HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-1957 Council Meeting Minutes 24 The Canton City Council met in the Council room at 7:35 on the 2nd day of July, 1957. Roll_ call w'.-th twelve members of the Council present -- Alderman Swick absent. Plini-Ites of the June 1P., 1957 meet i n1- were read and approved. Alderman Landry read the bills for the General Account and ,Wade a motion that all bills pro)erl; signed lrl a :,roved for na„rrient seconded by Alderman Lester hill. Roll_ call vote: AYL: Alderman _>ender, ?"ester Hill, o IIill, Shelby ^Jr:iglrt, Turner., I. :"Iri_g:.t, '-:L4, Jones, i'I:i.11er, Lundry, x1art.in and Sebree. I',TA`j': None. Carried. Alderman :filler read the bills Zor t'_ie ='_)l ice and Legal Department and made a motion Lhat all balls properly s i nt d by a--3 -roved for payment, s:;condea by Alderman Lundry. Roll call vot.�: AYE': Alder:na:: Seor e e, ` art.i n Lundr,; , ;Iiller, Jon es, Tinl , ohm. 'dri ;ht, Turner, Shelb), Wri ,ht, Roy Bill_, Lester Iii11, and :ender. 11A:i": none. married. ,v Aldenian Turner read the bills - or t';.e Streets, Alleys acid Sidewalks Department and shade a motion that all. bills nroper:,?,r signed be ap )roved for pay,lent, seconded b Alderman i.iiller. Roll call Vote: A`.`::: Alderaaend.er, Lester ' - i11, o-Y I11.11_, Shell r�_Sht, u;°per, 1�Im Wrivht, Tink, Jones, iMiller, Landry, IVlartri and Sebree. 'IA, . gone. ,a_rried. Alderman Lester TTi_l_1 read t,ie bills i'or the Fire De:)art,fient and the 'eater and Sewer Tet)artrment and r,iac.e the _noti,_)n that all bills properl:r s i -:-ied by ao�)roved for payment., seconded by Alderman Biller. Roll_ call vote: A�' : Alderman Sebree, i4art.`-n, Lundry, ;tiller, Jones, T_i_nlL, Tm. '.;r:i.ght, ` urn:r, Shelby Tlright, Ro,; H;_11, Lester 111.11. and Bender. NLA.7 Carried. Alderman Jones read the bills for t':le Building and Grounds CoirL,iittee and ,.iade a motion t'�iat all b'-lls properl2 s.i. ;no,', by a Coro ed for na r,1.,.nt, seconded b;% Alder:iar render. ?oll call_ vote: A`,r :alderman Benny, L::ster Hill, Ro, Hill, Shelb�, Tri,,ht, `Turner, 1^Ira, ri ,;h:t, �i' _rii-, Jones, Miller, Landry, I�iart:i.n and Sebree. 4" : none. Carried. Alderman Roy hill read the bills .oar° LL-ie Garbage Denartmei t arc' made a motion t ,at all 'wills pro-oerly s:i.r ned b,y are-roved for pal.,ment, seconded bar alderman Lester Iiil_l. Roll call vote: AY'I° Alderman Sebree, iart i..n, Li_)ndry, Miller, Jones, T:.nl�, �1m. ldr_ight, Turner, Slie,'U ,°Irj_glit, Ro-, :Till, Lester ?':ill, and Bender. None. Carried. Alderman Sebree read the Li,_,',it bills and made a motion that all 'gills properly signe be anproved for pa-yment, seconded b... Alderman Lundry.Roll call voce: A_'h: Alderman Bender, Lester 7-fill, ito , Bill, Shel!)`, lvric'lt, Turner, Um. Jones, Miller, Lundr, , Martin and ebree. NAY: '..`Tone. Carried. Alderman Jones read the bills or the 'iraJ:f.-i_c Committee and mad-e a motion that all b:i_l:l_s properly signer ')e a -,)rov/ed for �a anent, seconded b7 Alderman ender. Re 1. Call Vote: AYI Alciernar. Sebree, Martin, Lundr,/, Ifiller, Jones, T n' , 1^Im. Wright, Turner, Shel:o- UriC`-t., Roy Hill, Lester Mill and C nder. :TAY: ;one. Carried. iontlhly reports of tl.e various de-oartilents were read by the Cit, Cler.. Alderman Lester Hill moved that the be approved as read and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Ilart-in. Verbal vote: AYEi Unanimous. Mayor bloods read a request fr.arl I.r. Genie Casey, -- as'.ing perrliss_'._on to hold a street dance on the sq,.are at 8:31 !'. iI- on Aug. 2, 1957. Alderman Jones made a motion that th=is request be granted, seconded b- Alderman Miller. Verbal_ vote: Ati�: Unanimous. iiayor '.00d.s stated tl:at the 'lard 3oundri e,s in the Cit; of Canton were out of proportion. Iir. i.icIlunn stated t'zat the last tjiie that a ,lard boundry line had been made was in 1912 and told the members of t'ie Council that they should be consider _1�; some method of changing t=ie present lines. Revererd, ldilliams, of t',.e Bible iiissionary Church, asked t or permission to bold street rneetin�, s on ?-r_i.day evenings. Alderman Lester Hill made a motion that this req est .)e granted and that if the location the church selected was not s I:table, the Councl could change same. Seconded by Alderman Lundry. Verbal vote: AY1.: Ilnani.mous. Alderman Woods made a recommendation to the Bu°L.lding and Grounds Com-litteo that a thermostat be nut in the downstairs office for regillat'_or. of the gas heat -- thus saving on gas. ' Alderman Lester Hill, reported that after a meeting with the grater arid Sewer and finance Coma-nittees regarding s.:_?>>1 ing new additions w t'a water, it was decided to start service with the additions requiring the least work, and to have Mr. Gibbons write for pr i-ces for su?})li es azc� after this information, tiro subject can 'ae brought to the Council floor. Alc?prrna _ Jones .reported that the Building and Grounds Committee was in favor of continuing witi/the same towel. service. He also stated that the cornnittee was in favor of granting -nerrnissi.on to the Panhandle l"astern Pipeline Co. for tie supplemental easement with t'.r.e City` of Canton at Lake Canton a;-id made a motion that this agreement be accepted, seconded by AldermanlMiller. ��oll cal]_ vote: AiE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Mill, Shelby :dr<<ht, Turner, tiTrn. ?Jrzgi�t, `fin_'c, Jones, 11iller, LundrY) 11artin a.ld Sebree. NAY: 'one. married. Alderman Jones reported that new street signs would soon be erected. Alderman Jones reoorted that he had investigated arequest for a sto- p sign C East Elm 'treet and alc-o on So .tn Eighth to be placed on Seventh Avenue and Avenue and :east 4alnut Street. Ile did not believe traffic warranted a stop sign bat recommended a "Yield i:ii-ht of Way" sign to be placed on these streets. Seconded by Alderman Sender. Verbal vote: AYE: Unanimous. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce asking permission to hold a Pet Parade on July 312 195'1 at 7:00 H., rain date, Aug. 11 1957. Alderman p1liler made a motion to grant this request, seconded 'oy Alderman ,Jim. �7ri ht. 'verbal vote: AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Nartin reported t'aat lie had requests for stop signs at t::ie corner of S-oruce and Seco_id Avenue a.id also on Vine Street and Second Avenue. layor I oods referred this matter to the Traffic Committee for investigation and report at t'-re ne .t Council meeting. Alderman Tin=: requested that the Cit,, Attorney, T1r. 1461,1unn, read Chapter 24, Section 9-62 of the Illinois Rev:i_sed Statutes. This .lead to som discussion regarding the Canton fiscal year and financial reports. Second reading of Ordinance regard-�ng "Reckless Driving". Alderman -.Tiller moved that this ordinance be r)laced on its passage, seconded b,,-, Alderman Tink. Roll call vote: AYL: Aldeniia i Sebree, Aartin, Lundry,i,iller, Jones, 'fink, rd-right, `.Mrner, Shelby Wrig,h'. Roy Hill, Lester Hill and Bender. PIAY; done. Carried. (This being Ordinance #313) . First reading of Tax Levy Ordinance. Mayor Woods recamriend.ed that same be set aside until the next Council meeting. Alderman Miller made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Aldeniian i3eiader. Verbal vote: AYE: unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 3.57 i'• -i. BILLS READ A`"ID A R;VJ�0 F:11 _A�fl'I?T: BLDCL Zc GROUNDS: GAP3AGE DISPOSAL DEPT. : Continental Oil Co. 208.84 3,aticovich, Fred 4'39•6o D_X Sunray Oil Co. 189.55 Caton Paint Wallpaper -2&.E�6 Gave ,da 3ros. Inc. 33.56 Greenwell Gray .71 Owens Oil Statioi, 204.30 I-anon hardware Co. 27.139 _59:53 ?ldon I•1yers 20.00 155.00 2r% 81 Livio Pogg:ioli -'hi.11ips Greenhouse ''��''tt11''�' . Swartzbaugh nelson 1'1.22 .mil"6 Y� 3 Q 7! 4�r, iruc_c Equipment Co. 1.60 i'1P4L DEPT. : Cecil Va.�Dyke • Am. Larrance Corp. 92.11 87;9. •7 Canton State Bank 10.01 I�.D.Glazebrook 465.00 GE dERAL FUTM- Jarvis "eldILng Co. 13.65-02")0 I Arm. Cit;: -Tagazi-ne 4.00 I . Bell Telephone Co. Babcoc':- Job ?'r`:.ritery' 102.15 ;:Macomb Communications Service 5.00 Bozell <c Jacobs, =uric. 331 .00 ;Iason Hardware Co. 2.35 785.64 .24 C.I.P.S. CO. Otrens `iii Co. 3 Canton Da';1­1 Ledger 9.70 J.C.Penney Co. 2r�.33 106.50 Canton Daily Ledger 53.10 . , Seagrave Core. Canton Typewriter Co. 26.00 Swartzbaugh � nelson 1.63 Cart r Clean Towel. Serv. 15-30 R.i .;�Jallace Service Station _18.91 (Cant.) 744.18 � • 24 (July 2, 1957 Continued) GETd.EML F( iTD C,_)",7T. : Naxi R cr Si„°T� 1 L,ui'2: T1.1. 13e11 `i'ele/­phone 18.614 S11artibaugh :° nelson 25.54 Ill. Ihuiicipal League 2014.00 Ghlee Watson 265.70 Francele Larson 36.00 Ill. 3'el]_ Telephone 22.65 Velma McCamey 13.75 C. I. P. S. Co. 1096.94 Police Dept. 98.00 Garbage Dept. 2,.75 A. C. Shepley "z Son 38140.37 Phillins Petroleilm Co. 50.68 ernard 11. sl:i_th 161.25 Jarvis melding Co. 2.25 Swearingen Wholesale Co. 5.00 Mason Hardware Co. 53.75 w'hite 's Book Store 120.514_ Berwyn Johnson 8 .86 Ethel �Tyrland ;� A. C. Shepley Son 1.!418.20 Canton Clean Towel 2.55 I'ARKI „G 'Lu`(' rZ FUi1D: '„ " 2I Canton Daily Ledger 11.15 Elsco Products `7 :0 tom' 13abcoc!c Job 'ntery 5. :o Homer Electric Co., Inc. 30.95 HaV�;tolc' Wehrmeister (Gen. Sargent-Sowell Inc. 42.65 fund share) 225.00 ' eger uovernmental Systems 128.89 Tvi1ite's Book Store 224.87 990. 3 Petty Cash 21,55 iticnard xielz 4.14 ''.)LICE DE='T: Canton i'luinbing Co. 2.614 I1eil R. Baxter 10.00 vTilki rs _`'ipe Su gip] r 24.58 H Caton Clean `( wel Service 4.'jc? Fullerton Lumber Co. 1;� .39 Caton Dail, Ledger 6.60 _'lack 's a,,xcava`i;ing Serv. 23.40 Garbage Dent. 14%99 Sears,Aoeb zc s Co. 13.324 Ill. Dell Telenhone Co. 8.30 i:ernool i:aterials Co. 7.59 Ia 'c ?,d Hotor Co. 12.50 Canton ':fire :a. Vulc. Co. 6.00 Lock's Auto Co. 222.10 Gravely-Illinois Co. 127.50 I-lacomb .:;orirnun-icati ons Serv. 73.69 )'tan.dard Oil Co. 12.03 ilason Hardware Co. .90 Canton ' ra:;isfer 238.00 ierson i nifor„i Co., 1c. 42.145 Diamond Alkali Co. 330.75 A. C. Shepley ;°: Son 22.514 iarblehead Lime Co. 231.00 State Cl avers 2.50 lle-llze Stone ;,. Lime Co. 231.00 i�. W. Wallace Service Station Auto Ilectric 16.50 Universal graders 16.55 Roy Clift 94.24 '72 Dolon's 11Qnai r Service 3,,103 Canton Su)°?:L,- ''O. 11.14 0 Delta Steel Co., "I:ne. 456.30 roelllectri.c Co. 16.75 'hillins Petroleurl Co. Cities es Serv:i_ce u9.1 C o. n4.32 Gec:. E. .Coffman �' Sons 263.5 �ur�,:iri�s w Lrnerson 7.06 Gavenda Bros., 1-1c. 21.2; lvational Disinfectant 198.15 Swell C-11.1 Co. 6•�5 ;1:1-dlanci Laboratories 37.75 Higgins Oil Co. A. C. She,,ley Son 5.00 S' 99.14 --r-- 7 _ iiason Hardware Co. 45.45 Jarvis ":elda.ng Co. 203.95 CamT)bell-Behrens Co. 1c.69 .l. i . Common Co. 119.65 Sears Roe-31'16_. Co. 17-03 T1.ite s Bo;j,'! Store Industrial Towel Un.i-f ore 3. 0 Total ;'J_6,332.95 Harr r riial..en ;',lass ^Dori>s 5.1.r) Civ,riings ;rnerson ('55.02 Garbage Dept. 14;").76 Austin 7ouder Co. 114.60 Bolon's Repair Service 48.05 nartinerer Concrete Products 1814.79 Tam's "66" Service 15.814 Swartzbaugh (°I, 1 elson 73.66 Cant to], 'Tractor Equip. 28.314 Canton Paint L !.call Paner 19.89 3.73 City Clerk.