HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-1957 Council Meeting Minutes June 18, 057 dd
Tie Canton City Council conocned at V? on Kne P, lQ47. ROT1 call
wit" all members of the council rresent. Linutog (-,-r the juhe'L, l"57 ,iectinc
were read and annroved.
Mayor Woods recinmendeC the a iotinr was VP order to annoint Sam Sebree
as Civil Defense Director, rpolaring Ar. Alan C"Ido who had resigned r9ccnt1y.
AlAcrman !motor Hill made the motion to annoint :r. Sebree, secondod 41
Aldern.an -,ender. 7orval vote: AY!: Unamiono.
Aldcr,iar Lu_nd y moved thpt the A. C. Shepley • Son insurance be continuer,
as the CAPS comnensation irsurance carrier. Seconded by Allcrman Lester
Hill- R011 call vote: A77: ATOerman ?Qzfor, ho-to- Hill, Till Shelby
12rizht, Turner, 7'Q
Lnndry, 371ck, Eartin anl
!7o-broo. !Iona. Carri-d. pones) Miller,
3econd reading of Aroar latinn Ordina-r- of Cit, of cantDr, Z,,,, K,,ds
rocnmmanded that the Counci7 votj Apor UF passu,e fir a&-tion, 21jorman
7-n1r; made t%e not! miat t,- "r0noWe to ado7tedi spcnndpd by_` AlSornan
D_--rnr-,r, call vOth; AYR: Alloonan "Ybrcv, Martin, Swick, Lundry, H112r
ja:es, Tin ks Un. Vrltht, Turner, 9helby Wript, H-V 417h L-qt-r 1411 an-
,, ..per.
:1--l": 7one. Carried. T"is OrAinanno "KnZ 1340.
First reading of Ordinance: CTOSINC OF ALTHY, "Sncfinn 1. That the alloy
lyinZ to the east of Lot Numbn 21 OF Crace N, PenslnCcr Addition and an alloy
1�-in�� , ,north of Lo+q 19 2? unj 21 of •race 2, PensinLcr Addition to the City
of Canton, Minnis, be and th- =P is he-phi vacated. Soctinn 2. That
unon the passage of this Drdinance as required by law and ap-roval by the
Mayor, this Ordinance shall becoqe effective and the title to said alloys
shall vest in the abutting o,.,mor,s of land as provided for by the Statutes
of the State of T'linnis, Sactinn 3, That the City 0=4 shall file with the
Recorder of Dcon if FQtnn C-7nty, illinnis, a certifiod copy of this
Ordinance." Mayor Woods stated that a motion to suspend rules was in
order, Alderman Q&Li maoo thi m,jnr that t> r0 to qusneAdod
deconded by Alderman Sender, Roll c0 Who: AYE: Elder-an 004',,
hostor Hill Ray Bill
I . Shelh� 0inht,
MZ11er, Lundry, Swick, Martin a24 7o1 ree. -',7 �'arr-iod. 494.�s
U04PE knova as vV40a*00 ;341V Alderman Lundry made the motion that
this Ordinance be aUntod, speondc! by Alderman Spbrec, Roll call vote:
Iwo AYE: 00erman Sebree, rtin, qVic". 1)1ilimr, iojjos,
Turner. Shelby Oright, Rol Hi11-, Lpstqr Til I aid 3ender, Nay: None.
Carriod, This being known as Ordinance 1341.
First reading of Ordinance nnrtaininZ to the Fire Dnnartment: "Section 1.
The Fire Tenartmont shall consist of a chief of the Fire Derartment, one
assistant chief., two captains, are six firemen. Section 2, Each member
of the fire department shall receive a Thy-, :_cal examination at least once
every two years and at such other topq as may be required Q; the Fire and
lice Connission Of the City of Qnton, 1111 no1_s, Section 3. The Fire
Department shall have daily practice sessions. Section 4. That the sluml
of 130.00 a year shall be allowed each membcr Of the Fire Department as a
clothing allowance. " Mayor Yonds stated that a motion to suspend the
rules was in order. Aldcrman Lester !V 11 made the motion that the riles
bo susrenied) seconded by Alderman amender. Roll. call vote: AYE: Alder-
man '',ender, Lester 71m, Hot 0113 Sholhy Wright, Turner' Tink,
jorep, �Uier, Lundry, Swicn, Eartin and Sebree. NAY: None. Carried.
Alderman Lester Hill moved that rassage for adontion Of this Ordinance be
made, secondrd by ATdcrman 2en0er. Roll call voto: KE: Alderman Sebree,
Martin, swic", Lundry, niller, Jones, Tins, A. Kright, Turner, Shelby
Wright, Roy Hill, Lester 401 and 3ender. 'TAY: Carried. Vis being
Ordinance 042.
First readin; of Reckless Driving Ordinance: "Section 1. That Chapter KL,
Article 1, Section 14 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Canton, illinois
of 1945, as amended, he and the cane 15 hereby amended to read as follows:
Any nerson i^fho drives any vehicle with a willful- or wanton disregard for
the safety of rerscns or nroperty is guilty of reckless driving and
every person convicted of reckless driving stroll be punished by a fine
of not Tess than Ten Dollars nor more than Two 'lundred Dollars.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force ten days after to passane
by the Qt,;( Council, a7nrcval by the Aayor, and nublication according to
law." , After some discussion, this 3rclinance war, bell over ,ntil nf--;-t.
n aL:roe)�ient for ma�,ntenance of Cit, Streets fram the Denartmert
I� ir_�j--; j,a., or
pjibl , (, Pj_,jjVTa�,,S was read.
_ 'n of
-ir and DJ_
Wood's stated that a motion was in order that this aZreer�ent bo
ar_d Cl+ Clerk and, reti-irned to the Snr.°.n-fiel_d oi fice.
T I - signed and re-
Alden-an Jones made the motion that this agreement bt. T
turned,, seconded .11'l.der,-,,,an ",Jlllor. Verbal te:
I nT l-emental Easement from the Panhandle Eastern Pine Line Co. was
rend a.,-'d after so,-).e discussion, Alderman Jones made a motion that name
be referred to the 'Building and Grounds Com,'riittee for study and renort
Alderman Turner; Verbal vote: IZT�1 :
at the nest ' '�
'eet*_'- -,. by
Aldennan Lundry recommended that three ads be nlaced in the ,Tall Street
T �,,�1000.00 and that Can-ton
Journal. He stated that the cost !,TO' be
i organizations were
lndustrles would z�
furnish ' 100.00 and several other organi
'.Mne first ad would aT,..)r)ear Jul- 24.
jjilji-a- to hein 11-th this nroj,�rt.
After some discussion, Alderman Landry made the motion that the '_'_:1,n+'on
ty Coiincil -lace three ads in the 'call Street T o1,irnal all-ld that t!
C it- nay, for the first ad. (;'33'�.'�3). Seconded b I dernan Turner.
Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swic'.<-1 Lundr- , Jones,
, ! b - Roy Hill, Lester !ill- and
T ',T 'T r; rrllt Turr ?r, Shel - M1
Berr',er. _TAY: Done.One. "arried.
, e r",an Turner made a motion that the Council accent the W. Hiller
seconded ln,�, lil6ennan 33ender. Roll call. "rote; AY":
bid for as-balt,
116erman Bender, Lester T-Till Rn 71111 � Shelby ',"Trlrrht
;1 . -1 AT A 'a- -d.
7- anc?a:7,, S1qi; c1:' "artin and Sebree. Tink. (, rri,_
Jones _=filler L,
AlOern,an Jones mentioned that the on the M. ?,Jl. corner of Linn St.
and Fifth Avenue was very unsigIntly and ',-r. ldc',Iunn stated that he would
+.'-p ow.ners about t1he removal of same.
Woods introduced 1•111r. Kirkley from the Smith-Sharpe Co., eori a, 111.
the el
Kirkle-1 demonstrated the qualities o-T saner tow . s and d-,s-nensors
2' --- and asked that the Council give this product
d;--s i-,r ibu ted by th!s comna., - -e
11 -intinn that, th--*,-- -attcr be
a nine -day trial. Alderman , -ler made the
ref el t,(6d to tne Building; and Grounds Con-itteP, Seconded b,r Alderman Jone .
t T ln �iVerbal vne- na s.
ri-nittec check
Alderman Roy Ili-I1 made a recommendation that the Traffic o also on
on stns signs on the corner of Seventh Avenue and Elm Street and a! ,(-
Eighth Avenue and 1,%Talnut Street. 'Tc,Pnqan Jones said this would be done.
I p ji o P rnp-
Alderman '�-J�n. 1.1right asked ab(-.), i, tl street -I,t n cc '-f
-_L� '
S ain Street. Alderman Sebree stated that it would be taken
1ix-,rr)c1- and '
care of In the near futare.
10 rl crman Lundr�r made the motion for adjournment, seconded by y Alderman
Swic!,�. Verbal v-vote: AYE: Unanimous. Canton Citi., Council a(ljnurned
at g•5),
lt��&Cit', Clerk.