HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-17-1957 Council Meeting Minutes 2 6 ,1
The Canton Cit,, Council met at 7:35 on 3c-)t. 17, t-)e Cit-
CO: lcil Doom.
Roll Call: 'res'ent,• l,,a'7011
Wo o 0 "llaier-a-1 Sebree, Ilart, 51,11 C1,71
1 :,11iller, Jones, T�*:n!- Shelia �hL, H oy 'Till)
Lest�,,r Hill,ll, ancl '!,'erria Lun(.ir,. , a,),' Lai-i-rence
".1-IMtes o1' the nrevin,,,s meetir- f,jere read an.d a,)nroved Jor
Woods, ast.ed for re-orts on, Vie sta com,littees:
Al,�.erman Jones, Chairman of tl-i.e Traffic Com.,,littee stated that he had
,Met wl.th the I'layor, Street 1-te-n.dertl, C'it'-, .I,,1. T
_!neor, -aff-1 c
Corq, tLee and so,je of Vie nol-Lce officers and reco.,Tqended these traffic
1. That there a, arrcF,.,T o�, osiue (1i' Uquare des1(_,n1,-i.n, 11 _e
lane for throurh traffic fD:i Street a .d another arrow� oil the inner
lane of traffic f,,-)r vehicles t) remain nn tl,e sq„.,re.
i �).'n e S
2. That the west sl.de ()C "irst I.ver,,ue betweon street a, d t
1 (;:11 area.
3..-road be made a "no
;�T T1
That t,,e 7. r 2ifth
cor-ers of Locast Street a.
Mvenae be rounded to a1A t )e 11-raf fl-c.
14,. IN-)at off-street narbl-j,!l,i r�::>:Lera ,e stti i ed.
5• A chan'n-e of sneed IiIril 1- ',�_Ist Ltre�A fro !
_ t I U � _ - 4") to 30
"ji.les ner hour.
6. A sneed limit to be )laced on I S t Li
7. That two-hour nar!rir,c �robleiiis be coosidered.
'lclerman To-eS
made a rot ion t1hat t"-,.e above recommer,,dations e made on
a trial bas,;---. -Seconded by «ldpr _ender. `011 call vote:- A-Y
Alderman 'wonder, Lester 'Till, Ito'. Lill., .)v
Wri(,ht, TI-t,' T v
Uones, i�_T_Ier, ilart-1-n, a:--d Sebree. -,e.
f1otion carried.
Alri,=an Jones made a mot 1r)n that an ord.1-rian(,e :)e drafted to abolish
all two-ho,,.r -arl�*Ln,- s ,-,,,ns. __co!'-r3 01,/ .11.1-lier. "Lol-I call-
votF:: A7r�7- Alderman Sebree -1,11.11er Jones, Tins, -Cir,,.
Ilri,, ht, 'darner, "hel-1 'Tr t R T T' Lester ?Tj
ard "ender. a,,•
',,1o,ie. �ioti o carried.
1.a, or Moods stated that the T.,un_.c -)a-- Leag,!.e C onve nti_,n woud be held
in Sorin,,;f ield on '.,Tov. 1), 11, a�! 12. j"Ilder-man Turner made a motion
,, or Floods re-resent the Citl of Canton at the Convention. Seconded
bv Alder.,"an T(,S ter 11. TT
Alderman Biller stated th�.1t it was an established procedure to allow
en.-)ense mone-- for 'U'rie 'Iay or to atLo,A conventions.
A mectI.n:_- of the _L'raff ic Saiet"I y Co,w.ittee o-,i. Se-,)t. 1 P
, 1?57 11-n t'ie
C,OlLn c ij r orq was re�)orted b- Moods. He sa.1.6 that Members of
the Council, Press,
16a d 1-o I ClulDs or a-_,Ir
" o,)e interested were welcome
to attend.
The termination of Da-li-I)t Sav S '21-mle for t}ie r
ear 1, 57 would be
tl)e last Sunda-v- in Ser)tember w,'-is -re,)ort(-,d b,., a,,or Woods.
i.,.a,or "..Y)Ods reported that the Veterans of ',"Jars asi—d �)er,:i`,_ssion
:_ U
to sel.1- forget-me-nots on the everinr� of Uct. and all da- Oct. 5,
I lderma_ej Jones made a noti-on L!,-t, ner!r,i.,q-Jon be
_ranted, seconded b,/
Alderman Wra. lifri-ht. Verbal -vote: AY I'Lotion carried.
1.'.aT, or %Toods recommended the follow na-,-s for a-ol_nt,,ne:,t on the
Com':,ittee: �av;_,�' WatAers, Lee Co61 7.,OSter 11i.1-11 GIistav
1.1 1lor "Jarold Kemn (to f-IJ-1 t',le ne= 1-r(-d tor,. of 1--ara)
r. 1.r-`)�-
-,Vt, T enninas was reco,, iendad a,,; a :Iie:,i`bor on t` Zon!_= 3oard
ter'. to expire "la- 1. Alerqar T,. lones made a mot .on that
these namc--.,,� be confir,,irdl seconded b, 'Tder.i,an Seer e. Rol)- call
vote: Alderma- ;ender, Shelb;l '�,jfr'ht,
Turner, T.;.nk, Jo'_ es, Swict%, "artin, a-16 Ilebree.
'A" Pie. ILoU`_on carried.
I's L '2i_iesda, :rr Cjctober, 1-957, ia,,,or 'Woods reported. that
c I vene at 7:0c)
A renort of the Citizens Advisor;, Council meeting held Sent. 9�
1957 was rive n by Mayor Yoods, renresentatiye of the Cit_'''''
Council for that orqanization. He stressed the value of tPe
canAunit• in sunnorting the atiletic program of the schools.
Alderman Jones made a notion that aii ord�._na-nce be drawn for a
I -est corner
"yje16 tight o�' �Ta�," sl_�-n to je -lacod mA the ,orti�w
of Avenup ✓ and -ine Street aid also on Twelfth Avenue and Ash
Street. Seconded Q Al( ernan ?Wer. Verbal vote. AYE:
7ranimous. Action carried.
Co iu-nicatio-s were read- onneration Wth the
A letter of ap-oreciation for the Sit; is c
friondshin Festival from Jim Van Sicale, Parade Chairman.
A letter and work insnection forn from the Pittsourg Tank and
Pittsburg, `7 nsas. The an-,,ual insnection was made o�i
Tower Co.) a
the Wanton water tower So-t. 4, W57 b- nr. Aarcel Deboutez.
A letter from Alfred � strrio, UO2 Uer- and Trustee of the
Uinols n-nicinal Retirement lund static- the time and date of
nee tin with the T10 no" s J,,nicinal _,,et_-'Lre'ient i and reoresenta-
tives and Social Seenrity renresentatives -- Sent. 2", at 7:30
A. in the 111a,,,ana, Tlli,,---�ois Migh 10001, DST, The Mayor
--ivi',ed all nersols interested to attend.
These communications were ordered to be -l aced o file.
Aiderian innes Zave a re"ort on the extermination aroject 5eing
on for the representa-
done vn the Ut; 3, WWE aqd asted nerniss. W
tiva of the American "9st Control, -.zc., Er. 1ra QgCerty, to re
qort oq We flidlqps of his exwaWation of tie huildiqn. Or.
7agrnrt- re )orted that termites wera found rnAer the fire Ws-,
L'IiC 0ei War De art gent office aid that the method of ext7rAin-
ating subterrarean termites was to fora a onis islaad with a
0ns c0tinn off all contact wit7-!
QWcal base for the bnildinq
L' o soil so that tenaites co0d o find water. Q stated Uat
the cost of this -rocaUre woold �e 0597-10 for the first service
_.- it'_, an annual e��.'.a,inatj_on an! service fea of AM! for a
ner000 oi live years -- total cost Zor five ears to Ue 011-00.
The contract could w; renewed alter We five-year period had
exairod. Aftne sn-e u1scussion, AlAermai �wicy made a motion that
t,y haTor a City GjerA enter into a contract with the Amprinan
post C00rol, Inc. for the five-year alar. Seconded by Alderman
j:_as, Roll call vote: AW ANOr"an Swi", Ailler, Jones, T04
it,, Thrig",t, Torner, Sbelbj Tr!Qt, Rrg Hill , Luster Hil I, and
ender, AW : Alderman Sabree. lot votingi Alderman Martin.
Notion declared carried.
1, rep V it To, rpgarding t' a 0 osiLr n V in of Qterial Streets under
the Motor Fuel Tax Lau was read:
6 m m llth Ave. to 12th Ave.
," 5 El Street Fro
401 12th Ave. ElJq St. to S. A.
32, Sixth Lve. Airch It. to N, Corn. Lts.
31, lith Ave. Ash St. to Ayrtle it.
19, Qrtle 4 . ., e. to 110 -vc-
Z, of )Q Ave. to lAt" ve.
3 5,
13 nt� 4 Lt, to sycwtore St.
: I �ve. As
363 Not, no. nsh St, to Sycanave it.
LNernaq Wrner We a motion 0at t4e resolution ce adopted.
seonnded k- AlOerrran jonns. Hull call vota: LYE: , AlKermaA nnjer,
Lester !n1l, toy Hill, Shelby �N 1;, Turner,
jT11s, Allier, SwW, jart"n, and 5ehree. M!": • nn'. aotion
"Aa revised bill for the W. L. .0ler Co., Elvaston, �11009 was
foad. �mvlslon of t"'s OZ11 was a hraak-dov- on the Taterials
_ urrl0ed for the CiQ of jantof streets a-d for Wie materials
,-,-s-d on the Canton Lace area. We amount allotte6 We We arRa
don Al"Prman
in tne amount of J237-05) . After much d1sucss.
Jonas vote a motion to VIVO Q0 001 cv9r anti! the next Coincil
:neatinp, Secoided b- AlPermai --
Tyr- . H013 call vote: A70
Al. jr= _ . :rvcd L rtA Jonl-, TInA Tnrner, She ld,,,'
Alverran Wick, Killer, Un. Wr�nht, 2, "ill, LasQ.,r Hill, aAr'
7ender. VotlnE tied. Ea or nonYn voted "Ta7'', thus Qefeatin.j,
the notion.
SO-t- 17, U57, Cont.
Orin- the Osc sqbject of reve7uns recef— tram
Calto- Oka area was d-iscusses -- AlKerwan Lastannad a re ,ort:
Tnc One An-e-ces
1955 J.695,no
i957 I Q1, in to An. 11 1 3 .46
-0, __- ,5Y9.17
77,,2.07 7,'7,177.77
,alar,,.ce on hand, w. 35 1"50 3 13.37.
1953 Q33-00
1954 397.00
i955 423 ly)
1956 480.no
1957 90.01"
Alderman Sebree made a motion that twe 0, L. .ill er bill be naid,
seconded b; Alderman �v',-i. WriUM. Aldermwi Onk started a dis-
cussion regarding the naterialq ZurnVshed for the street resur-
facing. Robert Jenvings, Street Skner ntendeit exnla!ned that
w. it was ha,ossible Q state ox-actl- liol%r rmch aNterial it would taKe.
le also stated that there were forty-six blocrs and a section an
Mth Vain Street aid mast Chest-vt Meet that remained to be cai-
vloted and that the cainittee had told b;�i to nroceed with Us
work, but, now he wanted to know what nro .eduri he sho M take
also stated that he wanted all of the aldermen to go with hir,
when he was ready to WON OP tM South Min 3trent and East Cast-
nut Street nrojects beca"so v-surfacing these two streets entailed
a great deal of oxnensa.
Al�,er.,an '.,ir'jht started to make a motion, but was informed b:,
the Myor that a motion was already on the floor, The Hayor asked
for a roll call vote: AYE: Aldermar Ondor, Lever Hill, Roy Hill)
Shelby Wrif-ht, Turner, A. , rhpht, Tink, inri3s, Killor, Men,
Aar tin, and Libre'- . NA otA,n carrOd.
''al,or Woods then inquired how ouch oil it would tare to cannieto
De forty-six blocks and .r. 7L`o Tar,,, !Iibnoas, City Enghneer, stated
that it would take betwean 14,000 and 15,000 gallons of HC3 to
complete the jod. Menuan Sporeo movoo Upt every one N the CO-"
should be treated alike aad that the job should be com-oleted.
3econded by Alderman 7i, Wrin4t, Hall call vote: AYE: Alderman
Sebree, HartV% Swick, Mier, Jonns, Pinx, U . Wright, Turzer.,
Shelby 'right, Roy Hill, Nster 7111-7 a. ' -ender. "nn.e.
2otion carried.
Alderman Turner ask& to be excised -- 9:1P P, m.
Alderman Millqr inquired about the extension of Daylig"t SavinZy
Time at.--Ld was -I,nforred that an orOnance or resolution would have
to be made to change the date already set.
Alderman Lester Hill asked Alderman Jones about the traffic on
First Avenue and Vine Street. AlOrmai iones said that at first
they had considered the Coco-Cola ME= but the State of 111inois
ralcd that illegal -- hat M was still wor,�in-), on the Droject.
Alderman Wt. Uright inqaTred about the street MUM that had been
a-m-,roved at an earlier date -- Hr. E. 0, renortod that
they would be installed soon.
Alderman- Swick made a motion to adjourn, seconied by Alderman Lester
7ill. Verbal vote: AM Manimcas. Canton Citj Council
adjourned at 9:23 P.
T" 1. MOr Cc, Strcot A AlloW �203&26,%
011ar Co. liter 7"nt. 1 23 7.