HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-1957 Council Meeting Minutes The Canton City Council met Au E. 6, 1957 at 7:40 ?. 14 in the council roo.19
Roll call with all members of the council present.
Plautes of the last meeting were read ard annroved by the council.
A petition was read requesting ao election to we held to elect one
alderman in the sixth ward to re glace Mr. Lac Coo':; who resigned to
take office as Police Zagistrate. Hr. McAunn staten that it uo-ld
orobably cost between 0200.0a and Q50,00 to hold a special election
and that a resolution had to be drawn-i a read before ti,,e Cot)ncil-.
1,layor ajuds recommended that t 4 petition be accented as read and
placed on file. Verbal vote: 170 nanimous, Carried.
Mr. Mc i-lu'rin excused from coun01. room.
:Ajar hoods called for the V nanue Qm-Li',ittee's bills to be read:
Alderman LundrI read the bills aici moved that ail bills properly
a,proved be allowed for naymant. Seconded by Alderman Lester ..ill•
Roll call vote: AVE: Alderman injer, Lester 011, Ro ]Ell, Shelb
Wright, Turner T�do Jones 1051
5 3 , Ailler, Lundry, OwIcz, Wartin
and Sebree. 1,A-4 7tine. Carried
(See page 020. (Police and Le,-,-al bills) .
Alderman 'Turner read the bills Oam the 6trent, Alley and Sidewalk
Cainittee and made a motion that all bills properly aonrovod be accented
for nayment. Seconded by Aldenaan hebrea, Roll call vote: AY?
Alderman nonder, Lester Hill, Roy Ull, Shelby WrQht, Turner,
Wrirht, Tink, Jonas, Killer, Ton6ri , Swick. hart i- and Sabre;;. 4a;
vone. Carried.
Alderman L ster Vill read the bills or the fire De-artment and the
Water and Sewer hopartment and made a motion that all bills Dronerl-,
aniroved be allowed for payment -- the Jarvis check to be held until
receipt of the aFreement made in July, Seconded by Alderman Swick.
Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, :;wick, Lundr:j Miller,
Jones, Tink, Wm. Wh#ht, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill
and mender. MAY: None. Carried.
Bills from the Building and Groundn Committee were read by Alderman
Sender who made the motion that all bills oronerly aunroved be allowed
for payment) seconded by Alderman Jones. Roll Call Vote: AY A: Alderman
lenler5 Lester Tall, Roy Hill, Shelbv lr#At. Turner, 'Jm. WriE�-,htj Tin};.,
Jones, ALlIer, Tan&2 , Swict, Aarti-, and Sebree. "A7: Kone. Carried.
elder ian Roy Hill rqad the bills for K ,e Garbage Disr)osal 3e--art-,-tOnt and
moved that all bills aroneriv a )qroved be allowed for nayment. Seconded
b: Alderman =117 Wlinht, Roll call vote: AY", : Alderman Sebree, Martin
Owick, LundrT, Miller, Jones, ".%1m. Ah nht, Turner, Shelby QQht, Ro-1,
Hill, Lester Tall, and Sander. QV: tone. Carricd.
Alderman Sebree read the Lig4t bills aid roved that all bills nroverl'
annroved be allowed for oa yment, Seconded bo Alderman lander, Holl call
vote: AYA: AldermLp lender, Laster TEll, log. U111, Shelby WriQt, turner,
lb" lyijt, TI-nk, Jones, laller, Lundry, SwicV, Hartin and Sebree.
YD7e. Carried.
Alderman Jones read the bills ;:rom the Traffic Le-oartnent and moved that
all bills nronerly aarroved "n allaw2d for naoment, beconded by Alderman
Swick. Rail &I vote:: AY ,,,: Al,arman Sebree, Martin, Vic, Lundry, Miller,
Jones, Tink, 1WTnI. Wrif.,.ht, T-urr-er, Shelb Wright, Roy Tall, Lester Tall and
Sender. "L`01: gone. (,a-,,rie6.
Alderman 'fink read a bill for the Claims UeDartnent from toe ua"6ua auto
Bol- and made a motion that same be a lowed for payment. Seconded b.-,
Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote: A71: Alderman londer, Rov Hill)
Shelb,-- Wri7ht, Turner, Wm. 7.'IrJv-ht Pink, Jones, Eiller, Lundry, SUCK,
Martin, Sebree. TA" : Alderman Laster Hill. Motion carried.
lir. i'-IcDi:in returned to the Cit, Goancil room.
Alderman Miller read the bills for the 7arkinE Meter Fund and made a motion
that all bills nronerly aooroved oe allowed for naymnnt. 6ecanded b; Alderman
RT 'NAT, aof call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebrec, Martin, Swicn, Lundry,
71 .1, Jones, Tina, no. Wright, Tarner, Shelbj Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill.,
aid 5ender. NAv: lone. Carried.
Officers reqorts were read the city- clerk. k1derman cones made
a motion that thoV be accented as read and vlaced on Zile, seconde(I
0 AlVernao Sheln7 Aright. Verbal vote: AYE: A10PA9A U*440
amd Us: A Unanimous. Carried.
AlCerman Lester !ill made a report on the extension of water mains
to the new additions in Canton. He ,Ke a motion tKat the council
nurchase nine, fittings, hydrants, etc. and begin installing these
water mains this fall as the City of Canton could afford same.
seconded b7 nl6erman lender. doll call vote: AYE: Alderman -ender,
Tester 7ill Qq.' Hill, Shelbi: farnen Uq. 01u ht, Tinki Jones.,
Miller NAY: None. Carried.
Landry, Swick3 Hartinp and Sebree.
,ir. "oi-,Tard Gibbo- R -Id'-Is subUtted for the
-�.ad the
now water mainS.'a-Z -.--or Zoos Acnamended that the committee meet
(:..,unn and bring the wort of their findinEs to the next
council meeting. (See na,,",;e for na;aes; .
h derman Lester Hill made a motion that Lhe debris of a building on
2ifth Ave-,:Ilae aid Linn Street be removed even though it would take a
court order to accomnlish sa :e. Seconded by Alderman Turncr, hr.
jibun stated that the owner, Ar. Jaeger, had nlanned to rebuild on
t?As jot as soon as possible. Alierman Lester Hill then withdrew
his motion and Alderman Warner withdrew his second of same.
Alderman Turner stated that comr,ja_'_nts had b ,an nade regarding the
boat renair shop that is ?e in; constructed across t o street from
the new F-blic Library. Kr. i,icI-ii_mn infor;..ed the council t"Iat this
area is in the district of zoninZ Anown as B-2 and that legally a
repair shop coald be established 0ern. This brought some dis-
cussion regarding the zoning areas of Canton.
-Lai-or '-foods informed the counc-1-i that a Mayor pro Lem for the
August 20, 1957 council meet%F should be named and that it was
customary or the chairman of the Knance committer to fill that
vacancy. Alderman Swick made a notion to name Alderman LundrW,
Chairman of the 2inance Conjittee an naTor -ro tem. Seconded by
Alderman Lester Fill. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebroo,
Aart'n, Swick, killer, Jones, TIn',:) Turner, hhelQ,
Hill, Lester Hill and 3ender. AIAY: done. Carried.
Alderman Turner asked permission to be excused.
A recommendation for street lights was read. Alderman Sebree moved
that this recontendation b adopted b-,,, the oi',-,T Council. Seconded
by Aldernai Roy Hill. Roll call vote: AYQ Alderman 3ender,
Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelbir 1,,Tri,,,_-ht, Un. WrinAL, Tink, Jones, :"Tiller,
Lundry, Swick, Martin and Sebree. ,TA`': None. Carried.
RIAGliQlADATIOT: Add one lid; t at TamaraK and Ave. C.
Add one light at Shamrock and 'Ain
Add one Licht on S. Ave. B, south of la le Lt. Light to be on
second nole south of Magle Street by alley an ill. Bell Telenhone
Co, nole.
Add one light on N. Main St. in front of Sr. High School drive
Add one light on Nort! ElevenUand Olive Ureet.
Remove light on Port! in St., first role South of Senior
High School Drive.
nenove one light -- first li7it Louth of Eleventh and Olive Lt.
Alderman Niller renorted that the loose Lodge vas s-onsoring a bicycle
safety contest on August 17, 1957 and had asked permission frai the
Cite: to use Ue Sonth Part and t4e streets around the park to hold
this contest. Alderma- Aillar made n motion that the Moose Lodge
be nonaitted to use the area around South Park and that they have
the cooperation of the "olice Department on August 17, 1957.
Seconded by Alderman lender. Verbal vote: AYE: Carried.
A resolution was read regard-Lng, dater tanning and Mr. KcMunn
explained. thn 51 tan ,lng fee. Alderman Lester Hill made a motion
that the r ::,_1 :U�nq an adopted. Seconded by Alderman Jones. Roll
call vote: A— : vonaan Sebree, i1artin, Swics, Lundry, Miller,
Jones., Tink, Aright, Shelby Njight, Roy Hill, Lester Hill and
3ender. 7AY: jone. Carried.
(Aug. 6, 1957
Conti ued)
A resolution was read regard i.n`, the transfer of funds
90 ;0.00 i
to be transferred. from the Sales Tax - end to the Road and ))ridge Fund.
Alderman Lundr;)T made a motion that t" s resolution :)e adopted, seconded
b7, Alderman 11ri,ht. "ol.-I. call vole AY,:], Alderman Bender, Lester
l-Till, Rod, dill, She b r `.Iri( ht Jones, 1.1iller, L,undr;
Swic,K, martin, and Sebree. =U,` e. Carried.
A discussion of zoning was a r`;a:-n :;rou<<it to the attention of the council
and also sorie discussion regardinrr. b', ]..�.d '.1.� ' er'.'11.ts.
An Ordinance on I'Yieldin , of Wa,I S LU'lis viaS read. la�yOr r"100dS
stated that a motion to susor- 11 the r'.,_les waS L-i orCler. Alder aYl Jones
Plovr:a that the r. les ,)e si_soena(:Q a r)ti,,t tr)e Jr6i 1.,lonce on j is -c)asSa,-e,
Secondod I.; Alc er'ia:l ,fart in. of l ca ll vote: A !11.61erma%i Se-orae
Tart' , S�Tlclr� i,t,-dr , Ilillor, Jo:l' , in:r,, Wf1. uTr l "1t, Shelby v'1T'li'nt,
`boy Till, Lester I?ill, anc'. s„n(icr. one. Carried.A16'erman Martin
mace a ?:lotion that t':le 'Jrd-'-nanco )e )lac d ()'1 its --)assn-:e, Seconded by
Alderia Jones. Roll call vote: : lderlrian '3ender, Lester TTi1.1., Roy-
- ?Il�_l, S'_-7elb ;r14'!].t, h 1. r i L, `1171 :, JoneS, 111 C, LU11 1 -, STT-;.c1-3
Irlart_i.n, and Sebree. k . :Tone• Carried.
llldr'r 1a:^ l.xndry made a motion that sealed olds for ?'.iS t:1.Y1'' over -r :!f use
at th Cit 0- p be opened and readd b- i.,Ile Cl_-[:V cl<'rc. Seconded b"
l` Alderman 'Jrn.Wri ht. Verbal. vote: '--,", r,, Sealed
., nanimous. �rric.d.
o,�.dS t"<rom "1TR• I�Teber :all tea. L' d�ri _I.1 )- r r
., ,)anto�_ Contractors, Liv_�o
Por".ioli, a:�.ri. ;:)al;s and Soils were reed. Al_cierma , Lester Tlill. rnoT ed that
these bids be referred to t',e 'arba -e, D_is-)osal Conzmitt,�J for stud;;: ar1d
report at the next co)inci1. meet �Ir'. Sec��nded b' Al�ier�aa Sender. T.' rbal
vote: A 7: 'lnanimo,-.s• ,a.rri ,c .
r'lc:.erman .11er made a mot:Lo-i for adjouriuie�t,
se co- eta b � Al_aer;nan ,
1! �.T'erbal vote A _ ,
Trnanlrn.ous. ',a^1 1-i. ,n to Co
_ _ n ., t� unci 1
ac "JournecT a t 940
/3l,_ LT, )) ''11'--��� A:-T. .., L'"':; CT'1,,,- C , _Tr,TT:
�) �DT �17 .. C L�.)�..�`iiL1..1: G`.; _' _�, T Ar,nUTT'Virl�:
'.L11, C , l:1Vl
Tired PutI'�:ovich .'41.25 Babcoci 1`rintei7,,-: ;'70.45
Cantor Clem° Towel 1i.(9 .S•Co. 776. 776.61
Canton A'alTit .,'a _l.?)a;e5v 52 Canton Dally Ledger 121.80
r, cele Larson 36.00
vc.<.rto.... -liugb j n,-- Co. 3-50 i{:' _ton Service Co. 5.10
IIomer Elect. Co. 5.5' ;Iebb's Service Sta :Tan 11.25
d. Kuzniar 31..5 ; 111. Hell Telerhone Go. 25.45
Lewis hhar aac; 6-34 "Icline Signs 6.50
. • rICGOTr SC)].1S v 5• Millers M'"utual 1
ns. 70.3� i}
' as on Hardware Co. )- 43 e oli.ce Dept. 52.00
`'.odern _!-T(lprovelilet7ts 7 .J(� .. C. S1,e-)Te,' Son 650.83
Swearzn-ei2 dholesale 11.80 �an's Thornber Co. 3.27
L.F.tiller (Stamps) 15.00
CIS "S: �f. ite's Book Store '1 18.68
Canton Auto 3od�v 15.50 /.P
F '1i:) DIE, .,''T: IAR'Z°dG T-ETER F"_ITTD:
S. G. Brow-i 55.76 Canton Da:i_l;r Ledger 5.40
T^1. S. Darle r �O: Co. 61.30 Sutton �.- L'loore 2.i5
E.11).Glazebroo'; 2465.00 -
I".aco:,ib Coifiruni.cat 1. -s 5.1
Fias,on TTardware Co. .�45 �T. CC'_� DFY'�"T 'T:
?ailwa- 3xoress 14.2 yrerson 2.12
Swartzbaug' "elson 1.27 Clean `I'owel_ Service 4.70
W armers Service l:'.'-')tj i'armers Coon. Grain Co. 10.10
Garbage Denartrient 134.55
ing �iuto Electric 114.240
T w-1 Motor Co. 10.00
(P ' Ar E, TIT IS JS AT ; ",. . sock's Auto Co. 200.00
(:anton Tire Vu.Ic. 3"' - 1Facomb Ca-tunications 50.00
Cont .---;en-tal Gil C,o. 20'(.211. I'MSon '?ard;,Tare Co. 2.82
DVSunra-.- Jill Co. 191.21 Star 1..-,loading Co. 27.18
Dwen.s Jil Co. 9.0 ) Selkirk 's Tlar le-
-Davidson 11..90
' �i�l-pS ''_'etr01_elIIl 2!)1 .31) t•T1.�r1?11aCe Servl.C" 2.67
vl_O O -, 140.i 0 1�T1tels 3ool i Store 4.59
Titan Chemical_ Co. 256.15 v
Shell Oil Co. 2�SO
Swartzbaugh T''elson 7.57
Chle ,, Matson 1343.98
Quotations read by Mr. Gibbons were:
Canton Tire A Vulc. ;92.P,-) VALV�_i;S il, 'D '-1'j_rT)fitA`TS:
Dn0 Tsland Sand A Gravel 2614.92
2�,.1'� iowa, 7alve Co., Oskaloosa, Iowa.
-- ,-,,ierson :dueller Go., Decatur Co.
GarbaEe Denartment 94.76 1 ladluw Val%e Mfg. Co. Troy, A
7iEgims 01 Co. 99.11 10 : 7 Valve A Fittims Go., Annistonjia.
Coo, Toffman 1 Sons 384.45
industrial Towel Service 3.00 PIPE:
Jarvis hnidinE Co. 39.75
Xarnerer Concrete Products 105,25 James B, Clow A Sons, .-c,, ShicaEo,ill.
1341 Am. Cast Iron Co., Chicago3 Ill. %
Auto Electri c - Utility Sales Go., SprInFileld,111
Won 'Wrdware Co. 11.79
Nodern %provements Co. 500.13
Oaks A Sons 261.00
Hhodes Transfer 2.o0
Sutton 0 Moore 2.15
Swartzbaugh A "elson 96.96
Chloe 4atson Truckiq� 1439.4
Tari7 ?Tia len G iris .forks 5.10
Alderman Miller read the bills iron
the Police and Legal Denartment and
moved that all bills nronerly a ),roved
?s o_: Thrdware Co. 2.03 ',-e allowed for oayment, L�econded b-
la7er Electric Co. 3,66 Alderman Martin. Roll call vote: L N'.
111, State Penitentiary 142-35 Ainerran Sebree, WNW, WWI Lundr; ,
Ziller, Jones, Tink3 Turner, Shelb,�,
Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Zander.
1-T '`tone. ijotion carrit'd.
7=7T Lul:or 'jwmb%F 20,2,_)
CarbaFe Dcrartment 0.19
'-,_a:" Co. 215.25
Noon ?.fiver Electric B-54
4. 1''311 Associates, inc. 95-80
Jarvis Wol din r Co. 42.15
C. T. S. Co. 993.72
Canton State '.anl< 9.36
Trooll hiectric Co. 03.29
Waso- qardware Co. 36,66
-,s `� �,,'raerson 23-41
qnicherts 1Q.75
,so tier lord Tractor Co. 26.12
Til, loll Tqlenhone Cc, 40.95
A. C. Sheole; A Son 274.48
il-L-,ers ..aitaal. Ins. Co. 67-30
PaQ, Cash 39.55
Wine Signs 31-00
AddressograpA.Anitipanh Corn. 9.36
Canton Clean Towel Service 2.55
Aodern Wnrovements Co. 45.'-)0
3urroughs Corn. .75 Total bills .::or 0n noitli:
Eargent & Co. 3.31
ZeAce Stone ',. 1:-Lrio Co. 2J 2.I')() 'K,96i.W
Swarthaugh 5 -.el son jr,09
D'amond Alkali Co. 60.5o
john 7. harris, Tnc. 442-75
Standard ull Co. 16-03
Canton Transfer Co. 181n)
Continental Oil 10. 151.95
jillott's 'achine Shop 0.43
Ironical Paint Co. 37-85
,it'os Service UK Co. L2.05
So-at,,� loo-andn,, Co. 01,6r)
Sears Aoc;W0 A Co. 13-34
Livio " DqEioli 64,26
TJilb,ox jarv.1s ly.cy)
Sutton Aoore 0,10
Fullerton number Co. 17.43
GavenAa 'giros., Inc. 15,00
Euck island Sand ! Gravel 175.61
LAvern Yd Materials Co. 51.46
C;h1ce .jatso-n Tracl�ing 23B4O6
City k.