HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-1955 Council Meeting Minutes 1
Canton, Illinois
April 20, 1955.
A regular meeting _,f the City Council held this day convening at the hour of
7:30 1 M. with Mayor Woods presiding. Roll call showed the following )resent: 1<ier-
man Sebree, Luncan, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Cook, Staley and
Klobuchar. Absent : Al(.lerman. Coleman,
Minutes of the nrevi.ous meeting were read and stood approved as read.
Renort of a special committee to investigate the Motor Vehicle License revenue and
expenditure was submitted by Alderman Lee Cook, 1•'oore, ith, Staley and Lundry. On
motion. of Alderman 1'loore, secon�',Ied by Alderman Cook, themrenort was accented and ordered
placed on file.
Request of Richard Smith for tw'6-week vacation withx)ay, was on motion of Alderman
Ploore, spcon,'ed by Alderman Miller, referred to the Finance committee and City Att:)rney
to check on same and report back, and the motion carried by a viva voce vote.
Res-)1l tion transferring 1�4,500 ''rom the (jjrbage Fund to the General Fund, was
adopted on motion of Alterman Skinner, sec-)nded by Al,'e,,•ma^ Klobuchar by the following;
roll cell vote: A"F: Alr'e:rman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, Landry, Miller, Smith, Linder,
Skinnor, Cook, Staley and Klobuchar. NP11Y: None.
An Agreement by and between the City of Canton and Joe Van"iddlesworth, to rent
and lease 7 acres of land at the 'Baterworks was submitted. It was moved b, klderman
Klobuchar, seconded by ilderman Moore, the Water a Sewer committee investigate and
report back on this matter at the next m.;eting, by a vim voce vote.
Ordinance "Licensing any person, firm or cor-noration selling lumber, sidi..ng or
materials in City" was read the first time. It was moved by Alderman Staley, seconded
by Alderman Duncan, the fee for licens:� be inserted at ";50.00 per day, and the c.otion
carried by unanimous roll call vote. Alderman Stale; moves, seconded by Alderman
Klobuchar to suspend the rules requiring the Jrdinance be read the second time. Roll-
call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, '.;uncan, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner,
Cook, Jtaley, Klobuchar. NAY - None. : It was then moved by Alderman Otaley5 seconded by
Alderman Klobuchar, to place the Jrdinff�,�geon its passage. Roll call vote : %YE:
Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, Lunc'.ry5/5m1Eh, Linder, Skinner, Cool:, Staley and
Klobuchar. NAY: none. The chair declared the motion carri.ed and Ordinance T�assed,
being ordinance N6.237.
The Mayor names to the canvassing board: Al erman Lun ry, Smith, and ''loore to
canvass retlzrns of election held April 19, 1955.
The council recessed during canvass of votes.
U-)on re-convening the following report of the canvass board was read:
lst. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th.
Harry Sebree-Cit. —757
Clifford Swick-Cit. 291
Gustav A. PI'ller-Cit. 273
`"'red V. Linder-Cit. 210
Frank E. Tink-Indern. 313
Finis turner-Cit. 102
Lee Cook-Cit. 181
Lester Hill-C it.-4yr.term 3 81s
nobert F. Jennings-Cit.-2yr.term 362
1st. Aard: Yes-170 No.-111
2nd Ward: Yes-208 No--122
3rd Ward: Yes-174 No--134
4th N'ard: Yes-270 No--283
5th Ward: Yes- 56 No-- 57
6th Ward: Yes- 86 No--120
7th Ward: Yes-256 N0--199
Total- - - - - 1220 1029
We find that the following were elected in their respecti.vew�rds: For Aldermen:
Harry Sebree, lst.w«rd; Clifford ''wick, 2nd ward; Gustav A. miller, 3rd ward;
frank E. Tink, 4th ward; Finis turner, 5th ward; Lee Cook, 6th ward; Lester Hill,
7th ':lard, 4-yr.term; Robert f. Jennings, 7th ward, 2-yr.term. That Daylight S«vings
Time carried, by 1220 votes for and 1029 against.
Isl C. R. Moore
L. B. Lundry
H. M. Smith
147 is �
On motion of Alderman Fliller, seconded by Alc errrnan Staley, the report of the
canvass was accented, by viva voce vote.
Ordinance "Daylight Savings Time" was read the first t_i_rne. -1t was moved by Alder-
man Moore, seconded by 1�111erman Smith, to susncnd i,he rules. R011 call vote; j'lyg;
Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, Miller, Smith, Tinder, Skinner, Cook and Staley.
I11 Berman Lundry and Klobuchar. ,'alderman Moore moves, seconded by ;; Smith, to
dace the ordinance on its r)assage. Rol-1 call vote; ;"IYE: A Sebree, Smith, to
Miller, Sm9_th, Linder, Skinner Cook and Staley , n qtr, lderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore,
The chair declared the motion carried and Ordinance inassed,l einLuUrdinanceK�oo. 238.
It,was moved by Alderman Smith, seconded by Alderman Linder, the Opdin�rnce committee
have drafted an ordinance providing for na ing of all overtime rking
Police department instead of to the Police l.' p` €� tickets at the
voce vote. agistrate, and the motion carried by a viva
It w as moved by Alderman Smith, seconaed by Alderman Duncan, the Fire (1� Police
Commissioners, be notified to apr)oixrt one main for each ( enartment to serve durin
vacation time, and the motion curried by a viva voce vote. g
Alderman Smith suggested that the Sewer c )rnmittee investigate the nos,,ibility of
+ a firing range practice use b
..-r e f p Y the Police de -artment, at the sewage plant.
On motion of t'ldernan 1''ioore, sec mded by Hlder:man Smith, the ac meeting
e �i j ourned.
C ity 1_er