HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-14-1957 Council Meeting Minutes 23
The Canton City Council convened June 4. 11057 at 7:35 T t-Ti th all members of
tI,e, cr"cil present. ('In,. Jones tard,) .
Minutes of the last meet_i_nc, were read and approved.
A petition from the Peoria Star requesti'1g ner.^.:i_ssion to use the Jones
Park on the evening of J,!l, 5, 1957 for a contest to be l-,eld cooperation with
the city- recreation nrogram --- to choose entrants for king and queen contest at
tbo Heart of Illinois Fair. gal der:ar %-ester Hill moored that pPrmi ssi on be granted
for this purpose, seconded by Alderman Turner. . Vorbal vote; AY, : Carried•
Alderman Lundry read the r i.l?_c for t.ti,A ranc^ co ^i flee anO made a motion on that
all bills propCr.]z- a,---rnged be ncepted for na,--men . Sc'._,,;rind? by i'r^Y',. Sw1 ck.
??oll call vote: .".� -1^?^~ar.. Berdcr, ?.o^' rV'T .� , oyr Till, Shelby Wright,
Turner, Ihn. WriL},t, Tin-1-, _.i.11er, L T, 'x, , :r_c, , TTart:n a.. : e;re "US.Y: r3one.
arri ee..
Alderman :.iller read the bills for t•',.e nr)l.i_co a rd e�,�.l_ dsnart:.^.ent and moved
that all bills properly annroved be ac—cont-2,11 for pa-%ment, seconded by Alderman
�. n 7r 1 7 T ry T:� l n r
Lundr'r• T�^7l cal..J.?rn P: .. tal( n`"..i:i." ^! �r�r.'n, 'fart-�!, Clw,c�C, iun.ly✓ 1. ,
Ti nIr� ;.� _rr; Sh by 1,i 'art Roar `till "ester H'!l_l Bcnd r 1AY:
_ ;ant, Turner, � el._,✓ r_�r,-� , ,, , ,
"Tone. Carried.
Alderman Turner read the bills for the Strut, alley, and Siclewal1,: Corgi iittee and
rude a _ otion that all bills properly approved be accented for nay'iaent, seconde
b.r ild^.r a^ T,,'.'_':r?ry. °ol l call voto; AY'". A ldcrmar. '�ertC'.e7', Lester 27]�l , Roy
t. . . _ . "il r i_11, Shelby l i,ht, Turner, Tr=-tr.,t, _ _ _., _7_1 er,, Lunnr� , _ci..., 1,7 art n..
Sebree. T1Ar: None. Carried.
Alderman Lester Hill read the bills for t',Ie t^.'a.ter and Serer Lepartme t and
moved that all bills properhr anprove(l by accepted for na finent, seconded by
Alderman Swig . Roll Call �^ 'jart,� S1"'T
L �.dryr,
vn 4� Alder lar,
Eliller, Jones, Tink, tram. Wright, Turner, Shelby „r,{-1,t, R ,zr �7i-1.1_, Lester Hill,
Bender. NA_�_': None. Carried.
Alderman Swi& read tale bills for t' c 3uildin- and Crounds committee and moved
that all bills prone-1-11 annrovr�d be accepted for nayme t seconded byr Alderman
Lr..ndry. Roll. call vote; AYE, : Alder.an ': en er, L's ter H`11_, Royr ?Ii11, Shelby
i righ t
. , Turner, W-in Tri_�t , T _r_-lr, Jon—, i ll_er, Lundy r, ST,rick, Martin and
Sebree. NAY: None. Carried.
Alderman. Roy Roy Trill read the bills for the Garbage Denart:ner_t and made the
motion that all bills properly annroved be accented for payment seconded by
llcterrn^n Sebree. Roll call vote; AY'! : alderman Sebree., !4a�.tii- , SIT cli, Lundry,
n llerµ Jones, Trot-, Wn. I.,iri-ht, furnnr, Shelby Wright, Royr Hill, Lester Fill,
fender. NAY: "!one. Carried.
L b i. y. a:n'"l _<-rl.o a m tl ;..ti�at all 1h-l l„ n onerlyr
A1r3ermar: Sebree read the fight 1l - o n,1 r
anrroved be accented for payment, seconded by Alder-man Lundry. Roll call vote;
AYE• Alderman Bender, ester Ttill Royr ui ll, Shcl 1,,, '.Ir; -lit, Ti rner, 117!• ,°Iri_ght,
Ti_nl:, Jones, 11iller, Lundry, Swick, Iviarti.., Sebree. NIA': 'Tone. Carried.
Alderma- Jones read the Traffic bills and moved that al11 bills nronerly annroved
be accepted for payment and recommended that C. ''^'. ?Iayner bills be investigated,
seconded by Alderman Lundry. Roll call. vote- AYE: Alderman Sebree, i`lartin,
hundr,, , Miller, Jones, Ti nic, I.-ki. T.dri[;ht, T,zrner, Shrl_L�y 11ri ght, Roy Hi ll,
1:oster rill and Bender. T1As': TTone. Carried.
The City Clerk read the reports of the vari o,is denartn.ents of tl'P City, and
Alderman Jones made the motion that they be accepted and placed on file.
Seconded by Alderman Tlm. Wright. VTerbal_ voto: AYE: Carried.
C ontinuing bond for "art-y Luker, '01_i-,,tuber was read.
Alderman Lester Fill, Chairman of thy, '^;titer and Sewer Committee made the motion that
the firemen be al-lowed ;x30.00 per rcar for 1.n"i.forr' clothin¢ bearing the name of
Canton fire Department. Seconded byr alderman Turner. Rol-1 call vote: AYE:
Alderman Benc'er, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, T"trner, T°Tm. Wright, Tiny,
ones, i"iiller, Lundry, Swick, :-Tartin and Sebree• 'NAY: None. Carried.
Alderman Lester Hill, Chairman of the 'eater and Sewer Committee made a motion
that an Ordinance be drafted that the Fire Department have one Captain on each
shift, that each fireman have a physical examination every two years, and that
there '^e a daily practice session. Seconded by Alderman Hiller. Verbal vote:
AYE: Carried.
Alderman Lester Hill stated that the `:each at Lake Canton would be open on June 5
and stated that James Elwell, a certified life guard, would be on duty frarn 1:0
?. I. to 8:30 P. r,.. at a salan, of :'200.00 per month and that James iialong.
would be his assistant at ;;:180.00 Per month. `Ie also stated that barrels
had 1-,een placed around the coves in the lake to Protect the fishermen. Alderman
artin suggested that a granpel hoo'r be procured and I.°1az-or A,00ds instructed
Orval Kuhn to purchase one.
Alderman Lester ?fill made a motion that the City of Canton draft a contract
tiri th the Rural Fire Distr�_ct -- that district to pair the Ci of Canton
;,1200.`�O Per year, and, after the Canton Eire Departa,nent had called out on
twenty fires, the Price .zould 1 - :x,50.00 each fire. This contract on a trial
Period of one year and to cover a radius of eight miles. Seconded by Alderman
Sebree. Roll call vote : AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Mill, Roy Bill,
Shelb;- 'vJright, Turner, v.n. Vlright, Tink, Jones, Hiller, Lundr_', Swick, Martin,
and Sebree. IdAY: none. Carried.
Alderman Lester Hill made a motion that g water be made available on
Quality Hill, Cobleigh Addition, ,°Jest Locust Street Addition, one block on
East Locust Street between Eleventh and Twelfth Ave., on East Elm Street
between :Eleventh and Twelfth Ave. and on Eleventh Avenue between Chestnut
Street and Elm Street. Seconded bU- Alderman Turner. Alderman Tink requested
that the same be made on Ea^t Uckory Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenue.
Verbal_ vote: AYE: Carried.
Al.derma.n Swick reDorted on the Jones Park -- that shrubs and flowers had
been Planted and the band stand had been Painted. Later when season is right,
trees will be Planted.
Alderman Landny made a motion that the iMayor and City Clerk enter into a
contract with the Count;; for the construction of a new bridge on West
Vine Street -- the cost of same would be approximately one-third for the
City of Canton. Seconded b-,�,T Alderman Ulm. Wright. Verbal Vote; AYE: Carried.
Alderman Martin made a motion that the alley on the east side of lot 21 and
across the end of lots 19, 20 and 21 in the Grace Pensinger addition be closed.
Seconded by Alderman Hill, Verbal vote: AYE: Carried.
Alderman Tint: made a motion that the City Treasurer's annual report be
itemized in detail_ and Published. Seconded by Alderman Shelby fright.
Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman lebree, Martin, Tink, Shelby .d'right. ^JAY:
Alderman. Std ck, Lundry, Miller, Wry. 11right, 'Turner, Roy (Till, Lester Bill,
and Bender. Motion not carried.
ITderman Turner asked Permission to be exc,.?_sed from the meeting.
A resolution regarding the transfer of funds was read. Alderman Lundry made
a motion that the resolution be adopted, seconded b;r Alder, an I :. Wright,
Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright,
W. . Wright, Tink, Jones, Miller, Landry, Swick, l'lartin, Sebree. 111Y:
A fi.rst reading of an Ordinance pertaining to narking Dieters: Be it Ordained
by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois: Section 1. Any person
who is issued a notice of parking meter violation may, on or before midnight
of the day on which said notice is issued, avoid prosecution b-. placing the
notice and the sum of twenty-five cents in an envelope and depositing it in
one of the yellow boxes provided for said nurnose on certain_ parking meter
posts in the City of Cantor, Illinois. Any person who shall not do so on or
before midnight of the day on which the notice is issued, in order to avoid
prosecution, may pay the sum of fifty cents to the proper official at the
Police Department in the City of Canton, Illinois. Section 2. The members
of the Police Department shall collect such moneys and pay the same over to
the City Treasurer of the said Cit71- receiving his receipt therefore. Section 3 .
This Ordinance shall be in force tez days after its passage by the City
Council, approval by the Mayor, and publication. This being known as
Ordinance 7#339. Alderman Miller moved that the Council suspend the rules
regarding the reading, seconded by Alderman Wm. Wright. Roll call vote:
AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundryy, Miller, Jones, Tink, Ui.
�Jr . ht, Shelby Wright., Roy Hill, Lester Hill. and Bender. NAY : none.
,loti.on carried. Alderman Swick moved that the Council vote on the Ordinance's
Passage, seconded by Alderman Fuller. Roll call vote; AYE: Alderman ender,
Lester Hill, Rod, Hill, Shelby Wright, Wm. Wright, Tink, Jones, "filler, Lundry,
Swick, Jlartin, Sebree. NAY: ";one. Motion carried.
I 2, 4 �
(June 144, 1957, Continued)
Anpropriation Ordinance was read for the first time. Alderman Lundry
who was sitting in for Playor t�'oods who was called away because of illness
in the .family, suggested that the Anpropriati_on ordinance be held over for
the next council meeting.
Alderman Jones made the motion that sealed bids be opened and read, seconded
by Alderman v'm. Wright. Sealed bids pertaining to Bituminous materials and
Seal Coat Aggregate were opened ai,.d read b,, the Clerk(W. F. Miller Co.
Elvaston, Illinois and c'eorge F. and Sons, Inc., Peoria, Illinois) .
ftmtgg-ioit Alderman 'ones moved that the Council accept the
low bid and advise the Playor and City Cl_arh to enter into a contract with
said firm, seconded bil Al_dernan Tink. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman
Sebree, Jones, Tink, Shelby Wright. wAY: Alderman riartin, Swi_ck, Lundry,
i"Miller, �l . '..rri�,ht, ??nor Iil 1, Lester T?ill, Bender. I'.otion defeated.
Alderman Jones then moved t-l.at all bid-9 ?,e rejected ar d re-advertise for
bids for June 18, 1957, seconded by Alderma^ Sebree. Rohl_ call vote: AYE:
Alderman Shelby Wright, Tinl:, Jones, Sebree. dAY: Alderman ender, Lester
Ui. Wright, T,. filler, Lundr�r, S,,Tic'c, Iiartin. notion not carried.
Alderman Lester Hill moved that the bids 'Ue referred to the ?goner
committee and ask for their report at the next Council meetin; .' Seconded
by Alderman Swick. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick,
Lundi-y, Miller, 11m. Wright, Hay Hill, Lester Hill and '3ender.
Alderman Jones, Tin'_ , Shelby Wright. Motion carried.
Alderman Martin made a motion for adjournment, seconded b- Alderman 1,Tiller.
Carton City Council_ adjourned at 9:35 P. M.
B"`IhDDI G GROUNDS: GE';_, RAL p?rr,m
Dent. of Safety, Boiler Inspection 7.00 C. I. P. S. CO. 8po�0►4
Vernon A. Garretts 701.00 White 's Rook Store
• T 318.0
Canton Paint e Tallraner "tore 26.06 T�Jhite,s B ook Store 10.3 Pavl ey T ursery 202.25 A . .AC She-,ley Son 5 0
3 p n
Canton Clean Towel Service 7.2.60 A. D. Painter Agency 25.00
Canton Clean Towel Service 4.70 F"rancele Larson 30.00
Mason Hardware Co. 1.64 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 21.25
1 Lewis Pharmac�C 12.37 Canton Dai_1< LPdU 459.25
Montgomery Ward 10.30 Rae;mond Wehrmeister 450.00
Swearingen Wholesale Co. 9.90 Ra;mand WehrrrPi_ster 85.00
Jarvis Welding Co. 1.50 2212.89
Fred Butkovi ch 31.15 P1 RKI 1G METER:
Harr" Whalen Glass Works 8.95 Bell and Gustus, Inc. 1,12,52
) anon Hardware Co. 44.82 tiarg}pt,
n -.SnwelI Inc. 73.87 `±
Sutton & I'ioore �?9.Q8.
Fullerton Lumber Co. 13.15 DEPART11'0'711
Canton Paint & Wallpaper Store 4.30 R. tit, Wallace Service Station 2.08
Cummings "- Emerson 2.12
Atlas Camera Center 14.31
Cummings Emerson 7.11 r_
N Maier-.�T
avatz- Co. 550.00
Swartzbaugh �, -Nelson 5.75 Universal Traders 4.10
R. `°.'. ;Tallace Service Station 5.715 Lock's Auto Co.
Swearingen Wholesale Co. 13.40 L x �T. Motor Co. 5.00
Macomb Communications Service 5.00 Taca::?, rom:rur_irations Service 127.04
Canton Sunnly Co. 74.59 King Altto I lectric P-5.12
�• - F a rr.,ers C on„erat,i v- Grain w
Continental Oil Co.(Mar.&An s ^ de
r.) 467.41 Garbage De arnt 134.5 5
Continental Oil Co. (May) 208.8!;
rivio pnggioli Mason Hardware Co. is ;,s 1.50
Harry W Works � i1. �i.32
arr�� „a1 en Glass rTo. .s .6c ROAD nRIDGE DEPARTn".E.1T:
Mason Hardware Co. 5910 Can.tcn Tare & V-uicani zing Co. 45.69
Shell Oil Co. 213.38 Ca.,ton Auto Body icnai r Co. 8.00
Swartzbaugh & Nelson 4.50 Swartzbaugh 'r Nelson 84-71
Canton Auto Body Repair Co. 4.00 Kammerer Concrete Products 205.82
Owens Oil Co. 204.30 Garbage Denartment 278.07
Phillips Petroleum Co. 111..96 Shell Oil Co. 6
_ •8
D-' Sunray Oil C o. �'12.29 Sutton bore 28.78
>; 5.
R".VD I- 13R1DC_T',] DEPT. (Conti •ued) -
Geo. E. Hoffman 9 Sons, Inc. 1$601-15
3olon's Repair Service 5n.146
DuC'r I '!'t Gravel Co.
Island Sand � 201.42
Kim- Auto 7lectric 37-33
Jamr Te I(I j__C. Co.s 32-50
3m7qa,-. Shoe Co. 40.74
'Jason Hardware Co. 24.07
_._i+,istri al Tmml 'Unifor.,. 'ervice
a 3.00
ill Ashby
11hillins PO-Lroleum Co. 4 r.26
'iartin Oc 1lartj_n LA. .09
3riggs ' `.%Tatson inc. 486.45
Ill. Telephone Co. 2�.8.,9
Ka-mlager 1,Plectric 111.910
C. T S. Co. 920-7
Spoon River Ele,ctric Co-op. 311 -50
Garbage Dei?t. 23.92
C.- ton Auto Bob, He�oair Co. 6.00
Jarvis >,IeldL-ig Co. 16-35
--.Biersdorf 7.00
Swart baugh Nelson
Mason 11
.ardware Co. 55.77
Gavellda Eros.
Canton Clean Towel Service 2.55
3abcock Job Pr-intery 4,24.50
White Is "oo'-,c tore 3.75
-D -
(Harr-,\r Lu:ker) Petty Cash 10.7?
Livio Pocr,ioli
Fullerton Li&ber Co. 61.51
Kammerer Concrete 'Products Co. 75.76
Canton Supply oply Co. 3.52
Bolon's Repa.!_r Service 4-35
Canton Tire Vulcanizing Co. 14-50
Canton Sashc Door Co. 23-15
1-lont-omel-, 41nrd
Harry G_'.ass Works 3.65
Standard 0-1-1 Co. 25.42
Gravely-Illinois Co. 30-01
Jwiies B. Clow Sons,, 'Inc. 18.50
Sutton cq- i,ioore 123.68
Sand Duck Island� Sand L Gravel Co. 205-55
Ghlee !:Jatson Truc'._,ing 41.6)
Canton Con-tractors 20;5.00
Gerald Pe='LnEer 39-35
Robert Essex 37.5o
Eugene La-wer 62-05
Vernon A. Garretts 577.71
Spoon diver Electric Co-onerat'-v_-, 7.00
Total of all departments $12JO043.79
City Clerk