HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-1956 Council Meeting Minutes ' r) 0
Canton, Illinoir
Sept , 18, 1956
A re?;ular meeting of the City Council held this dPy convening at the hour of
7:30 P. M. with Mayor Woods prpsidi4g. Roll call showed the following present:
Alderman Sebree, Landry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cool-,
Jennings and Fill . Absent: Alderm-n Slr inner.
MinuteG of Vie previous meeting ere read a.nd_ stood annro,red Ps read.
Ordinance "Pl.umbing Or.dina.nce " was read the first time.
Ordinance "Plpcing Yield.—Right—of-11,7p r'l signs =t 7th & 8th at Myrtle; 5th,6th,
and 7th and. Birch; P'rk. Court and Ws"l ing4 Court" was .read the second time. It was
moved by Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Jonninga to place the Ordinance on
.` its rass-=ge . Roll ca,71 vote: AYE: AlJerm._n Sp'�-Pe, Lunv?ry, S!rick, Smith, Miller,
Tink, Coleman, Turn.pr, Staley, Cook, Jennings ,nd. Hill. NAY: None. The ar-ir
declared the motion c4rried P.nd Orrin-�nce passed, einrc; Ordir.."nce No. 290.
Ordinance "Sick Leave—Fmnioy(�e or Officer of City" wqs read the second. time .
It wa- rwved 'hy Alderman Lundry, �:Pconded by Alderro,n Swick, to mla cP the Ordinance
on its hassa.,7e . Roll cill vol e: A7,: Alderman Sebree, Sundry, Swick, Smith, Miller,
Tih)c, Coleman, T,irn?r, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. The ch,ir
declared the motion carried_ and Ordinance nacsed, being Ordinance Yo. 291.
Resolution trans.f.erring t1,000.00 "rom the Parking Meter Fund to the Road
'lrirge fund, was on motion of Alderman Smith, cecond.ed 'hy Alderman Cook, adopted
by the following vote: AYE: Ald.er,nan Se'hr^e, Lunary, Sl,ic.h, Smith, Miller, Tink,
Coleman, Turner, Staley, Coo'- , Jennings and Hill. !TAY: None.
Bonds of Alzxili-ry Policemen Sam LingenfPlter, R,ymond White end Willi,-,r Postin
were on :notion of Alderman Landry, seconded by Alderman Cook, approved. and or0ered
On motion of Ald.prman Jennings , seconded by Ald.erm,,n Tink, ncrmission was
granted the Norris Methodist Church to told ta.g—d.ay on October 260, by unanimous
^n motion of Ald.prman St^'.cy, seconded by Alderman Lu&ry, the meeting adjourned.