HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-1957 Council Meeting Minutes 2 ,55 The Canton City,; Council con-Veneci August 2Q, 1(x"7 at 7:_35 i". in the r,ouncil loam. .?oll call: Present: lla,v-or T,,.Toods,, Alderman Sebree, •art!_,i, S7,xicsc, Lundry, ,"filler, Jones, Tinl,r,, Turner Shelb,,.7 I.Jr-l'-bt _1 ?r j Lester 11-Till and 'ender. Absent: William J,lright. ;Minutes of -the last meeti!:i­ were read. aiyl, after correctlons, were a--roved f or filing. Alder-Tian Jones made a motion that two " riel-d lZj.[;ht of Way" s.L,,-_-,ns be -laced on. Cass 7�lace making Johnson Court a street. Seconded ;.),- A"! Berman . Swi k c vote: A7,: `nanimo,�S. Carried. Mayor ',,foods stated tli,;t he, ;'fr. Ec','unn and T-1 ow a r d Gill.)bo,-is had net wJi.th tl)e C,aha-i-, Tios-Ital Board of Directors, who asked nermission to ma'-e two sixteen- f oot entrances in front of V­o njrahai,,i Tlosoital. Thee recom.--riended that a "cut-back" o�) the Southwest corner o-L ',,,alr,UL Street and Martin 1�venue be -made. This would involve the of _filler li --ht nole. Alderman ,iller moved that the co) ncil .Ta-,it neriqlssion Zor the City "'nC-ineer and the -)'tal to wor:­, oIJ,", a sat]sf�icl-tor�, arran;,e.ment. Seconded Graham 1,-Tos, -_-L b,� Alderman Sebree. _,�,erbal vote: AY-�',: jnana_mo,,,,s. 111'arried. AlCier.,la . TI=er recorv�en,-',ed tliaL nar:�i i<l- meters .)e instalied at tiie sites o-C forllier no-ocorn stands. "r-1 was tol-6 tu'riat fileters had -,ee,1 installed, exce-),t at the corner of .est 'Street a-,­dl Street and that was because of ins,­,fficient room. A.,-der.ma- 110,., 71-11 re,)ort(-(9 for -the Gar'ba,-,e Disposal Coml�ittee a,-.,6 made a motion that the a-fd Cit,1, �`,leri- eiter into a c(I)ntract oi-, _,ehalf of the Cit7- O . Canton wl.th Livio for over refuse at the 7 1j.11. f, cit,,, dump. Seconded �)­ Alderiian Luster 'o 11 call vote. Al,',�: TT 1i 11, 1 0-,, Alderman. ?ender, Les-ter H Shelb-­ Wright, Turner Tint-, Jones i`liller, T UlAndr, . Swiclr, i,lartin. and Sebree. '1AY. : "!one. i,[otion carried. Alderman Lester ?-Till renorted on t'ne I.Iattir and Sewer ]*.�xnansion project. Ile made a motion that the Cit-., Council i-struct -the Cit,; Er `neer to b—, materials a).-,(' start wor!,c as soo-ci. as T)ossi!, ie. Quotations accented were U" L from the Towa Valve Co, Oskaloosa, lowa aE the til=t." Sal(-,,s "o. )�r .n - -4, field-, lilinois a.,I(- were for: '_alves Hydrants -.113329.00, Pines and ;,'ittin�-s between T,23.,500.00 .!_nstal-lation Seconded bl,, Alderman Turner. Roll call ote: AY1-,,: Alderman Sebree, ;Martin, Swick Lundr7-)-, Miller, Jones, Tink, Turner, She lh-7 ",Jrt­nt Roy }dill, Lester Hill, a,,d. '3ender. %:one. Carried. Resolution reaardin�c transfer of funds: 111 "E TT o;'Q',_IT ;'-T- CITY COI'.NCIL of t'-,e Cit", of Canton, 11-linois: Sect_i_on 1. That the sii ri of 14'ifteen Thousand Dollars '15.,000.00) be '1-ra,:isferred froti the sales Tax iOund of the said Citi,r to -the Road and -.'ridge 11',Jnd.. Section 2. That the City Clerk and the City Treasurer be and the,,,- are hcreb,- a;t"'oriz-_,d to make said transfer." Phis be.-In�- 'Resolution xr'206. Alder-man Lu-ndr�, -,loi,,ed that the resolutio . be adopted. Seconded b,,- Aldermar 1,e nder. oll ca 11 vote: AY_. stic,ermari ;ender, Lester -Till I Bill, I _�irner, T.!,.rLk,, Jones, .11JLller, L1_mdr-,,,-, � Roy H 1, Shelb- 1i Swick, Martin and Sebree. "arr:1-ed. r �a6- '",e it Orda`.jj(,�r, b, Ai, Ord.�nance regardinf-, 11) ield of Wa,�,', was re the "11)"Incl-I of t le of ,art ­1 7-.-Ill-nois: Se-ctio- 1. That Yield -Rijit of ',,ja-,, Sie-1-Is shall 'I)e nlac�d at t_ie Soi.i.t!.west and ortheast corners of .-ast Vine Street and Y orth Second A,.7e^.ue _n said Cit, of Canton, 1-i-11-nois, and all vehicles enterinn- sai,.! iorth ' ,c�� io .Ave:ni.e shall reduce speed before enterin;r, said ;--tersecti.on so as not to 'interfere w;_t"i or )am-,)er tTle use of said street or hi-liway by vehicles rav,.�iir,r. triereon. Section 2. Vhat Yield t'�" - cl 'ortheast corners of -ns sha.'! --)e olaced at Vie South:-nest an Right of li,la�, Signs l,ast S-ruce "Itreet and �'iort,i -I'ec-,,,-,d k-,,,eTiuO, 1-in r-;al-d C'it-� of 'Cai-ton, .1 ilino't s a­Id a-j-'-]. vehicles enterin,-- sal-d', Iortlli uec tI.-,,enue sl�.a-.)_L reduce sy)e--.,d before ent,erin- sala intersection so as iot to .- I- itori`ere with or hamner the use of said street or hi,1'hi-ia-! vehicles traveling tI)er,,o Sectl.on 3. That Yield Rir�-ht of �-Ia,- Signs shall be -)_Laced at t,,,- S,­Itheast a­,,1 "orth-,,est Ea corners f -, -,t E,_!.,.1 Str et a,ld S cth. Save�,,Vi Avenue in said Cit:r of Canton., ­ I j T11-1-nois, a­ all- vel-)iclt-s e:lterl_n,,- sa­ _ast .;lm Z�treetl re dace s,),3 ,d before enter-11-n-­ Sa�_6 inters3ctior so a,, n(:,t -to interfere w_*:,th or the use of street or hiz-hwa,,,r b,), ve"licles traveling tliereOn. Section 4. That 256 -V ers 'D Yield ol'' 7,,,Ta' Signs s1hall ,-.)e i lac.,,(], a' tiie lo­_�V­east and 'orth Test cor. 'd I i__`1, T Of 1,',a�Rt-_-, ,�ver�ue, in sai East ',,��alniit L;treet a,.d South oi an.d a 1 vehicles entering said. `L_;ast ',,,Talnut Str6et shall reduce s,._)eed befol-e in-, 144A44 intersection so as not to L-ter-Lere wAll n te r saiol TT veh,!.cles travelin ., - t' ereo­. or the use of said street or f a violat�_�-.)n o'' a n-,y o-I L`�e Section wl-)c) shall oe convicted oL - 1i Urd'nance s haJ.1 e ­)­nish,+d a of -()nt less Via-a -) . S , t-, 6. re t ricired Dollars ( ,200.00 e c i 1�,ollars (.,3.00) no.- mo, t" on-17-n—cr, F,',Iall r-,--V-,.ect to-a 6a-,,s af-i,ar its nassa-e o7� t' a -am)r+")va b or a, Acat on accora to law.) Mayor Woods stated that a i,,iotion to m,,.snend -f,.!Tes la s L171 or(ier. Alnemian Lestl_x TT__I_L i-,ia(ie a iotion to s,-,s--)e,-,d r1les regardin;, 1 aa6`.n4;_- of Orcl.1-nances, s con(`ted b- cer. '_loll call vote: A : Alberi�ia­. Sebree, .? Tiill� ies T r', I I ler, Jones, "Irl4lit, `cr ter "Ti-I I ryT ried. (,ph- 345) Alderman is being Ordinance ar made a motion that the Jrdi.i-,ance .�e placed on its nassa,­e, s(-.,corcied p r Alderman ender, Lester joncs. Roll. call vote: A'L' - 1 1r,r T, -ndr7, , ��w_1 c urner, J"-' Shelh P -,, 45. _Sel r e one (,arri(.d. ThI_c, be1n.r_, Drd nanoe it for t C_,)e W()V�I_ a-,-or ?;ooCjs vario-s -Oare doin-_- a,­d, esneciaj.].',:, .dater a -.d Sewer 1Ie-)_­rt­,(-,_-It-, t ',7? t Of ol.,-,, valves lves ai1d gates. s`-Uated he ia.­' reason to thr 1 1 t, o - !,'a,1ton s m d" rate ar-eal to the Illi-ois " ire _ ,­,snr�(,t ,)n ­,�.i_reau t�ie C-11- V I a d'-ffere,,-it f'!_r.-: class-11 "JcatIon. ")e Oac 6 at t Le,�:,,ter 1 sj� ested a s _gna) cor-ar irst- -­ii e a 7ine 'tre�A. :a-, or 7J oodls stated that 11 waJi.- wr-;re --,,i 'process of be`.nr ff c ref erred. t1he s anon tot 111raf C rz,at,n � ,, ­t �e sc`,lool-ho� r tra 1. Cam Litt-e. Aldei­na l mentioned tl hat lie had received several com ia-Ints regard�_nr i - -1 se7fii-trailors narked on V-e streets when not in use. A re,)ort ol' 1- -s ect-io-, cl 5 19 7 b r orris Ienderson, oliceman, was read l'ra,tor, -1 - I -,­ 2nd Sir- ni s re Iice_,ise 1 IC'97, I'R.E.2lo-wers nar'lod o,� 7`1'ast si Ane. between ino a d :Walnut Streets. e tr',.cc tractor a-,.6 trailer, ilcer,se 2 ur e- t be t,,j e e 6 a ')ne tr c'- 7 1 tr c -s L�treet-m e on each s 0.e oi qtr 't. towers tatI et ''nowles (..'as "Stati,_)n t j on F, -.n i rr) ''o s at scat�on street. roc. ct5 tr-c s d t "tat-I.-on on ,,-`_n­1 Stre ,,t. plowers triic, narra, c, t. twe e:, 1st a,-1.r', 2:�(' Lice1 '71 -91 (-' - e id narked at old stat-'-o s of U P, ra:*_l�)r S) License Ulower Cra )t is ra_I_.-,_-,e a1ju t o,,,e foot. ­ari,.­,_-v at ref r a t-e biocic,ed one 0- tr -lac' t'h-e r)t-,')er Tiis one, cDrIcrete I-.1c)c I two n- -;r c JI ri ­,ces of ce!T,e',t slao a -0. 2 Ver-- o'l.a',trerous ohle r 1, "e tr,!c -a r e a n I-,t Ave. on west si,�o o.l.' stre't 'D.e ctric. �'j. c- !.�7) o-- �.rai.tlic I)at-15er- a, r, -�c jdler-ian a:, E,-)r St onde( Aon "I, O�1 yl .21 6 t A rhal lnanimc_)us.