HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-20-1956 Council Meeting Minutes 1811 Canton) 11151lo-11, Narch ?_n, 1956. r,-Lular meeting of the G*t-�� Cour--c-11 helf', V-1-1.9 day conv(,ning c!t the 1,1011r -,f 7:00P-. in. with Playor "odds presid',,ng. Roll call showed the k1deryttan Duncan 'Iabr��,?, ", "!_* , ­ - 1 ,, - 1- Turner r 1�1�1,� i 1.1 ) Colellzrl) tnle7i, Cook, Jennings and Hill. Absent: None. Minutes of the meeting of Feb. 21 and 1,11arch 6th, were read and stood as rea(l. hequest of the U. i . Vd. 'vxili.L ry to bold tag day on Piarch 24th, was on motion of tilderrian '-ock, seconded by Alderman _StLle��, LranteO a "Tor Local 'mnrovem. ont of certa_,Ii 1'orV_ors of N. Ave. C) designated as "Canton Laving Irripruvement No. 55-E", wL, rea(l the fist 1,11 ie. It w� -: r,c-v ecl LurCry., �econc'&.0 lk,y ,,�lderyiian Smith, to P-i,sj:end the riles. Roll call vote: I,' ' 1- 1, AYE: Alderman i)uncan Sebree, Ltaidrv, STTlCk -i-i-ilth, 4 I fl� ­ - > 4 p I 11 NAY: None. Alderman Sjiith moves, 7 . - 11-o 1"U C,:, i, -) ,dinance on its pass�ige. Roll- cill vote: i,il L: I - Swick Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Tarn,�i The chair declared the motion c i,i t, i e,o ' Inf, Ordinance N0.267. Ordinance "For Local Improvement 01 ce-r-It,aln -. oc'.J u,.,, of W. Elm Street., designated iq first time. a,�; IfCanton -,vin�- Trq,­,ruV,­]rielilb ­ _). It was moved by Al-'erman SmIlUi, secoricv-.-d b-v 1,11-1t Io�_I_j L i�s, t, o r _J the r-.iles. Roll call. voter; T Smith,, Miller) Skin.ner, Tink Coleirv-?ii ,, n J, In nove- I NA : NON,�'. Alderman Smith Jc1'rAngs to place the ordinance on its ern 7, Lundry, Swick) Smith, Mill,:!r, Skinner, Tijik, Colifrv+ii, r1cio1k-, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. The ol-ialr lecla iot.,L ).,- carried and Or^inance acsed, being Ordinance No268. Ordinance "Foiir-way Stop signs at W. Vine an, �:ve. B" rTaF, read 111(i It, was moved by Alderman Miller, seconded by Alderman Smith., to susnend the rules. Roll call vote: Pj"Ej: ilr?erman Duncan, Sebree, Lundry, Cwick, Smith) Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, T-,-irner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: ;done. Alderman Duncan Moves, seconded by Alderman Jennings, to place the Ordinance on its -)assage. Rolln.all vote: AYE: Alderman Duncan, Sebree, Lunc?ry, Swick, Smith., Miller, Skinner, T'-nk, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. The chair declared the motion carried and Ordinance passed, being Ordingnca No. 269. on Elm St. Ordinance "No parking 30ft. east/of Second Avenue" was read the first time. It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Smith to suspend the rules. Roll- call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebrees -Lundr,, Sm i ,, Swick, , th,, Millar, S',-inner, Tink, Coleman, Turner V n and Hill. N-.Y: Alderman Duncan. Alderman Cook moves, Staley, look) Jennings seconded by Alderman Swick., to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Colenan,, Tiirneril 'Idierman Duncan. The chair declared the motion Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: .1 � J� carried, and Ordinance passed, being Ordinance No.270. Ordinance ent tied 1120Mile Spppd on Lake Canton" was read the first time, which, was referred to the Ordinance Committee for re-vision. Bond of Merl Petter, as Special 11-olice Patrolman and Dog Catcher, was on motion of Alderman Smith, seconded by Alderman Duncan., approved and ordered filed. Alderman Miller r-.sorts that the Traffic Committee and Chief of Police, do not advise diagonal Parking on S. Main street, betw-�en Elm and Walnut St. Alderman Coleman renorts on the permit granted Kroger Store, to,build sidewalk at their store on Mall and Olive Streets. Alderman Staley moves, seconded by Alderman Turner, toacce-t and approve the renort. Aide -man Jennings moves, seconded by Alderman Hill,, the appointment of a Traffic Policeman) to attend traffic school at the University of Illinois, appointm ,nt to be made by the Mayor, through the Police Commissioners., from the present regular police depart- ment if such is available. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Duncan, Sebree, Smith, j Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Stalev gook, Jennings and hill. NAY: Alderman Lundry, Swick and "filler. AYE:-11: NAY-3. meeting a On motion of Alderman Lundry, seconded by-Alderman Staley, the meet ;z journed. C e�rk