HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-1955 Council Meeting Minutes Canton, Illinois.
May 3, 1955.
ti regular meeting of the City Council held this day convening at the hour of
7:30 P. M. with Mayor v�oods presiding. Holl call showed the followinf; present: al er-
man Sebree, ?hzncan, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley
and Klobuchar. ihse.n.t: none.
iinutes of the previous meeti_ni; were read and stood annroved as read.
The following claims were submitted, and on Motion of 1 erman i"ioore, seconded
by Al-jermn S,jith, allowed and ordered n< id when f nds are available:
Illinois aer Drtt ell Tele.- - _ _ 1q.90 parkins Meter:
0. Wonderlin Co.- - - - - - - - 34 .27 Homer Electric Co.- - ----- - - - - - 12.64
Canton Daily Ledger- - - _ _ _ _ 11.45 Miller Meters, Inc.- - - - - - - - - - 40.57
Martin & _ _ _ _ _ _ Brandt Automatic Cashier Co.- - - - - -47.04
Martin- - - 13.44
Garbage Dent.- - - - - - - - - - 92.66
Livio Pogrioli- - - - - - _ - _ _16.00 Street Dart.
Carry Luker- - - - - - - - - - --10.52 City of Canton-Garbage- - - - - - - - 109.25
a.nton Tire & Vulc.- - - - - - --18.50 Duck Island sand & Gravel Co.- - - 188.32
Roy Clift- - - - - - - - - - --i .38 Mason Hardware Co.- - - - - - - - - - 2.30
Jarvis, Welding Co.- - - - - - - 51.20 Canton Tire & Vule. Co.- - - - - - -- 5.00
Swartzbanei 4 NeleAn- - - - - -- 10.32 Swartzbaugh & Nelson- - - - - - - - - 63.96
Canton Plumbing Co.- - - - - - - 23.17 Livio Poggioli- - - - - - - - - - - - 18.75
Petty Cash- - - - - - - - - - - 21.56 Industrial Towel X. Uniform Ser.- - - 2.00
C.I .P.S. 00-- - - - - - - - - - 829.63 -
Jarvis, Welding Co.- - - - - - - - - - 4.10
Kroell Electric Co.- - - - - - -326.62 Snap-On Toole, Corp.- - - - - - - - - - 7.24
Flynn Puildinr Materials- - - 94.71 Rhodes Transfer- - - - - - - - - - - - 2.06
Mason Hardware Co.- _ - 6.26 R. C. Larkin Co.- - 195.21
White's Book Store- - - - - - - -60.38 phillius Petroleum Co.- - - - - - - - 61.90
Cummings & Emerson- - - - - - - - 5.92 ____,,
Standard Oil Co.- - - - - - - - -88.45 und: - 100.28
Fays Corp.- - - - - - - - - - -- 12.19 ity of Canton-Garbage Dept.- - - -
L. Weller, Postmaster- - - - - - - - 30.00
Stevens Photoeopy Co-- - - - - - 1.08
Difco Lab 785.75 oratories- - - - - - - - 6.43 C. I . P. S. Co.- - - - - - - - - -
E. H. Sa.rrent & Co.- _ _ _ _ _ _ 3.80
Homer Electric Co. , Inc.- - - - - - 117.84
Marblehead Lime Co._ _ _ - _ _ -218.75 Canton Clean Towel Service- - - - - - 13.85
The Tropical Paint & Oil Co._ - 25 .48 Fred Butkovich- - - - - - - - - - - - 27.30
- - -
South Side Foundry Co.- _ _ _ _ 264.35 Mason Hardware Co.- 12.01 Flynn Ruildins Materials, Inc.- - 8.55
Wilkins Pine & Supply Co.- - - -406.06 - '1.57
Rockwell Mfg. Co.- -- _ _ _ _ _ 18.84 Dean & Darrel 's Texaee Ser.- - - - -- =•1.97
Well Machinery & Suo'nly Co.- - - 16.26 King Auto Electric- - - - - - - - -
Mason Hardware Co.- - - - - - - - - - - 7.69
Fire Dert_ L. & W. Motor Co.- - - - - - - - - - - 6.00
City of Canton Hydrant Rental- 8,028 .00 White's Book Store- - - - - - - - - - - 3.30
Auto Electric.- - - - - _ 6.00
Rini► Police & Sheriffs Assoc.- - - - - - - -15.00
- 40.00
Macomb Comm. Service.- - 5.00 Macomb Comm. Ser.- - - - - - - - - 422.45
Reeder. Wallace- - - - - - - - - 9.97 Canton Daily Ledeer- - - - - -_-_ __
Frank Thwrnher Co.- - - - - - 10.81
A.C. Sh"ley & Son.- - - - - - -- 145.00
Garbage Dent. : - -
Swartzbaugh & Nelson- - - - - - 5,51 Franeelle Larson-City Court)- - - - - 30.00
P.F. Pettibone & Co.- - - - - - - - - 73.33
Phi111AS Petroleum Co.- - - - - 17.29 Petty Cash- - - - - - - - - - 20.54
Continental Oil Co.- - 40 .06 Stevens Photocopy Co.- - - - - -- 5.40
Shell Oil Co.- - - 201.48 Whites Book Store- - - - - - - - - - 14.00
Livio Poggioli- - - - - - - - - 216.00 Ill. Rell Telerhone Co.- - - - - - - - 17.80
The following yearly rt-orts were submitted.: uldg. Comm; City Engineer ; Supt. of
Streets : Chief of Police :Fire Chief-, Sewage 'Treatment Plant later treatment plant.
`lumbing inspector; W,. ter &, `';ewer Jer)t; City °ttorney; Treas. of "ire Lept. Tt
was moved by alderman Klobuchar, seconded by alderman t'ioor�>, the re )arts be acce,.>ted
and ordered rlaced on file.
It was moved by 11derman Staley, seconded by Alderman Coak, the Mayor And Clerk
enter into Agreement-Lease with Geo. V�_.jnkiiddlesworth, leasing 7 acres at the VJaterworks.
poll call vote: ',YE: Alderman aebree, Duncan, Moore, Lurr r!, Miller, Smith, :Linder, Skinner,
Coleman, Cook, Staley and nl )buchar.. ;V:Y: none.
On motion of 11derman nlobuch_r, seconded by Alderman �-Ioore, the me inl; adjourn=�d.
C1 y er
Canton, I 11 .
May 3, 1955
A first meeting of the new Council held this day convening at the hour of 8:15PM.
with Alayor °floods presiding. Roll call showed the following present: Alderman Duncan,
Sebree, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, `fink, Coleman, 'Turner, Staley, Cook,
Jenrt_ings and Hill. Absent: none.
The Mayor names the fol_l.owing cornmitteeman:
FINANCE: Smith, Coleman, Cook
POLICE & LEGAL: Lundry, Hill, 'Turner
STREET & ALLEY: Coleman, Jennings, Duncan
WATER & SEVIER.: Staley, Lundry, Hill
PRTNTINC: Tink, Cook, Skinner
ORDTN:INCE: Hill, Duncan, Swick
BUILDINGS & GDS: Duncan, Miller, Smith
LICENSE: Turner, Skinner, Sebree
GARBAGE: Jennings, Miller, Swick
TTCIITS: Sebree, Smith, Turner
(,T,,IIT 1S: Swick, Tink, Cook
TR!FFI Miller, Stal.e�', Sebree, '1'i,lrner, Jennings.
It was moved by Al-derman Smith, seconded by Alderman Dunca, to a-prove and confirm
the c)mmittee anr7ointments. Roll call vote: Pffh: Alderman Duncan, Sebree, Lundry,
Swick, "mi_th, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coler,�n, 'Turner, Staled , Coo. ) Jennings, Hill.
The following a -nointmerrts were made by the l,iayor:
C.�_ty Attorney: Lawrence Mcmunn; -
C _ty Lngr; Howard �Iibbons -
T'lumbi.ng lns- ector; John Taylor -
Chief Operator at Wat -IJor ks: Orval riuhn
Water Operators: Ben Huggins ; Lloyd tieinerreich; Billy G-)eyn; Harr;, Cl;3rk.
Cashier eater dept: Catherine Emans -
Aeter Readers: William Gaskill; E.11;ene Jenkins.
Chief operater Swwage Disposal: Eugene W,)ddell
Operators Sewage Disposal: Fred. Butkovich, Victor Thompson
Uarbage Dent: neon Otto, Francis Evans, Harold Wade.
De;-uty City Clerk+ Francel.le Larson -
Bldg. & Park Custodian: E. L. Brasel -
Public Lounge Custodian: Al Rifflard; Gertrude hi.fflard.
Liquor Commisimn• Cameron Denham, Roland Taylor. .
Library Board-3yr. term: W. 1nl;ersoll, A. C. Sheple ; ; 'r;, Freeman ('wearingen.
Library Board-!yr. term for Council: JohnColeman
Cemetery Board-5- r. term: hied Linder
Cemety; Oren Brown.
Fire u Police Cymi-ssion-3yr.term: Cecil Stokes.
Z-7--.,— 94 s _)kI y
It was moved by Alderman Duncan, seconded by 11derman Staley, to apt)rove <,nd c
confirm the an ointments. Roll Call vote: ;',YE: 61derrr�n luncan, Sebree, Lundry,
`wick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink. Coleman, 'Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill.
NAV • None.
Request of the Jr. Chamber of Comme- ce to barracade !, ie Square on i�L y _;0th for
the purpose of holding the `Peen-Age hod eo, was on motion of HldermanCook, seconded
by Al,d.e man Jennings, granted by a viva voce vote.
Alderman Skinner moves, seconded by iLlderman iIiller, the flavor and any other
off 1.cial who desires, attend meeti-nE; of the ill. Municipal League in Spr ingf ie ld, Sat.
May 7th, with expenses allowr�d b, City, and i:,rie motion carried by at diva voce vote.
Resolution that overnight parking violations in the amount of a fine cif' „2.00
be paid to the police department hereafter, was on motion of Alderman �nith, seconded
by Alderman Staley, <<dopted by unarrirnous roll call vote.
Resolution that the sum of$2500.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the
reasurer of the Canton Planning and Zoning Commission, was on ;notion of Alderman 1'liller
sec >nded by Alderman Staley, adopted by unanimous roll cal-1 vot .
motion of alderman Cool;, seconded by Alderman Smith, the Cit1 Clerk was
authorized to write for audit bids, by a viva voce vote. V
Alderman Staley moves, seconded 'rayy All Cook the State Research Depart ent
stock Lake Cant n with Gar and og Fis�i. 01al_1 vt� �°M. �lderm n Iatndry, ick,
Staley, Cook < nd Hill. NN" Alderman T)uncan, e ree, m rth, ller, Skinner, Ln�,
Coleman, 'turner and. Jennings. The chair eiecl.ared the mot;:-on lost.
.alderman Miller moves, seconded by ilderman `fink, hereafter all bills be
rend by the Cha:i.rman of each Coma _ttc°, and an explaination of tho bill be iv;�n
shout.-' it exceed ";7,.CC. Roll c<lll vote: AVE: ,alderman Sebree, Lun:lry, Swick,
11iller, Skinner, `fink, 'Varner and Cook. ITAf : alderman Duncan, Smith, Coleman,
Staley, Jennings and hill. The chair declared the motion carried.
Alderman Staley moves, seconded by Alderman Skinner, th6 County be requested
to nay over to the City fines collected by t .em and due the City, and if they
ref,_:se the renuest, that suit be started to collect same, and the motion carried
by a v�va voce vote.
The Ma,,or comrrier.ds all denartment heads and employees on their work during;
the past year.
rl motion of nlderman Sebree, seconded by Alderman Smith, the meeting i,hen
le if k