HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-05-1957 Council Meeting Minutes f The Canton City Council met at 7:08 P. M. on Nov. 5, 1957 in the City Council Room. Roll call with the following present: Mayor Woods, Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Tink, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby ?Aright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. Absent: None. (Alderman Swick arrived 7:18) Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Miss Janice Howarter, acting City Clerk and were approved to be placed on file. Alderman Lundry read the bills for the Finance Committee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Wm. Wright. Roll call vote; AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Tink, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Swick, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: none. Motion carried. Alderman Miller read the bills for the Police and Legal Committee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Martin. Roll call vote; AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Tink, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Fill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. Motion carried. r: Alderman Turner read the bills for the Street, Alley and Sidewalk Committee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Jones. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Tink, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Swick, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Lester Hill read the bills for the Water and Sewer and Fire Depart- ment and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for paya ment, seconded by Alderman Swick. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Tink, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Shelby Wright read the bills for the Printing Committee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Tink. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Tink, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Swick, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Bender read the bills for the Building and Grounds Committee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Swick. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, killer, Jones, Ti4, Wm. Vlright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Roy Hill read the bills for the Garbage Disposal Department and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Ro,r Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, `pink, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Swick, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Sebree read the bills for the Lights Committee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Swick. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Tink, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. I'°lotion carried. Alderman Jones read the bills for the Traffic Committee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alder- man Sebree. Roll call vote. AYE,: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hi11, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, 'rink, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Swick, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. Mayor Woods welcomed the students who had been elected to fill the City Officials roles for the meeting and also expressed appreciation to the various service clubs sponsoring the "Youth Appreciation Week". Each student was seated by the official he was representing and assisted in the work performed by that official. r�- Monthly reports of the City Treasurer, Water and Sewer Department, Sewage Treatment 'Plant, Water Treatment Plant, Chief of Police, Building Commissioner, CityEngineer, Superintendent of Streets, Treasurer of the Fire Department, and Plumbing Inspector were read. Alderman Lester Hill made a motion that the reports be accepted as read and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Bender, Verbal vote. AYE- Unanimous. Motion carried. Alderman Jones reported that in the ?past the average of two accidents per week occurred on the square but since the traffic lanes were put to use there has been one accident reported in the past five weeks. Gary Peterson, acting Mayor, read a letter from Mayor W. Paul Woods, regarding the 56-hour week for firemen beginning January 1, 1958. Mr. Woods stated in his letter that the ordinances of the City permitted him the authority to make recommendations to the City Council and, therefore, he was appointing a committee to investigate the situation and report to the council. The committee appointed: C. L. Fetterer, Chairmen, James F. Scott, Charles L. Martin, Jr., James Shaw, Floyd Emerick, Roy Scalf and Gordon Simmons. Mr. C. L. Fetterer was unable to serve and James A. .Murphy was appointed in that place. Mr. Roy Scalf accepted chairmanship of the committee. Alderman Turner read a letter from the Board of Trustees of the Methodist Church in appreciation of the cooperation of the cit1j, employees and made special mention of the courtesy of Robert Jennings, Street Superintendent. Alderman Turner made a request that street lights be replaced at the corner of Pine and Second Avenue. Mayor Woods recommended that the Lights Committee investigate this matter. Mayor Woods stated that the Liquor Com¢uission recommended that an ordinance be drafted restricting feminine bartenders unless they owned the tavern or were the wives of the owners. fie also recommended that the age limits of patrons be investigated. Alderman Lundry made a motion that the Liquor Commission meet with the City Attorney and draft an ordinance restricting feminine bartenders, seconded by Alderman Lester. Hill. Verbal vote. AYE: Unanimous. Motion carried. Mayor Woods stated that it had been the custom to sweep the streets around the square early each morning and recommended that Chief of Police Lindzey investigate the practice of many of the Canton business firms of sweeping their refuse into the street after street sweeping had been completed -- and to put an end to this practice. Alderman Swick recommended that the Yield Right of Way Signs as Gassed on the Council floor in September, 1957) be placed on the corner of Johnson Court and Cass Place. Alderman Roy Hill made a motion that an Ordinance be drafted demanding a deposit of $10.00 for residential district and x`20.00 for business district rental property for water, seconded by Alderman Turner. Verbal vote. AYE: `Unanimous. Motion carried. Alderman Lester Hill made a motion that the property on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Linn Street (owned by Jaeger) be cleaned up even if a court order was required, seconded by Alderman Swick. Verbal vote. AYE: Unanimous. Motion carried. Mayor Woods referred this matter to Attorney McMunn. A resolution regarding the transfer of Five Thousand Dollars to be trans- ferred from the Sales Tax Fund to the General Fund was read. Alderman Lundry made a motion that this resolution be adopted, seconded by Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Tink, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: alone. Motion carried. This being resolution #210. Alderman Lundry suggested that the Lights Committee check on the need for a street light at the corner of Avenue H and Locust Street. Mayor Woods instructed the Lights Committee to investigate and made the proper resolution. 27 ( Nov. 5, 19573 Pg. 2) Alderman Lundry made a motion that the Finance Committee be instructed to purchase Public Liability Insurance for the streets and sidewalks -- Approximate cost of same to be $2200. per year on a valuation of �100 POO.00 -- actual cost of this insurance is based on the miles of streets and sidewalks in the City. Motion seconded by Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. AYE Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Tink, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Swick, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. First reading of Ordinance pertaining to printing of new Ordinance books. Alderman Martin and Attorney McMunn had some discussion regarding the printing of same. Mr. McMunn suggested that the Ordinance Committee meet with the Babcock Printery and make their report at the next Council meeting. Mayor Woods instructed the committee to do so. The Street and Alley Committee met with individual owners on Van Dyke Drive regarding opening that street -- these owners making a dedication of a portion of their property for the opening of a street: Sheldon and Margaret Ann Orwig, Norman A. and Barbara L. Nickerson, crank D. and Lila Lee Mistic, Pasqual and Josephine Boetto, sirs. Myrtle Van Dyke, First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Peoria for Sheldon and Margaret Orwig and James E. and Donna J. Greer. Alderman Lundry made a motion that these dedications be accepted, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE:- Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundr.-„, Miller, Jones, Tink, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby 1%Tright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Turner excused at 9:00 P. M. Mayor Woods introduced Gary Peterson, acting Mayor, who, in turn, introduced the acting members of the City Officials. Each student gave his or her interputation of what the Council meeting meant to him. Alderman Miller responded to the students and invited them and their parents to attend any of the Council meetings they desired. Alderman Miller recommended that a large Christmas Tree be placed in the Jones Park. Alderman Jones recommended that this project be referred to the Building and Grounds Committee. Mayor Woods stated that the Building and Grounds Committee should report their findings at the next Council meeting. Mayor Woods stated that a request to hold the annual "Buddy Poppy Day” on the evening of November 8 and all day November 9, 1957 had been made. Alderman Lundry made a motion that permission to hold "Buddy Poppy Day" on these dates be granted, seconded by Alderman Swick. Verbal vote: AYE: Unanimous. Permission granted. Mr. Waldo Sebree commended the various organizations for participation in the "Youth Appreciation" Program this week. Alderman Lundry made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Alderman Swick. Verbal vote. AYE: Unanimous. Motion carried. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:23 P. M, BILLS ALLOWED FOR PAYMENT: BUILDING & GROUNDS: FIRE DEPARTMENT: Public Lounge: J. L. Andrews $ 1.47 Canton Clean Towel $34.20 County Welding Supplies 21.x.5 Canton Plumbing Co. 29.67 Cummings & Emerson 17.10 Lewis Pharmacy 5.15 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 5.05 Swearingen Wholesale 11.80 Macomb Communications 5.00 Div. of Boiler Insp. 7.00 R. W. Wallace Service 24-181 City Bldg; Am. Pest Control 10.00 GARBAGE DISPOSAL: Am. Pest Control 597.00 Canton Supply Co. 7.10 Bolon's Repair 112.35 Leon Ch.evillon Oil Co. 15.00 C.I.P.S. Co. 2.00 Continental Oil Co. 207.24 Fullerton Lumber Co. 6.73 Cumm�,_ngs & Emerson .67 Mason Hardware Co. 1.92 D-X Sunray Oil Co. 322.60 Swearingen Wholesale ' 1.03 Phillips Petroleum Co. 120.72 818.85 Livio Poggioli 145.00 Swartzbaugh & Nelson 18.86 _ I GENERAL ACCOUNT: Livio Poggioli 1,6114.31 Canton Daily Ledger $107.10 Garbage Department 37.92 Campus Book Store 1.60 Jarvis Welding Co. 2.75 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 12.45 Swearingen Wholesale Co. 11.17 2rancele Larb.on 36.00 C. I. P. S. Co. 13065.51 Petty Cash 37.12 Sutton & Moore 4.144 Surburban Building Officials 1.10 Mason Hardware Co. 8.21 Post Office 30.00 brow Hardware Co. 1.95 White's Book Store 1.14 Harry Luker 1.140 White's Book Store 25.95 Kroell 1lectric 55.60 2 2• Cities Service Oil Co. 58.17 LIGHTS: Midland Laboratories 37.37 C. I. P. S. Co. X810.83 Elliott's Machine Shop 35 Miller .95 POLICE DEPARTMENT: Canton Transfer 119.00 Atlas Camera Center 7.97 Harry Whalen Glass Works 7.40 Otis Beadles 2.80 Rossetter Ford Tractor Co. 19.73 Matt Bohler 5.60 Hays Corp. 12.214 Canton Clean Towel Service 9.40 Hach Chemical Co., Inc. 4.47 Canton Paint & Wall Paper Store .98 Burgess Manning Co. 15.00 Duncan Parking Meter Corp.- 498.88 Menke Stone & Lime Co. 262.50 Farmers Cooperative Grain Co. 9.45 Ted S. Hill 150.00 Federal Laboratories, lnc. 100.00 Fullerton Lumber Co. 55.31 Garbage Department 155.25 Liverpool Materials Co. 7.15 Ill. Lell Telephone Co. 19.55 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Co. 117.75 L & W. Motor Co. 5.00 South Side Foundry Co. 159.40 Lock's Auto Co. 200.00 O. H. Biersdorff 13.52 Macomb Communications 149.84 Canton Paint & Wall Paper 2.20 Police Pepartment 86.00 Utility Sales Co. 1,006.56 M. C. Porter 13.60 Butler & Associates 32.95 -Traf-O-Teria System 590:32 Rockwell Mfg. Co. 74.88 Universal Traders 24.6o :Mueller Co. 37.33 R. W. Wallace Service Station 1.00 Addressograph-IMultigraph Corp. 81 .91 White's Book Store 2.10 153220.18 PRINTING: Canton Daily Ledger 12.60 STREET & ALLEY DEPT: Austin -Western 33.13 Bolon's Repair Service 12.50 Canton Paint & Wall Paper Store 13.18 Canton Plumbing Co. 1.25 Canton Tire & Vulcanizing Co. 27.00 Cummings & Emeraon 7.21 Duck Island Sand & Gravel Co. 620.62 Garbi;ge Department 117.39 Geo. E. Hoffman & Sons, Inc. 2140.13 Industrial Towel Service 3.89 Jarvis Welding Co. 114.51 Kammerer Concrete Products 332.94 Mason Hardware Co. 3.07 Oaks & Sons 1,268.75 Selkirk's 5.25 Sutton & Moore 1•87 Swartzbaugh & Nelson 62.30 Ghlee Watson Trucking 92.148 Harry Whalen Glass Works 14.10 TRAFFIC DEPT. : Canton Paint & Wall Paper Store 20.12 ✓��:G�--� Homer Electric Co., Inc. 35.87 City Clerk Illinois State Penitentiary 132.00 Mason Hardware Co. 4.05 Surfacer & Paint Co. 182.500' Dun?aft Parking Meter Corp. - j� Tra -O-Teria System 1064.45 WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT: Utility Sales Co. $ 10,000.00 Canton Clean Towel Service 5.10 Canton Daily Ledger 11.15 White's Book Store 4.80 Petty Cash 26.21 Babcock Job Printery 11.75 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 311.65