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04-06-1955 Council Meeting Minutes
14Z Canton, Ill. April 6, 1955 A regular meeting of the City Council held this day convening at the hour of 7i30P.M.with 1'layor Woods rresiding. Roll call showed the fol_l.ow .ng -resent: 1,1der- man Sebree, T)unca.n, Moore, Lun,'ry, Miller, Smith, Linder, ��'kinner, Coleman, Cool<, St ley and Klobuchar. Absent: -lderman Duncan. Minutes of Lhe previous meeting were read and stood aPfroved as read. Petition requesting that the Wheel Tax be laced on the ballot of Lhe April 1.9th Election, was on motion of Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Smith, accented and ordered nl:,ced on file by the f ollowinE; vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Aoore, 1iundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and nlobuchar. N:.Y: None. The Mayor names a committee of Alderman Cook, Chairman; Linder - Staley and i-oore to make a report on the Collection and expenditure of the Wheel Tax, from datq_ re- ceived from the City treasurer and Clerk, andrer)ort to the Council. The following claims were submitted, and on motion of Klderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Coleman, allowed and ordered paid when funds are avail,,ble : Water & Sewer: Street 1 e.,:,t: Bolon Shop- - - - 32.50 Cities ;service- - - - - - - - -409.59 Garbage%nt.- - - - - - - - - 102.81 Chicago 1"ump- - - - - - - - - -371.43 Canton Supply- - - - - - 21.60 Ill. Bell fele-hone - - - - - - 19.35 Cummings & Emerson- - - - - 19.78 Continental )il- - - - - - - - -33.88 Weinstein Feed- - - - - - - - 181.50 F'schirrer & Sons- - - - - - - - 8.91 Campbell Behrens- - - - - - - 1.6.07 W. D. lann'uary- - - - - - - - - 40.10 Knowles Station - - - - - - - 3.0r) Canton S1 prly- - - - - - - - - 7.70 Owens `ail- - - - - - - - - - -197.10 C,nt on Paint & "allparer- - - - 12.61 uavenda Bros.- - - - - - - - - 1.53 Swartzbaugh & elson- - - - - - 3$.17 Tropical- Pa, nt - - -- - - - -277.00 Swearingen Wholesale- - - - - - 12,40 morthern uravel- - - - - - - 209.60 Harry Luker- - - - - - - - - - 35.77 Industrial Towel- - - - - - - 2,01) Jarvis, Welding- - - - - - - - 21.05 Swart •ba.ugh - 'nelson- - - - - 5.98 Wing Auto- - - - - - - - - - - 7.09 Go, E1offman- - - - - - - - - - 48.81 I'il;gins Oil- - - - - - - - - - 140.26 Delta Steel- - - - - - - - - -132.92 Flynn Bldg,- - - - - - - - - - 11.06 D1zck1slan,, Sand- - - - - - - 452,32 Canton Tire & Vul .- - - - - - 5.94 Lyle bigns- - - - - - - - - - 131.17 Canton transfer- - - - - - - - 231-).60 kaxx Gar'-,,ge -!e r)t.- - - - - - - - - 59.80 -ueneral Fund: - _ - KroellLlec,- - - - - - - - - - 12 ,00 I C I '. S.- - - - - - 832.12 C. I. ''.- - - - - - - - - - 765.15 1jtlas Camera- - - - - - - 19.40 Addressol~raph Co,- - - - - - - 9.00 Macs Coffee Shop_ _ - - _ _ - 16,28 MCKersson & Robb,_ns- - - - - - -172.50 1).D. Texaco- - - - - - - - -- 3.45 Whites JJook- - - - - - - - - - 23.66 Cant)n lire & vulc.- - - - - 2.50 Mason Iirawr.- - - - - - - - - - 55.89 Jarvis "eldin�;- - - - - - - - 12.50 '-luck Island Sand- - - - - - - 13.20 Dale Sims- - - - - - - - - - - 1.50- 23.97 Cummings I Emerson- - - - - - - 3.38 Locks _Auto- - - - - - - - L ,e, W Motor- - - - 6.00 Gravely-'1.1.- - - - - - - - - -387.75 - - - _ _ 8.10 Ludlow Valve- - - - - - - - - 92.94 Reeder �yallace- - - - - - Infilco- - - - - - - - - - - - 59,1-)0 Macomb`'omm. `'ervice- - _ _ _ 40.00 Ill. Meter- - - - - - - - - - 250,56 King ed Station- - - 5.70 Rockwel_1 Mfg - - - - - - - - - 53.65 King �'lec.- - - - - - --------7 x.17 E. H, S;,r ent Co.- - - - - - - 1 .77 Stevens Blueprint- - - 1.53 g uarb;:ge Der)t. - - - - - 119, l_1.) mien ke Stone- - - - - - - - - - 218-75 ll_linois Bell let.- - - - - 10.95 Fenn Industrial- - - - - - - - 14.40 Walters r'lowers- - - - - - - 51.00 Wilkins ''upnl.y- - - - - -- - - )x06.06 A C• ''hepley � "on- - - - - 452.90 Petty Ca sh - - - - - - - - - -137.21G Whites book Store- - - - - - 2.00 Parking M,-t=.r: Miller Meters- - 70.48 'Mildred uray- - - - - _ _ _ _ 1-50 Mason Fidwr.- - - - - - - - - - - 5,85 Clean lowed Llerv- 21.35 Homer -',lectric- - - - - - - - - 8x.53 Sutton & idoore- - - - - - - - 21:.91 Harry 1'uker- - - - - - - - - -12.28 Fire Le-t: J,,rvi_s Welding- - - -11[.00 Homer ';1_ec.- - - - - - -------11.7)i Header Wa1_lace- - - - - - - - - 18.32 Swear ingen Whole- - - - ;1..15 t{merican La-Prance- - - - - - - 35,88 Jarvis, '�'�eldi.ng- - - - - - - .75 Macomb G ;mm.- - - - - - - - - - 5.00 Mason Hawr.- - - - - - - - - 34.20 1'sciirrer & Son- - - - - - - 13.20 Garb.;ge: 'hell )il- - - - - - -201.48 Flynn Al-)€;.- - - - - - - - - 3.18 C,,aminings & .6merson- - - - - - - 1.88 Canton i-lumbing- - - - - - - 3.00 Swartzbaugh & � el.son- - - - - 2.88 Harm. Whalen- - - - - - 15.75 Leach Co,- - - - - - - - - - - 233.25 Logan Wright- - - - - - - - - 82.00 E & I1 Contractors- - - - - -- 20.00 Lewis i-h: rrnacy- - - - - - - - 5.15 Oscar i-jenny- - - - - - - - - -31.73 r'rancelle Larson- - - - - - - 24.00 4 ry5. The following reports were on motion of -11,1derman Skinner, sec )nded by Alderman Sebree accepted and prdered pl- ced on file: Chief of rolice; City -6ngineer ; uldg. Comm; Supt. of Streets; Plumbing; Inspector; Sewage 'Treatment Plant; hater Treatment Plant; Water (11 Sewer Plant. Alderman Duncan comes in. Alderman Moore is excused. kesolution that the Council_ call upon Con gress to amend the Fair '�'abor "tandards Act to nrovide for a minimum wage of "?1..25 per hour, was on motion of Alderman Linder seconded by Alderman Staley, adopted by unanimous roll call. vote. The voting AYE: Alderman Sebree, ,Duncan, Lundry, Miller, Smith, T,jnder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and hlobuchar. NAY: None. Resolution of sympathy in memory of the late Gus C. Sandberg, was on motion of Alderman Kjobuchar, seconded by Alderman Cook, adopted by a standing vote. hesolution transferring the sum of ." 3, 500.00 fr-)m the 1 arkin�; 1"leter Fund to the General F,.zn-1, was on motion of -1gderman Smith, seconded by ii1derman Coleman, adopted by the following vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, uzncan, Lun,'ry, Miller) Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and "lobuchar. NlIY : None. The City Attorney and Engineer were instructed to meet with representat-fives of the C. - . P. S. Co. in regard to laying gas line on E. Linn Street, east of Sec >nd five. it was moved by Alderman i4il_ler, seconded by Alderman Linder, to recind action of the City Council at the previous meeting regarding the removal of stop-signs at `Fain & Linn Street. Roll call vote: aYE: Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Lundry, Ailler, Smith, Linder, Coleman, Cook., Staley and t'lobu¢har. iTAY : Alderman Skinner. It w ,s moved by Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Linder, the "rd:inance CommitteE and License Committee consider an Ordinance setting the fee of outside vendor of building materials at . 50.00 per day, and report hack at the next meeting, and the motion carried by a viva voce vote. Alderman Staley moves, seconded by Alderman Binder, to petition the Illinois Commerce Commission to investigate the high rates of Lhe C. I. 1'. 1 . Co. in the City. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman -)ebree, Duncan, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and Klobuchar. NAY: None. The chair declared the motionearried. On motion of Alderman Miller, secon ed by A1-ierman Linder, the meeting adjourned. -)J-z City Clerk