that men bers of the Canton •oat
Club were insured and that the Cit- of Canton would in no wa, be for
accNents wap stated Q,- 1:r. Ll(y.-rl "o-d-',en. lZoll call vote. A-0 Aiderman
oe-oreo, Jones it 4 Wrl! At, If tirner, _Rr
ha. Illor, 3
Hill, Lester U11, and Aa^der. T.iA_r 'ose. Eotion carried.
Na7or Nods called for renorts of Snecial Gain ittees:
Alder an Lester Hill renorted that there wEs no insurance on t'.10 fire tr-ac',_s
and statod that com-rohansive insurance could be nurchasod at the rate N 75,
ner •100.00. Mayor hoods informed the Finance and Water a Sewer Con.Attens
to meet and renort to the Council at the next meeting.
Alderman Lester Hill inqu.-*,-red if it ware not possible to remove tires off side-
walz and terrace from a certain -lace of business. Ae was inforned that this
merchant had been requested several tires to clean up the front of his establish-
ment. The 107mr referred the qatter to toe Ci"y Attorney, Fire Chief and
holice Chief.
A letter from the Junior Achievaaent of Central Tilinnis, 1ric. was read askinc'
neriisNon for use of basement Of the -Arlin Library for their meatinqs aid
1Q t manufacturing. Hr. Woods stated -teat the letk -r shonid bo Placed an
file and that he would ronly to this request.
Inc letter from the Canton Par4 District was read -- roquestinU Permission
to close ?,al Street frar Avenue D to Avenue E in order that f -Cher 6evelopment
of allace Part conid be Nade. After some discussion the matter was referred
t o t l_e ]':a;-or, City Attorne7, Cit7 1,inear aqd Street and Alley Conaittee to
consider smqe and renort to the next Co;ncil meetinE.
A Resolution raEardiny Additional Contract Street Lig)t%E was read. Alderman
Sebree renort d that 1i) coi,i,:iitto�, had mat at night and insDected the location
desiEnated in Via 'resolution -- he stated that Vne area was to cal, no trees
to hide view anc", tnat several of the neighbors know nothing of such a nlan.
He. then made a motion that his coiriraittee did not recomnend or annrove this
resoirtion but made a motion to adont this resolution in order to get same on
the Council alo T for action. Alderman Hartin seconded the motion. Roll call
ner, 11Ti.
vote: NZ: LiKerman ,ender, Lester hill, Shelby Wright, Tar.
Jones. ' �7: 2.1derman Roy hill, Miller, Undry, WartIn and Sebreo. (6 AYES
a 'd 5 -7kys) . Tiotion carried. This being Resolution 0215.
A resolution for the Transfer of Funds was read. Alderman Lund, moved that
the resolution be adopted, seconded b7 Alderman Lester Hill. Roll call vote.
Alderman Sebree, Nartin, Lundrp, Ailler, Jones, lvk(i. I'Trig
_,ht, Turner,
ae. 'I'llot.-i-on carried.
Shelby VNiQt, Roy Hill, Lester Ail!, aid Rvnder.
A Resolution for the purchase of the nblic Library on Fast Chest--,.-,-it Stroet
for to snm of 11.00 was read. Aldennan L,.i.ndr,., made .1 inotion that the
Resolution be adopted, seconded by Alderman Lester Hill. Roll call vota. AYE:"
Alderman nander, Lester Hill, Roy 1511, Shello,-,- ',%Jlri�;_'it, Turner,
Jones, !Aller, Lundr7, Martin, and Sebree. rone. Action carried.
First roadinE of an Ordinance relating to Local Civil Defense. After sane
discussion, Alderman Lester Hill recanmended that the OrUnance be tabled
nntil the Council had Line to nive soi-te thought to the subject.
2 9
1"arch �., 195f',, Continued)
2irst of an, '�'rdLnance to Local flo-)roveia,,nts ot. the C1t7, Of
canton, 7)rov!_d` ,'7 U,e local of certa*Lji -)orti-ons o-,.' `Torth `arl,
Dri.ve, Sycal-'iore Street a,)d 7orth, t'irs-u- 1. .enue t"ac- IT,71° 01, G'a�^tc_w, j_j_l1.?)o1_s
for .,)- a con.-ected s, stem of -)aver(_ a, -_6 0-signated "Canton ')ay.'Li,,-,- (W ar'lent
O. 5", M 0c, S','S�O`_ L
-All. Aldierar, T,itndr,, iiovcd, t ,tat r,,!-Ie, soconc;e(] b�-
m -ier. _'Roll c,,!! vote. A7."- I l0erjla i Sobree,, ;,art`:_, Limdlry, i,.I_ller,
J, S, T Tri,'FIt lf),i r l i e r S t C', fr1. r
n 1 'YJm�,er.
'.1otion, carried. Dind-7c loved V[Iall- t ")-oa-1-nance be placed
on its nas_-a,.,-P.1 scon(�ed b,-,- ._lderma,, '1-arner, Roll call- vote- 1116errman ..3cnder,
Lt.ster I T 111, ',' I.T,, i , T i t
'-it Jones, Ulillor
and S e br-_e ui,,e. o*t:*; on ca-,.rle_',. This be-ir,s, ..rd .,._ance #360.
Tirst readict- of an ',r6in_-nce to Local 'rI1, )ro1,,-emOrtp, o
C71 Vie Cit7 f
Canton, provi d` for the local 121iri.O,�e .�'i certal? T)ort-'� ons of Sr)r-i.cc street
I . L, ��)t
a,,id Van urep Court 1n t'ie C1 t;' of C,,mt on, -T mna c
_)rrd_nr', a c� ued. s,, stem
of -.0avemmt a^01. desi.-nated 1111'1�jntor. o. 5('!-1311. Aldeniiai Lester
TTII d the r,Jes, sec_),-.r1(�d b-/ 11.lde:c�-Ian Li,.ndn
I lrqa,�e a _ .otion to SUS end ;,. Holl call
, ) artir, 11,mdr- jon!3S, ?,,Tta. Dirner,
vote. AYE! Plldermia-i 1
Sielb,., "Tri ,tj It 071 11ii, Lester a T
,or A7 ),,e. -lot'-on carried.
d to _O �.nance on its mssa(:o, s.,,:�cond. d
AlCier)-oan Tester TI-1-11 ma(,e a mot*..,
b, Alr�p.man� ��-der. !),oil call vote. Bender, hester 11111, jlo�r
lartii-! anc"
e r W, ones r U�n,-
TTj l 1 Olb, i,r
0�_icl ot on carric,,cl . Js
read.! of a1 Ord-*.,ance norta�� t,-) 1,a c a. i nr ov e,,:i e n t s of -Ute CI, -, n f
"'anto-,1 for the local 1,:T--,-n-tr-i" :t ol' certa'm )ort."_m)s o:T,.-' -11"Lo Street,
'Nrelfth Chestnut "Areet, a U` .!,Yelnl_iie in tl,le of Canton,
a c -ic - C I 't anon I av-"-,ig
,j stei�� DJ -mvet,ient alLd
cte s,
1-:111rov'e,ment -.-:0. a S,ot tU sl,s7-)en( tide -fa _es,
sec `1,d b-: 10_derina I T,irner. noTl cla-1-1. vote. A::- iiart-I.r.,
Y .]_11,' -ues ter 1_111,
J_11,er, c Tr
m 'r-,-1 e S
d to
a-ld ilotion Carr 1, Aldc,�r,-ian tl-leln iaov,1.1
)lace t'e rc',�nance on its j bT,7 Alderman Ti-irner. Holl call
L;helj), ' rr' `it i' rner, W,,i
vote. A7i- "ondler d 1
t-, n carried.
Ljc�-,-, Dm.c2r- '12bree.
,XL 0 101
I'C 11e!-1 1 C 0 j!`joe_
117-1.rst r)f an 0,rd aa-Yc,,� -),�rta 1 `,_mi, o T, I
ocal oZ tilt?e C 21 j:
71 o
fur Via local 1, -,7t4
a or,
seflt:�l "i've'llin �1'1,2vont��l _'Te-nMO a �d Ar�A Vlr�
te -q
�P'. co'mected M.'s �)avu
.o. 5,(�-D 111r.er2,,iai T,e s L e r t`lel b7,
TA,noi--. -1oll call voLe• A
'r ir-ter Si1c j L, I Les s,IL r �'l I I
Ulle -, [)., ance
Tic-, carr! -an 'r n,
1T -31 �,-�r:-,an .1ol- v(A,�. A`
he ced on s
Tj, -lit
1J, C-_
e ri,, 1�c fle r aster _0
tU Cu-0
ocIJ i T" C j
4. a:
U , J_
rles_*_� 1 a7, 'C
_, Ster
C O�')Cl o,-i by Al r�e r i i a
e, a ot-� to sl,s -)e� r- cLil
71" mer,
erman Sebree, 1-1ar
T,.',, T 7 1 T 7T-,
FP 1 C-1.
oi CCY
)I (- sec,1-)ndr,d_
2.1(.-_rman 1—mIL-1 )r 7,_-D_, )o-
h- 1— (3-0. r) c�,,',
carri-,,cl. L e
1,s t r (I
4- l r ort ol-,. of :Opel
7 t
or s, L a 1 , )_�
- r f 4 ,
0. ct
'e. nian
v o
L ar-
'1-1 o t� that t't(-; e
rliar a, a i n c),i
L,)L Ca VC
-?laced, o-n L; t:)" -c .a,i a:
TI_- 71- 1 C11 1' 117-1 - i",=c— 1)t 7 on S
r 1, J V_1
A e r.,aa i :,'c.
,r a o, (j. AouIol, ca- '2J_S
7 1
,',r '365-
127Qr Woods rev art ed that o• %7 to M illness of Merman Swick, hR hN
aonointed Men= !cMer as tomnorarl Chmirman of Vc 3 Aldinp n-v Cro n 4
Con Mte ,. "a also rn-orted -that 'beca 0 of t he M Irnss of Vr. n. L. rasel,
Ar. Clarence Tr7le was eNvlwd as Q--orar- janitor.
AVerman iones revorted that Toy Scnnt Noo, jlqh had lost wl of their
oqninment n the Norks Club fire aM req"estod neriission to hold a taZ-day-
on ;kr& 21 and 22 to reolace tAoir eq,lnmant S they mkpbt atteM a count-,
wJQ cam n%7 trin An knrll, Marian Jones novad Vat nernizVon On rru0cd
fqr t- Ts raqncst, seconded by Alderawn nort! a. Val vote. 27 1 i mantasys.
Verilss0n nrantod.
renort& Lhat a garaEe wan VMS removed Non tqe b c.•
occopied Q Sears,Roobuck -- a recaxaen6ed that one )arkinf_-
Peter M renovnd from neav t"at site lr-i uc�,.er t4a,�t the new occupants of the,
MINInn- (06cer lumbing) have snac3 for loading aad unloading morMaidise•
Mayor Woods referred this matter to Mef of Police Lindzey.
Mernon Mr 90 renorted for t?n Lights Comnitteo -- a street lQV 4=3
boon recommended for West Locust Strent aid Manue U but a lipt —le wo71d
have to be moved before this could be accomplished . Lq,or Foods suggosto,.
that he contact the Contral Tilinois Light Cainany to have this work dDne.
�_a; or Woods also recommended that West '.'Jalnut Ltrent and VanDyke Erive should
have strut lights installed.
Aldernan Killer acted for oninions on the disnosition of Me 2ulton Count:11
Zarin nrn-PM 7, and after some discussion, it was decided that the Board of
S--grvisors should to e the QUM? sten toward disposition of same.
Alderman Lundry moved that the Council adjourn, seconded bl Alderman 3ender.
'ouncil adjourned at S:55 �. a.
' -,-',T,S 17JH
C;7:72: FilR.E UEPART LE_rT:
1-ildinu A Grounds: ill. Bell welenhone Co. 7.10
An. Past Control 15.00 Jarvis Welding Co. 1.4
Canton Clea , Towel Service 9,no Naco!A) Carnunicat-'-ons 25j
CnawinZs � anerson 3.00 ,otorola C )tf-L,:n,,n1_cat1ons
Custom 'raft Floor Co. 5,29 -H. W. 'J'allace Se vice Sta26.12
Jarvis Weldint Co. 5.00
Vason Hardware Co. (.n)
Sutto Poore 3-(K) DISPOSAL UTIT.
Continental oil Co. 208.66
D-X Sunra Oil Co. 180.93
Denartment: Duck island Sand 0 Gray. 66-72
Canton Clean Towel Service 4.70 Phillins PetroleuR Co. 9,17
ill. Mll 1 0one Co. 12,25 Livio PogFioli 145.00
NVE nuto Uectric 24,00 Peoria 'Hydramatic. 53)_x.22
Tonnoth L!ndze7y 11-30 Swart2baugh 7alson 31,02
Motor Co. 10.00 00.11
hock's Auto Co. 200.01)
cations Service 6o,00 STREET a ALLEY DEPT. :
Mica Devartiont VE,00 wanton Supply Co. 12-79
�1. W. ',.,,,Iallac(, Service Station 3.76 Canton Tire A Vul.c. Co. 77.81
-te's -jno,--, Store 1.00 Duck, Island Sand L Cray. 16,06
ft Industrial Towel A 70, 2,00
A.C.Shouloy n Son 420,hO Jarvis Welding Co. 23.15
P35151 Ning Auto Electric 1.50
- �eral: Eason Hardware Co. 10.95
C,1.7.S.Co. 807.77 Pschirrer Coal Co. 43.8,8
Ad. Directors,Parlin library 1,00 Swattzbaugh A KeMon 25.84
Geo. D, iarnard Co. ?.T 9
arandt Antomitic Cashier Co. 2.46
C.I.T.S. Co. 2.01(�
ill. Nil Telenkone Co. 10-39 Homer Electric 23.24
Irannello Tarson 24.00 Duncan Park inL Keter 474.13
-1511ins Treenhouse 5.00 _0727
Mite's 40 Store 1,00
Canton Daily Lodger 12-05
7_744 o 9
Varch 1a., 1?5?, Continued) -3
11"'IE L
Canton Clean Towel Service 2.05
Canton Daily Ledger 11 .45
Babco& job Printery 490.30
3=oughs Division Moo
Addressogranh-?Nlti7raqA 11-04
ill. ;Sell Teleihoae Co. 24.45
C. 1. P. S. Co. 1007.39
Garbage Demt. 24.15
Continental 2i! Co. 175.57
Higpirs Oil Co. 143.24
lop EcLumia's Store 16-45
Canton ransfer 119,0r)
Kroell 71ectric Co. F,Q)
Tnfilco P-05
fairbanks Norse Co. 21.75
John . 7arris, inc 442.75
Chriss Chon.ical Co. 193.75
-:arblehear�, Co. 255-0")
Stome Lime Co, 262-50
Shop 5-0-)
Snoon River Elect, Coov. 5.Q
Jarvis Weldi • Co. 2.25
mason Hardware Co. 5.19
Yational Disinfectant Co. 1F.53
7hillips retroleum Co. ( .20
Livio Poggioli 63-00
Yullerton I:<<mfber Co. NO
Ziami Steel Troducts 1666)
St. Clain � Son Shomim 5-34
Swart7baugh n Nelson 26.44
Josenh G. Pollard Co. 13.60
Hockwell Mfg. Co. 71-03
Atlity Sales Co. 250W�0
643 7.83
City C1_erk.