HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-1953 Council Meeting Minutes Canton, Illinois
July 7, 1953
A regular meeting of the City Council held this day convening, at the hour of
7:30 - . M. 1,%`ith Mayor Woods presiding. Roll call showed the following present:
Alderman Sebree, lioore, '-'undry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Cook, Staley,xicl
Klobuchar and juskarich. Absent: I'-lderman Duncan.
Minutes of the nrevious meeting were read and stood @-proved as read.
The follow-ing officer's monthly reports were submitted* Chief of rol-ice; City
Engineer-,Bldg. 'omm; Sunt. of streets- City treasurer: Water & `Newer Dept; Sewage
Treatment plant:Water treatment plant; T reas. of - ire Dent; It was moved by Alder-
man Smith, seconded by Alderman Moore, to accept the reports and place on file.
The Finance committee submitted a report on the add;_tional revenue needed for
the nroposed increases in s-:laries, and recorunended increase in salaries of all
departments. lifter considerable discussion pro and con, it was moved by Alderman
Smith, seconded by .`ilderman Skinner, to accent the recommendation of the 1"finance
committee and prepare an ordinance, governing the increase in salaries, effective
July 1, 1953. ; 'toll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Omith,
Linder, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Cook, Staley, Klobuchar and Puskarich. NA, : :None.
It was moved by Alderman Linder, seconded by Alderman Smith, an Ordinance be
drafted amending the cigarette tax ordinance, and be presented at the next meeting
of the council. Roll call vote: '_YE: -lder-aan ' r� , i''ooY°e, Li_tndry, Smith,
Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Klobuchar and Fuskarich. NAY: Alderman "filler,
Tink and Staley. The chair declared the motion carried.
It was moved by Alderman Linder, seconded by Alderman 'taley, to accent the
bid, of Sims Garage for a new Dodge Truck at 1:t"11-64.00 for use in the Water depart-
ment. Roll call vote: AYE: -lderma.n Sebree, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder,
Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Cook, Staley, Klobuchar and i'uskarich. NAY- None. The
chair declared the motion carried.
It was moved by Alderman Biller, seconded by Alderman Klobuchar, to recind the
motion for nurchase of Dodge truck from the Simms Garage for use in the Water dent.
Roll call_ vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Moore, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Tink,
Coleman, Cook, Klobuchar and Fuskarich, NAY: Alderman Lund* and Staley. The
chair deala.red the motion carried.
It was moved by Alderman Miller, seconded by Aldermen Coleman, to re-advertise
for bids on a I on tr-ck, new, for use in the water department, bids to be received
and opened on July 21., and the motion carried by a viva voce vote.
It was moved by Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Linder, to accent bid of
John King on a Toro Mower priced at ">1062.00, to be paid from -the water fund and
Buildings and _;rounds fund. Roll call vote: rYi : Al- erman Sebree, Lundry, -ill.er,
Smith, Linder, Coleman, Cook, Staley, Klobuchar and t'uskari.ch. \10 : Alderman ;Moore,
Skinner and Tink. The chair declared the motioncarried.
Request of Youth Activities Chairman of the Veterans of Foreign Wars a:ixi.liary
for permission to have a tag day for the °'unior Girls unit, was on motion of Alderman
Cook, seconded by Alderman Staley, granted by a viva voce vote.
Aequest of station INBYS for use of Jones nark on August 3 and 29, Sent. 26 and
Oct. 24th, for the r)urpose of conducting a Canton Cash-3uck uonanza auction, was
on motion of Alderman Sebree, seconded by Alderman Cook, granted by a viva voce vote.
Communication from the fire and police commission, in reply to a request dir-
ected to them by the Ma,,-or regarding tht ll aumoer of policemen on the pres=ant force,
stated there was 1-Chief; 2-Sergeants; 9-Policemen; 2-Radio Operators: 4-Aux. police,
with no extra man to fill in for vacations.
Alderman Skinner moves, seconded by Alderman Linder, the committee investigate
the necessity of a street light on Cherry Street, between 1st and 2nd avenue and re-
port back at the next meeting, and the motion carried by a viva voce vote.
Alderman Klobuchar is excused.
Agreement for Maintenance of City Streets, with the :Mate highway Denartmant,
or maintenance of State highways thru the city, was on motion of "lderman Moore,
seconded by Alderman Coleman accented, and the 14layor and Clerk, were authorized to
enter into the agreement, by unanimous roll call vote.
An Ordinance entitled "Salary-City 4-torney" was read for the second tune. It
was moves? by Alderman Moore, seconded by llderman Miller, to place the "rdinance on
its passage. Moll call vote: A11'E: Alderman Sebree, "'ooze, "undry, "filler, 'Imith,
binder, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Cook, Staley, Ktzbmzb= and iuskarich. Nia : None.
The chair declared the motion carri -.d and the ordinance -assed, being Ordinance ,�o. 178
An Ordinance entitled "Annual A-)rronriation Drdin :nce 1953-1954" was read for
the second time. It was moved by ?lderman lioore, seconded by Alderman Sebree, to place
the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Moore, Lundry,
Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Cook, Staley and ruskarich. NAY: None. j
The chair declared the motion carried, and the ordinance nassed, oeinL Ordinance N0- 179-
Ordinance entitled "R:;CKLE,SS DRIVi.NG" was read for the first time. it was moved
by Alderman Cook, seconded. by Alderman !°ioore, to table the Jrdinance. boll call:
AYE: A lderman Jebree, Moore, Lundry, "'filler, Smith, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, "ook and
F'uskarich. NAY : Alderman Linder and Staley. the chair declared the motion carried.
Ordinance entilted "VACATING ALLEY" was read for the first time.
At the request of property owners ii; Sun-View Terrace Addition, it was moved by
Alderman Moore, seconded by Fuskarich, the Street & Alley committee, determine what
.M can be dons about oiling, with Dower to act. Roll call vote: AYE: A lderman Sebree,
", Moore, ,undry, "filler, Smith, Tink, Coleman, Cook, Staley. NAY: Alderman Linder and
An Agreement by and between the City of Canton and Fred Ward relative to the grant of
free use of water upon certain conditions, was on motion of "lderman P1toore, seconded
by =ilderman Miller, referred to the Sew,r a Water committee and City littorney to 9heck
into and the motion carried by unanimous roll call vote,
0- motion of "'lderman Moore, seconded by llderman Dmith, the followinv, claims were
allowed and ordered paid:
Water Dept: Ueneral "'unds:
Camnus "ook- - - - - - - - - - -2.65 C i. r" S, - - - - - - - - - - 627.74
Continental Jil- - - - - - - -155.30 Sears Hoeb,,ck- - - - - - - - - - 41.36
Patterson's Conoco- - - - - - -29.26 Harry Luker- - - - - - - - - - _ 163.42
Aobt. `1'oncray- - - - - - - - - 9.60 Geo. Camper- - - - - - - - - - - 43.50
Chuck Hammons- - - - - -- - - 1.60 Clean Towel Service- - - - - - - 14.65
Jarvis, Welder- - - - - - - - 30.50 Swearingen wholesale- - - - - -- 15.05
Wingerter & bon- - - - - - - - 8.58 Bonded Service- - - - - - _ _ _ - 1.40
Gene Waddell- - - - - - - - - 100.00 Homer Electric- - - - - - - - - - 7.09
Fred Butkovich- - - - - - - - 31.64 i'lynn "ldg. Mat, - - - - - _ _ -132.69
6anton Supnly- _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ 77.56 Canton Faint & "allpaper- - - - - 24.01
". L, `1'anquary- - - - - - - - -57.35 Oscir Iiaxson- - - - - - - - _ _ _ 23.00
Infilco- - - - - - - - - _ _ -265.66 Essex Sign service- - - - - - - - 5.50
T. i . & W. Rwy._ _ _ _ _ _ _ -177.99 Lewis 1harmacy- - - - - - - - - - 10.30
Mason Hdwr.- - - - - - - - - - 77.24 Phil'ins Greenhouse- - - - - - - 12.00
Petty Cash- - - - - - - - - - 83.47 farmers Co. Grain- - - - - - - - 27.60
H� w. Dierdorff bons- - - - 246.00 liberty Uarage- - - - - - - _ _ 5.00
Kroell Llec.- - - - - - - - - 149.17 Jarvis, Welder- - - - - - - - - - 1.00
button & Moore- - - - - - - - 14.69 Coca. Cola Bottlin , )o,- - - - - - 12.80
111. Blueprint- - - - - - - - 3.00 011ies �jtanda.rd- - - - - - - - -_ 2.70
A. C. Shepley- - - - - - - - -477.23 ping "I"t , Llec.- - - - - - - - - 1211_.32
Gravely-Illinois- - - - - - - 4.86 5elkirks Harley-Davidson- - - - - 12.00
Hach Chemical Co.- - - - - - - 8.57 Owens Jil_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0,80
Standard Oil- - - - - - - - - 30.40 Raymond Sandberg- - - - - - - - - 7.60
Diamond Alkali- - - - - - - - 197.38 Homer lilec-- - - - - _ _ - _ _ _ 20.57
Mississip-i Lime- - - - - - - 4011.41 Thomas Heller- - - - - - - - - - 268.00
John P. Harris- - - - - - - - 393 Al Placomb Corrun. 'ervice- - - - - - - 86.61
Ill. -dell :ele-hone- - - - - - 23.75 Mac 's Coffee Sh ,p- - - - _ - _ _ -18,02
C i. F. S.- - - - - - - - - -983.42 i)illnian iotor- - - - - - - - - - - 5.84
Square Deal "arket- - - - - - 30.92 Continental Oil- - - - - - - - - 192.03 Garb.
Lift Truck Service Co.- - - - 4.43 Whites Book - - - - - _ _ _ - _ _ 52.80
Rockwell Niig. Co.- - - - - - -987.50 A. S Shepley- - - - - - - - - -1699.43
Elliott Machine Shop- - - - - 27.?6 A. C, Shepley- - - - - - - - - _ 36.00
games B. `,low- - - - - - - - - 55.39 Illinois Tie l i'elephone- - - - - 18.02
Int. Harve ster Co.- - - - - - 23.38
Uarbage ')etn:
Fire Dent: Largents Service- - - - - - - - 47.01
Reeder Wallace- - - - - - - - 12.92 ring auto -lec.- - - - - - - - 13.44
,3ennett ice Co. - - - - - - - 16.00 liillerAutoijody - - - - - - - 142.66
Jarvis, Welder- - - - - - - - 1.25 Mason Hdwr.- - - - - - - - _ _ 8.77
L. J. Poggioli- - - - - - - - -184.50
Dillman Motors- - - - - - - - - 15.00
�tl 3
Street Dept:
Jartzis, Welder- - - - - - - - - -16.75
Delta Steel- - - - - - - - - - - 81.09
iintar Shell St.- - - - - - - - 103.62
Bonded Service- - - - - - - - - 45.52
Sau rders St.- - - - - - - - - - 68.08
iwartzbaugh A "elson- - - - - - 56.70
Dillman Motors- - - - - - - - - 1.00
Canton Tractor- - - - - - - - - 37.12
ill. Contractors ' Viachinery- - - 98.07
McLuckies Store- - - - - - - - -135.00
J. L. Andrews Lumber- - - - - - 1.28
ilynn Viaterials- - - - - - - - 151.47
On motion of -alderman Moore, seconded by alderman Cook, the meeting then
"City lerk