HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-04-1958 Council Meeting Minutes Feb. 4, 1958 Canton City Council met at 7:07 P. on ieb. 4, 1958 in the City Council Room. Roil call. Present: 111ayor T o"0 S, I�ermai Sebree , Martin, Sawicki Lun(lr-v Tliller, Jones, film. -IrJ--ht, ao-,,�r Mill, Lester T-Till, and Mender. Absent: , i,:, A16errfian lurner aril Sh elby 'Ir ht.. T lnates of tb-f-- nrevious rfieetl-n�, were read a-id aT)7)roved to be r)lacedt on file. Al,.-:er,-ian I,unor-,%, read the bills for the iOinance Committee and ifia6e a ,jjotLnii that all bills nronerly, -,.)e allowed for nay.menl.U-, s,I-concie ,r,� 11 lerman 3enider, Lester �Iill, J'Ll(`.er-iiai 'Sebrei,. Roll call. vote. A-L. C! T�T;-,[ on'S, 'r, Lun(Ir-e. -WLc.,:I I%artl-n, anc, L�I--bree. Hoy dill Wri,., ht I I" )ne. z ot' in carried. Alderman !'tiller read the bills for toe Police al, -a] •enart,laf-lt ar-6 --I that all b'[.1is :-)ro-)erl,, r)-rovad be allowed i:or -na,:m, nt made a snot -on seconded b-1, Alderman llni. Loll call vote. AY-Z: AlCerrnaift Sebrrll,'', r TTi' Lest(,_ ler, Jones, o iart-1 c:, Lllnrlr, a r! ,-,der T -r -"one. - ot*,-() carried. Alderfaai i-liller read the bl.l I rD fr)r t1le IStreet, and Sidewalks Com- aid made a iiiotion that all b:L--'-Is -,,)ra,)erl-;7 a)-)roved be allowed for 1; seconr,ed b,,,- Al('er.,.ian wester T Jl. !),oil call vote. Alder- man i4illar, Lundr-f, L)Wlc,-' man fender, Lester 'it, Jon��sl TIT 121artin, and Sebree. NO one. lotion carried. Berman Lester Till rea6 the -Q f)r the mire, and SmnTer r, ,artrrlc�:its and made a motion -t�taL all bills ,)roncrl-,, a--)--)roved be allm�Ted ".',)r -a;jient, seconC,ed Al�,!eryran !-Iencler. Holl call vote. A�7,j: Al(leriiian S`ebroc, �--ht, 1' - �-Till, Lester 11ill, I.iart-!-nl swic�c, 1,,,in(Ir,-, Jones, 'uTcri. Lo� - a ')ender. `,TAY: ',Tone. 'Iot-'Lon carried. Alderman Sebree read the bill . s for the -rinting Committee and mare a mot-1-a'n that all bl-TI-s nronerl-v an,)roved be allowed for nay ment, sec )nded by Al(Ien-qa,,i 7,11artin. Roll call. vote. ATE: Aldiernan "ender, Lester Hill., Ho", -:Illl !,,Im. Wri,-ht, Jones, L-Linc.r-, , WJLCl{, 1111arti-i7, a.id Sebree. one. I otion ca Tried. Alrerma ;.)'adder read the b _I S 1()-- tl.e '3uUdingy; aiiCi 'Uroun6s Com,�Iittiee D-oroved be allowed for -)a,,, nrier,tl and ma,Ce a, mot' n"' th.at all- bill-�-, --)ro,�erI., ar secs oc", q.7 lliltlerman Sw-'Lc,..-. !1 )111 call vote. A,ri,: Ai(.',erriia,i Sebree, Jon,:s !it. Lester TIll, an,,i "W": `one. I`iotl-cm carried. Alr'errqari Ro,7 7Till rear; the b'' Lis .`or Carba�-,e 'is,)osal L 11 1:� ai-i,! !-.a( e a motion that all bi-I-IS a-ooroved be allowed for Tlill. I Alr', i-,na- 1� seconded b-,, alderman LeSt��r -Qoll cal-- vote. 1. " 1 � - 3erld.er L?ster TIM, Wm. Jo);,,s-,I lj,;i.Iler,, T;and r:,,-, Sw--'Lc :Martin, and Sebrea. -(!or-ran 'k iart read the W-Ils for the Lights gCommittee and ,,,.ade a m C)t 1-on t1lat all "o-I-Ils nrn-nerl- a-onrov3d -'De allowed for na7,rient, s-,co-q(':6d ql Alderman Sebree. Roll call. vote. A`I'i,- 11-c-lerman Sebree, 2Iartin, Swick, TTill Lundr,:, "I-�-Iler, Jones, ."p,.. 1,1ricAA Lester "Ill, a end.er. )n carried. Alderman Jones read the bills for t,)-- 'I'ral"fic De^artr.qent and rlliar3e a Mat all b-II-Is are --)roved be allowed for oa-me�it, s.-;cc)nced e r Le s t, Holl call vote. AT,-7- Alcleri7,,ian �-�,,ncer, -,-T i l-1 , i- -T ) ., c.: I,artin Sebre-�. 7.Iri,-',it, Jon--,s, r -1-11,1( �,�wi one. T i(:)ti on carried. I i Lontal-i- re ,orts of - e C-It- Treasurer, Chief of .` )-lica, Treasurer of t' e me-', Scwa,,-,-e -2ii-(-, '-�enartl-iil-nt -1,s,-ector, Tater L'-)ewer Denart. riu Flland and ',:R-Iter fraatment Iarlt were read. IL16er1,.-,an T,(,ster Hill made, a motion that thm,! lee accent e,61 a-�',O. -TacA o,i fi- " ,corljed by Alderma_r-j Tandr-,,. V;>rbal vote. Z-7'.- na--i I m o!J,s. o t ion carri'-,O- 00,1-Jt- tlien as',(-d f )r re -Orts of ...--,,,ees- 2 c TJ 'Iderman Joni s re-v)rtedl, t-,,,,t a 0Z the "hi-cai,o "otor (.iI,ib would tr,, to arran-,c fora ().n _'eo. for further sti.,6,,- of C—iton's Lrafi'ic o AlrlE'ri,ia Lester I re­ortxi oi, 'h 3 9 w tui the -ter ariC Sower and 1,,-'Lnance Cofil,littees. esti,itated cost i )r new water lines, ma*_1­is tower u ),!Td :,e ;523,001_1 cost oC .13.910(Y) for t1r]e exnansion o t'i e S ewar-e Treatm�nt T11-)e c o�?,z titteel at t1i_`_,9 tiMel rc­co: Lended that ore ,,TaLt-,r line ill fro,i (, !D at a', ai,,-)roxl��iat-e cost o.j_ r-! T IT! AlOerna ester _11 i-iiacie a -.'ot�­)-fl t`tat tle "it- cons-*6er extendinv o,.,e water -,�iain Lake !,'snton to tlie CIL-b, of Ca.,iton a-,­)rox1r11ate cost to be 139 3, ,000. ��econ(,ed Alderma.ri '.j,�i. ,Jrir-ht. Holl cal-1 vote. Alder- ,-qan Sebree, `'artin, C, Lundr,,, Jones, df-,i 7,jricht Lester IT-1.] 1-1­ _I and 3nder. i(Yn el. for cons1t.deratlon of this nroject carried. Alder­.a'1 Sebree incrtired a�) )ut the Lnsmr ct'Lon of oi)r water a-1c, was i,,)fori;ied b'!at swme ha,,; beei, (31')ne in t?te. fall- of 1957. Na or Woocis state6 tliEit several ci-ti-se,)s recet-itl,.7 ta,1-e, i.nto t,)e Cit, of Ca, + _to,, �rerc aboi,t t,!,e 2rarichise still h,'­]d t. with ie tele­)ho-e L I co?i,i:-)any -- chargir.,C teler-)ho,7e szar-v,_ce ))lus e fec"s. %a or ';.!0"')_s rece',itk- talked to Lieade 't-1 01 111e, ',anton Illinois ',,ell Tele,)Irion- Co., and, if satisfacto7,r )lans are no il, u_it- soon, rie S 1,,; :asted thaL t'ie C-1.t', ,,ttornel iristrttct the Cari:iierce Com::iiss.ton to cor rect same. Alder- man Lester '?ill mac-1-e a ­,iot�.on that. -I..;- n,-cessai7,, the Cit- Attorney be instructed to contact Cle seconded b- Jones. 'Holl call vote. A,7-, 1.1der-ma.n _,nder, 1,esGer Pill, po', 14,m. ,,,!riTht, Jones, lililler, Lunrir- Swic!{, 11,lartI.n, ai(, Sebree. NIC ryle. 1,jot4 on carried. AlcCerman Jones Jnqiiired abo,lt the Jaeger b J_ldin,,, on Linn and Fifth Avenue Mr. McMunn recorted that the ',J-X _.X11 Co. have ­laps to bijij.di a new 'filling statIon on t'�at ­)lot. Al,ler.,nan Lester TTill mentilon,,_}d 11,1Vtt t'l.e Cit'. wol]A have to hold an election if they chose C'eneral Obli,�;at o,i aiid in that case, it would be _dvisable to vote to increase Vae 2ire ''rotection fund from one mill to two i..,as read A let e r ';-'ro,-,i the -Div-1-sion of FArcgard�!_nc, t'le ref,,ulat'_�)n of s-.)e,,d limits on Routes 9 and, 78. Instrt%tct_ion- t,) lace ti-ie letter on file were given b7L,- 111rayor Woods. A letLer froili the Kerasotes Theatres asicinF, for a -ceduction ol` 1,'1unic_h-)al 'lax was reac. ­a­or Woods referrecI the mat6er t,) the :'olice an(' Legal Co,.,,1;iiittee. A Tlersoi-�al Inlur, action fro:.j '111T)orfield a i(! 'Chinerfield renre sent ing E,stella I.T. Tlu( ,,J-Lns, 550 Anderson lace, Cant Tll. was rear]. ilrlerman Lundr7 made a mot-!.on that the i O_t,I-ce of Inju_nyll be "lac,�d on file, co- nded s e by Aldernian Jones. Verbal vote. AYI�- 1,,'nanijrtous. D_one. j,iotion carried. A ITI1,esolut-1-on for the Transfer of i+unds was read. Alderman Lung7,- moved that the aesolution ',.,o adonted, seconded b-v Alderman Lester Hill. Iloll call. AYZ: Alc4erman Scbre�,, Martin, _`Wic1t<, T_izi(,r Jones U'l. T,1ri,r,,ht, Ro, !7 �1 ,, Kill, Lester a:-�, 1)�_,nder. ��;A None. illotloi carried. This bein,- ?esc-,lution #212. Mrs. Dewel; _tPillingham. intro&co6 11',Irs. Leota T inc-,enfelter, re-presenting the Eagles Auxilliary. She asked oeri,,qiss`ion for that organization to hold a Tag Da, r on 'Iarch 22, 195x' for the 1)ui-tof It af i*l.iscalar T;istrc)T)lr Alder.man J-)nes mac I;e a r1otion that the request be, c ranted I s ec onded b-, A) derman `Iartih. 7,'erbal vote. AYE; Unanimous. 'Por:-iission granted_ Dale "oore, a local- -routh addressed t4l­_ Council a­,d asked nariiaissioi to -1 the `-,arlin Librar:,, for a )i1b'1J_c ziuseui,,i. After some discassion, ase a �ort� o­ o-L it. ijaF to advise 1-1r. IToore of t'ie-ir intentio,is at a later Cate. 'Ail Alderman Martin stated that Canton has no Ordinance for Drunken Drivint and re£e=eda copy of the Ordinance and penalty from Kewanee. Mayor Woods recorrunended that the City Attorney draw up such an Ordinance to be read at the next Council meeting. Alderman Lundry made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Swick. Verbal vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned. at 8:13 P. M. BIi_,T.S ALLOWED FOR F17M sNT 30 THE CITY COT NOIi.: BLDG. GR:!!NDS: STREET & ALLEI! DEPT. : Custom Kraft q16.29 O.H.Biersdorf 03.00 Mason. Hardware 1.58 O'armers Cooperative Grain 6.76 Sutton A Moore 33.66 Fullerton Lumber Co. PE-39 Canton C1�an Towel 30.60 International Salt Co. 6f'.�+2 ;Mason Hardware 14.15 Jarvis ,,telding Co. 34.88 _70-IF King Auto Electric 49.98 Mason Hardware Co. 2.28 FIR'F DEPARTI�`EiT; Sutton Aloore 39.32 County Welding Sun-lies 3.50 Swart.baugh & lelson 69.09 T11. Bell Telenhone 7.11 9962612 Jarvis Weld _"g Co. 32.20 ,Macomb Connunications 5.00 1l, ER A SJ"WAH DE70T ;PdT: Standard Oil Co. 30.19 Canton Clean Towel Serv. 5.10 R. bj. l,Jal-lace Service 7.57 Canton State Bank E.61 7057. Petty Cash 20.6 White 's Book Store 7.44 SARBAG:, D SOOSAL DEPT. : 3urroughs Corgi. 13.02 O.H.Biersdorf 5.00 Addressograph-i,ulti_Craph 11.52 Canton 3attery 1 Elect. 4.43 Ill. Sell Tele phone Co. 31.79 Canton Tire � Qlc. 1.50 C. i. P. S. co. 937.88 Continental Oil Co. 209.53 Garbage Department 20.70 Cummings A Emerson 16.45 Continental Oil Co. f .20 D-X Sunray Oil Co. 458.00 Jarvis Welding Co. 5.25 Phillips Petroleum Co. 72.15 l-iason Hardware Co. 2C!.54 Livio PoFgioli 145.00 Swartzbaugh a Nelson 26.29 A. C. Shepley A Son 267.60 Hossetter Ford Tractor Co. 30.00 Sears,Roebuck A Co. 95.25 D.J.Mahoney co. 267.05 Swartzbaugh :? Nelson 15.94_ Kroell Electric Co. 10.`:0 1293.85• Currunings Emerson 1;_,.93 2a_i.rbanks ?_ _ orse ,_ Co. 408.66 GE72RAL FUND: Nat'l. Disinfectant Co. 307.57 3abcock Job Printery 46.50 Hach Chemical Co. 21.95 C.I.P.S.Co. 803 .33 Chriss Chemical Co. 183 .75 ;Varnus Book Store 4.50 ;Marblehead Lime Co. 262.50 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 9.30 Swearingen Wholesale Co. 9.45 r rancelle Larson 24.00 Harry Luker 9.0) A. C. Shepley A Son 159.30 Canton lumb _ig Co. 6.0 White's Book Store 29.35 Ca-itol :,`� 71,eatir2 ; 1G2.1�_ 1076�.27 i'zllerton Lumber Co. 39.18 ia- Co. 3.83 P Ri>I'`TG METER FIND- nueller Co. 275.33 Canton Daily Ledger 5.70 ':nlsbach Core. 63. 3 Duncan Parking Meter Co.474.13 '-tilit Sales Co. 342.08 0903 d1. _ 'S 3, Clow A bons 26 o n(1 ALICE DEPA T''iNIT: Otis 3eadles 2.80 ill. Sell `1'elenhone Co. 12.10 Kenneth A. Lind.zey 14.00 Lock's Auto Co. 200.00 L hi. Motor Co. 6.50 Total bills -- $103400,61 Canton Clean Towel Serv. 9.40 Macomb Communications 40.00 Mason Hardware Co. 23) ,Ini_te l s Book Store 70.64 Police De-nartment 18.00 R. W. Wallace Service .83 _ Cit.1 Clerk - -- - 377.1 - :uiiaiams Snort-i_'1` moods 66.90