HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-03-1957 Council Meeting Minutes 25 The Canton Cit- Council met o�, Ser t. 3, 1957 at 7:35 .1. in the llit,: Co,ancl.l. room. Roll call -- Present':,: 11•.a,,:or Ldenman c ebret Jones, Tin]%-, 1Ari,­ht Turner,r, Shelby, ';,.Irit,ht, Roy Lester 111 11, and Fender, 1,.bsent- Tardy , -Arlerman On 7acation: Lawrence . c1V1ur, City. 1.ttorne- inutes of the nrevious meeti.'-i.i, were read and a-nroved for f JA Ll�, Aldermal) Turner read the bi-lls for the Zi,.,iance Cora-iittec, and made a .notion that all b-11-is -)ronerl_-,� approved bey a.-tlowed for oa,,ment, seconded by 11der,qan Lester 11il.1. Roll call vote: 'VE iderreian 3encer, Lester Rg,, TI ldm. Tin-­ Jo-es, A-Lllerl Sw iC[e.I a-,d Sebree. `4o­le. -`otion carried. Alderman 11m. Wri,,ht read the bills for t�ie 'police and Legal- De,)artme,-t and made a motion that all bi-lis -)r,)nerl-,,, a'-)-)roved )e allowed i'or navrient, seconded b, '?(Dl , call vote: A_ Sebree, Martin, _"Wicl,, '111iller, J(.)ne,, T*.­�, 7.1,,,1. Wri,,jill, 6helbv I 1ri + T) T.Tj_]l, Lester a;'),d ?endler. ,IA7: None. floti ,)n carried. Alderi-.a.­ Turner read the bi-1.1s for "",e Street I le- and Sidewalk Com!!,ittee and, after so!,ie discussl_o!-, made Vie motion that all b-,.I--Ls read that were nrooerl­ -­­roved lowed for na,,;Tent (tile 11. 1 P'Iillcr Co., Elvast )r., 1111.nol.s 11_,1i11 had not j.�an aY,nroved), seconded b- Alder-ia Swic. '. call vot,': ,ldenqan ?ender, Lester Vill, Ro`. Hill-, Shelb-Ir 'Hri, ht furner, li­ . Tin%, Jones, SwIc!r "lartin ard Sebree. .:A one. .lotion carried. -q Turner also read a letter i_'rcr.: ir. Harold Swartz, a­,­'­, Silob. deniia U of !.he Canton Schools, for t�)e f:ne work had '',,,ien (�o,ie in connection with naintlncr street sl_-ns 1ri V-)e v cinit 0� sc',-ools. In the discussion that followed the readi-T-, of the W. L. Eiller Co. bill., 11'1a,,,nor ?�Jloods gave instriictilo-s- to Pir. Cibbo­s to cease all won,- on the street `Umnroveme.,It nrol-ram. ire Alderman Lester Hill read the for th , and '"ewer L"'el-,artments and made a motion that all bills nronerl\, an )rov:;d be allowed for pal;,rtent, seconded b-:r Alderman Sebree. Roll call vote: AYE.- Alderman Sebree Narti_-i, Swicf:, hiller, Jones, fink, tiiin. 4,right, Tur,:er, 6helb-., 1.4'riGht, I Lester I11,111 a,ld I.--der. ^11,7r I `,'­,-,,�e. 110�1�, 1111ill.1 -� 1 . - -otion carried. Alderman Shelb,,- Wright read the bills for the Com_.;Iittee and I made a motion that all b-1-1-ls nro-oerly a-oroved be allowed for payment,, seconded by Alderman Martin. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Bender Lester Hill, Roy.- Hill, Shelby Wri,,;ht, Turner, W­. 1,7 rl ­ht T­nic, Jones, 'IT Y. 'Tone IA Carried. "wick, Martin, and Sehre,�. Aldenrian. *3ender read the bills for tloe Bliiildln- and Crounds Committee and made a motion that all bills nroperl,, a,-),)roved a, allowed for T)a,7,,-ment, seconded by Alderman Jones. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Marti .,, Sw'Lc'c, 1iillerl Jones, Tink, IV�rq, 1V1j1r-.',_,­,ht1 Turner, Shelby Wright, ' IT Roy- Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. ­,T 1j i V' "ore. iiotion carried. Al der,!ian Q,o,,. Hill read the bills for the Clarha�-e Disnosal De,-art,­Ient Ind made a motion that all bills orooerly a-),-)roved be allow. ,d for , na;,rent, seconded !D-T, Alderman . w.Lc_-. Roll. call vote: AYE: Alderman 3 Lester Hill Ro ender., I Hilill lhel'Dy 'v'vlright, Turner, llm. laright, Tink, Jones, 11'1_ller, Swicl-, Martin, and Sebr,:�(a. 'NIAY: '4one. lotion carried. Alderman Sebree read the bills for the aid made a motion V�1.t all bills T)ro,,)erl-,,, a -)-)roved be alloi,-Ted for nayment, seconded by, 1, 'I! Roll call vote: 11".": Alderman Sebree, A dermtan Bender. 11 Marti , swick 1,1ill-er, Jones, Tink, �!,ri-1 'r)t, '_uri,er, ShelO, Wright, Rohr Hill, Lester T ill and Bender. NT one. Carried. Alden-.an Jones com.,)_i_i2,,iented the Street De-oartmet-it on the fine work they had been doing and sub-:rested that "Slow - School" sins be nlaced still farther away on the four corners near the High .chool and also on Lain Street near the New High School. Reports of the Officers: Chief of Police, City Engineer) Building Convmiss:i.oner, Supt. of Streets, Treasurer of the Fire Department, Plumbing inspector, Water A Sewer D'cpartment, Water Treatment Plant, and Sewage Treatment �lant were read. Alderman Lester Fill moved that the reports be accented a�d placed on file, seconded by Alderman Omer. Verbal vote: 977: Unanimous. Notion carried. Mayor Woods made a recomn.endati.on that the Cite offices be closed at 10:00 A. A. on "cot. 14, 1957 in time for the Friendship Festival Yarade. Alderman Jones made a motion that the Cite offices be closed at _10:110 A. 1. on the lkth of SenteAber 1957, seconded by Alderma '. Swic'k. Verbal_ vote: AYE! Onanimous, ;potion carried. A letter from the Cantor; Junior Chamber of Commerce seeking nernission to sgo:-nsor the sale of fusees in Canton durTian the months of September ar,d October on Aor0 Zai_n Street sagewhere between Ash and 3irch Streets-- t he profits from the sale 'being used for ca Le civic project to we determiner- later. Alderman Jones made a notion to grant peradssion to the Canton Junior Chamber of Commerce to sponsor the sale of fusees, seconded by Alderman Tink. 7erbaL vote: AY'Q Unanimous. Notion carried. A letter was read from the 11l inois .. nicipal Retirement Fund reEardlnL t',e nomination of a caldidate for the five-year term of Executive Trustee on the Retirement Yund Board of 'trustees. Layor Woods recommended that '`collie Crawford be named candidate from the City of Canton. Alder- men Hiller made the motion that Nellie Crawford's na me be submitted tt: d as card -date for the nomination for the Executive 'trustee, seconded by AlOermar_ Turner and Rohr Hill. Verbal.. vote. A'.S: -lotion carried. First reading of an Ordinance regarding "Yield Right of 1,lay" s . r,s was read: 37� IT . V ' CITY CKIC .Y Tit C r 1 r -T , TT Y r , ; . , Section 1. That Yield Right of Way Sims shall be placed at the "ortheast and S o ;thwest corners of Cass Place and Johnson Court in said Cit- of Canton, 1:11i uis, and all vehicles enteriw said Johnson Court shall_ reduce speed before enteri_cg said intersection so as not to inter- fere with or hamper the use of said street or highway by vehicles travel_in- thereon,,.. Section 2. Any person who shall oe conv:it9d of a violation of this Ordinance, shall .;e punished by a fine of not less than Thre Dollars (13.00) nor more than `L'.io 'iundyed Dollars (,:.,,2`),).00) . Section 3, This Ordnance shall be in effect ten daT,s after its nassa�,e n- the City Council, approval b-. the 01 or and publication accord to lau." Ha. or Woods stated a mot'on to suspend riles regardhnF the reading of drdi nances was in order. Alder- man Jones moved that the rules oe S,:snended and t'iat the Ord ina,ace oe nla gad on its nassa_,;e, seconded b-. Alrerman Vick. Hall_ call vote: tlder;ian .ender, Lester ill , Rio, Fill , Sheldl Wr, 'hb, Tyr -r, Q 00 ht, 'T'Lni., Jone,', ...jli?r, iluT:!_Cl, 1'Li.rti !, ,, n �. �-)'_tT'F? ,. �;!L' :?. LotLon ca°rien hidernai E;Y & rncadR a notion t4at the 06 ianco be Jaced on its na ,sa7e, s=ic , fed b Al ;e rmar Jones. Roll call A ote. .iY".;'. " ervan Snbrgo, is art ' n. mipq � ..._ r, Jon--, .ny, On, .ir 'l_f Tvry ','n Shel. i.? 'Jr1.; ht, it y 7 11 , Lester Hill,1, ower, A, n-. ,ot_c,n carried. '1'}Zi p r _ rdinar._ _ 1346. zlderna, Miller s atoc r pf 90cp ,"_Pre were such an increasing amount of street signs being placed on t h- lantnn Streets, 't 05ht be well to L�e a survey of traffic signs in the City, Discussion followed. A&ernan 21_11-r reported on the ninety-day trial_ o , the Traf-O-feria Coin collecting system. Chief of Police , in0e; gave a verl 1'a7or ale re port - f _.nano i a tly aid better service. He stated that he was re- ceiving about 7% better collection of -arkir , fines apd that the nark narkinn I sic ._l" ties have increased, kl6ermai Hiller made a motion that 0e Council accent the `ra -n-er a Cniv anl3 ect inn Syste' , saconi d. hKer'.an Gebree. hall call vote: ATE: l i-. ermar_ lenfer, L est'ar rill , Hoy 'ill, uhel r,ry, �..,�} ' 'n,ry.-.c.>r, 10. Wr L. ".t, f it, Jones, ,.._l icr, ..Jw he q Narti..", a-6 S r"Dr^ ;,-tit,: '` fr-..`,e, otion carried. A 1 dyr„a'- _,star '?i_l.l rennet _ �� cr�,� ,i .ant n,a�?r� .. ._ _ Willard Li n�'e�_?t"eLtE�,r �ted �� a� 'o� �'`rs I Lar ut nos "'for,led. that the Connell had denied. this ci-aiim fOr f )r a Act. 3, 1 '57, Continued) sewer stonnano in the nast a-d tKQ claty en id not 5e renvenod. Aldenaaq Ailler made a motion t4ut t0 ox-erse of extra police to assist with the traffic at the anto° arlends4in iestwal be a0lorized for -alment iron Cit f -nOs, Seconded bl- AlPermai Um. Wright. Roll call vote: A74 - Alder�an webrac, Eartiq Win, ATIler, jonos, Thrk, 7m, WN-ho, Tprior, 0heloy ArKV0, Roy Hill, Lester 9151, aZ 3ender. IT-! noce. Carried. Aldernan Swick, Chairmaz of toe 3 ill U?' and no ds Committee, mentioned that the wall av1roae5Iqt t"n Water Dc-artment slould be involod. hayor Woods instructed 5r. Yoward Gi0nns, City Engineer, to coonerate wUh Mr. Swic, nn this Project. Aldermcn Ortin maVe a mntlan Ynr adjnnrnment, seconded Q, Alderman UL. WrLLbt, Verbal vote: AYE- na--i-Iij.q ou s. Canton City Council adjovrrad at 00 P. A. -D BTIAS A750 wee WD "5 n Cis.; Z& IrZ-3.11-tTfl, "T Irig3s & Watson 045.50 labcock job Printery 119.0 Fred 3utknvicn 21.71 Garton Clean Towel Service 4-70 17.10 e Cook i9.00 Canton Cloap Towel Servo Le Canton Faint _ Uallqaoer 2,51.79 ill. 9ell Tolenhone Co. 12,10 Greenwell I Gra-,, i 1,%I. ;��,,,Dtor Co. 12.50 Lewis -harman 5:15 lack's Auto �o. 200.00 Eason T-fardware Co. P-72 Loc'o 's Auto Co. 4.4 nay4 James T. 151').00 Garbage Lenartment 111.55 779165 Aaco.,-ib Com.municatloris 40.00 blason Hardware Co. 6.00 2TRE EEPART10"T.- QtIl. Disinfectant Co. 59,25 Canton Sun ,ly Co. 11-05 7olice De-artment (dogs) 40.00 Nacomb CaTaunicatinns 5.00 ,,�hitels Book Store 101.75 J.C.Penney Co. Swartzbaugh A jelson 5.25 041.04 G•RNET & ANEY DEPARTAEAT: Bolan's Repair Service 5.10 GARBAGE DE"�Inq& !T- Anton Tire L Vulcanizing 211,91 Canton Eotor Sales 10.92 Garbage Esenartment 136,16 Continental Oil Co. 261.06 Capitol tractor Equio. Co. 23.75 Higgins Oil Coo 4026 GA. E0. TToffman so.r-is,Inc. 161.15 Livio Wgloli 145.00 TnUstrial Towel A Ni form 4.40 Shell Oil Co. 57-94 King Auto Electric 3.00 Chlee Watson Trnclinn 214.7 ; Gcne Lawver Paint Sales 7-0 7 7-3 T7 `:Mason Hardware Co. 1.95 Li-vio FogCioli Q-00 GANEIAL ACCOPNT- Lwartzbaugh A Aelson 6.56 3a: lor A Siith 4701.0! iGhlee Watson 1'r,c: ing 350-37 American City 14.42 larry Whalen Glass Worlrs X ill, 101 Telonhane Co. 13.24 STelb,,- Aright 24no francele Larson 39.00 "1022.90 ` alma McCaMetir 16.`x`) A. C. Shepley � Son 2236.66 IiIATIE,1H & SEWER DEPARTATIT: L. 2, Yclier 3(7-�)," Gardner-Denver Co. 1.89 E.- i". 11,eller 15.no Sears, Roebuck Co. 3.73 J201.21 Garbage Department 26o45 ill. Well TeleDhone Co. 25,10 LIGNS CQA: IT AI: C. To P. S. coo 114-73 C. lo ?. S. Co. 0790.26 Phillips retroleum Co. 45-36 Eason Hardware Co. 25-14 F Cuip.n,.inCs - Emerson 6.04 ,3randt Automatic Cashier 19.60 Elliott's hachine Shop 14o39 Canton Daily Ledger 11.70 Canton Clean Towel Service 2.55 31-30 (over) 7 11 T)T. (00�,TT`TjT`D: 3,,,.rroughs Cor-). 05•oo fullerto-o- Lirriber Co. 25.13 Livio Poggioli 73-44 T; ernool -111aterials 7.70 James 0. Clow ?.: Sons 505-32 K c Co. 285-50 rooll. , i ec tr�-- Standard Oil Co. 7.92 A. -. J-eger V .75 Dif Co T aboratorirs 6.43 Earblehead LLne Co. 262.50 Infilco, Inc. 40.27 711, "-f ecta,-,,t 246.53 ,ational Di s .... - Ca ton vu-Lc. Co. 50 Gil- �'j I-ec ' atsan Tr ,c':!ng 126.00 Austin Powder Co. 12.05 !Iver 'Elect. Cite Clerk ~�r� Snoop `