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10-07-1952 Council Meeting Minutes
40 C^ntnn, I?� i.n�ic . Otto' �r 7, )052 A rp:ril ar mpet inp of the City Council held this raa.y convening a.t the; troltr of 7:On r. r". with P"ayor 1foor1s rresir'ing. Roll call shovied. the foll mrinp rrpsent: Al.rlerman Sehrep, 1�1a.clrah,y, t'oorP, Jones, S?sinnpr, binder.., Tram,,. Till!-, Tr'rreni- Cnok, St . Clair a.nrl R7.ohuchar. Ahsent: None. Mir.+.rtes of the rrevio,a_s momfAnp wp.rr. r.earl a,nd stood arY,rovorl as rep.r3. Petition of rpsidents of •,rh?t ha.s h,-en 1-norn•m as "�"id.dle Ppr!- '?rive" rec,Pntiv changers to "Contpr P-rt- nrivp" to change and rPStorp the name of to "*Haile Parl- nrivP", was on motion of Alrierr.;an Jones, seconried 'hv Alderman 131pc�-ahy, vr.nntpca hir P, viva voce vote . PFtiti.-,n rppupstinp a. L--way stor siefn on Rth p.nc Locust and on thy± cnrner of Thom-son Ct . and Ioc„st Strept, wa.s on motion of A1r7ernan 1r7ohiich-r, secorAerl by Alderman St. Clair, refRrretl to the Trafi'ic committee to investi,vatP p.nra rPrort hack nt the next r-o-tine, by a viva voce vote. The follouiinp claims wore nresPnteci-: i W?tpr Dent: rrarha.ge mart: C . P. p Q Rlmr.- - - - - - - - ?32.90 Ca.n,nhpl7_ =a.ra.re- - - - - - 12.85 Swart zba,uph & TTp 1 son- - - - - 182.50 Johni p. I rown- j. PeI7 TA1 , - - - - - - - 21. 0 TTprry Ifliple :i C. I. P. S.- - - - - - - - - -61'-2.-68 I'. FpPaer017- - - - - - - - - - TT. W. DierAorff- - - - - - - -?R6,On Jar--1.s, Wp7r1pr- - - - - - - - S*denrir.per. WllolesaiP - - - - - 10.50 ? . 'T. Popa'i.o7 i- - - - - - - - - i op, nn EvpPn+ T�1a. el1- - - - - - - - -15 .00 Min7erA,,.to Rnr�v- - - - - - - - 71'n.E,h - Camrus Book- - - - - _ _ _ _ _ R,51 Ju. Rnoit+les- - - - - - - - - -111.ij Strfmot 710 ,t: J� b rvtq Wpl.Oer - - - - - - - - '/.n0 Cans Oil Co.- - - - - - - - - - S.�IL - onr- hP11 Cities- - - - - - - _ 12,hg LihPrty forage- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.25 -- Ul: Lprpentp SPrvi.r'A_ - - - - - - - - TrinpkitoFlec.- - - - - - - - 25.2' T?'ff'Ibro. - - - - - - - - - - - -iILQ,,75 _ TR!:,rtin &_"arti.n.- - - - - - - - 10.00 P�oorp Conoco- - - - - - - - - - 2.Q0 PdoorP Conoco- - - - - - - _ - -17.Sb Cnn.ton �'ractor- - - - - - - _ - 2 ,?0 _ R,,rv,- - - - - - - -177.99 Kinp Art o71 -c. - - - - - - - ni .05 _ , P"c}resson a "ohhins - - - _ - _1105.7? Cant nn Tire a. V,,lc Elliott ^"achinP Shon - _ - _ _ ?6 Rl T?onriPC? SFrvice- - - - - - - - _ Wnl.lace F Tiernan Co.- - - - - 1 ,1!6 J. T_ Anr?r--i,s Lnrnhpr- - - _ _ - Sears, Roohn.ci-- - - - - - - - -1'x.62 Tfasnr TTA*•*r,- - - - - - - - - - - h.Oh Jarvis, T;'pic s-r- - - - - - - - - - 7.70 Di.p,mon� Al1-ali- - - - - - - - 120.06 Saa?rtzba,z h & NP7 son- - - - - - -^' .P5, Pann Incl,tst ria.l- - - - - - - - 3 etty On q] - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _7'�.�? i Infilco- - - - - - - - - - - _ 11,00 Swartzhav�h �? rfelson_ _ _ _ _ _ 7hl.� ,b0 Canton Sash ,c- Door- - - - - _ 17.21 General n,nd: Mueller Co 1 86.62 i •- - - - - - - - - T�n7 c Stpn0p.rrl- - - - - - - - - -12.nl Jt,n R, Clbw �!Snns- - - - - 57�a5.5� phiIlins "^trn.- - - - -- - - _ 17 17 Mason TTd.,,,r-- - - - - - - - - FR.11!- Canton Tire R- Viv)c._ P;c?3PP Co.- - - - - - - - - - Ii.9'i G. R. ^ d rna.r Co. - - - - - C7Ppr. Towel ScPrtri.re- 7, - - _ _. - _ R �0 .. PPttvCash- - - - - - - - - - 117 a0 Ma son 7eli-`.- - - - - - - - - - - K t.;1i ._. Canton L.pelp-r Co. - - - - - - 75.20 Yinp Anto Flee- - - - - - - - - Fpys Corr,.- - - - - - - - - - 72.05 Gravely-T7� . Cn. - - - - - - If7. 69 Radio-� acoTnh 8orvicP- Cantor. Ledppr- Oal-s ?: Sons- - - - - - - - - - 6.25 AmericpnOtt:v- - - - - - - - - - . 4.00 - Froell T''7Pc. Co.- - - - - - - 9.37 Ill . Re1.7 Tel .- - - - - - - - - 7•�,c5 .__ F"arlrirsl ev- - - - - - - - - - Iti'/.tin Bir. p Dent: Mar-Tell A,,.eit- - - - - - - - - 520.05 PROntpomery, Warn- - - - - - - 56.91L _. 1lprwyn Johnson- - - - - - - - - t,I A�snciat,0 ?"otnrs - _ - - - - 11.00 S- G. Adams Co.- - - - - - - - I1-n t 5 - Repder Wplinco- - - - - - - - c 56 _ f�,itPS l3onlr SfinrP- _ _ _ _ _ _ 7RS�,R7 Ca.nmusRooi-- - - - - - - - - - 2.25 - T'�r�'i.na A. C . S!-Pol ear of Son- - - - - - o C^ntnr Paint D- '11 li - - .09 - . , a nane.r- 6,��? freo. Camner- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1�,9b J. 1. AnrirP,,,s 1,1mrPr- - - - - 1.19 - Mason T'6i•*r.- - - - - - - - - - 1- O C. 7. TToTnpr r,r c•- - - - - - 28.9L Carton Spsh 8� Door_ c ,07 ,'IIIer 'lpters- - - - - - - 25ti 71 J. G. Rennie- _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ 7-17. Centro" PA+,rn�P„m_ -155.00 _ 00 - Srurgin t"fp. Co.- - - - - - - 7,K� 1puris l'harmac;�>_ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _11 ,02 1 S*,*ea.rinpen ?,N o'Paa.le- - _ _ _ _ _�2 'Rills Ca'hinet Shon- - - - - - -- - n ,Kn - t7. Dorothy TT- tine- - - - - - - 165.00 - AnrTrP,.rs7,,zmbAr- - - - - - - - - ft. Lnl- pr- - - - - - - - - - - - 20.50 ` Tll . Stpte Penitpntlpry_ _ _ _ 151 .25; U. I. P. S. - - - - - - - - - 41 rl.ant, sewnr slant , wptor R. Seem r'f--)PrtT-.,Pnt- City of Strept.s; I3Iar. Comm; Fire Treasurer ;1.nO sewar (,#--nt . On motion of Alderman TToorn, SPconr ed by Alderman Tpr-nening, re-oortp acc-ntet; and orderer' r. 17 ee- *Ir. Sri-TrP77, a0r1rfs-pd thp cerincl! , rtrortlnpl on 1-in worl, for tllo, tb fool. llopr(l as Viq4tinp Coitneel-or, --,nrl renii-f7tpd he be Prrolntpr7 as Cit7r Jnvinilr Probation Officer a,+- A. s,,71,r-Tr of tl-5r).00 -nf-r month . On Tintion ofAl.derman lT RnO , secorrIP0 Alrle-man r-o"nic'n.p.r, tl,p --L--ittar rt-ferred to the Ls-rpl qne, poling committee. A communication from Jol-in Taylor to A'-'0,P-rmP.n TTP.nd , informed the council he W0111r, accent the rosition of r1iimlina 1nq-)Pctor at ner year. It was move-(l by Alderman Klo'huclonr, secrnOpd, �)y Alderman 7oore, to 'hirp Ta-Ylor as -nlumbinr ins-nector n.t, V-1c; s,-),3.,3,ry, aftAr an Ordinance pstP*')7 is'-1np this spIpr7., had been -nrespntpd. to the next meetin!, of the council. Rol-7 call vote- AYF,: Alderman Moore, Linder, Wand, Ternpnl--, St. 01,qi!r and '"Ay- A!r;prri,-,n Sebree, B!P.cT7Pbv, Jones, Skinner, Tink and Cook. 7- pinp a tip vote the 1�4pyor cast tbA deciain,c- vote AYT. On Trotion of AVermpn Moore, Seen-.qr1p.0 by Alderman Linder, the LPga7 and Police committee were instructed to work, wit}, the City Atl-nrnpy, in connection vrith a snit filed P.rpinst the cite. Alderman T -Tand, chairman of the W,-t---"r Committee. , exnjaineO firv-1 esti-ipte by Oaks R7 Sonn on cnm--)! f-t1on of worl- at the' wPt-r1'Tor1:-s r1ant, stating the amount due now is $10,1 5'3.21 and the remainder of t7 r- due, after a -oprioP of 10 days. It w^s moved b7r Alderman 737.Pc1-P-t)-,r, seconded by Alelernunn nand, to -oqy Mr. Oaks the money he has One him, with a .wpl"pr of liauiaation 0snares. O.' Roll call vote: A77: Alerman SnIhrep, Tloore, Jones, SL-inner, Fpnd, Tiril-, Ter-ocninp, Cook. NAY: Alderman Linder, St. Clair and Kl-ol)uclipr. The chair de- clared the motion carried. It -vrqs moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman St. Clair, the Legal and Police committee investigate the Terplit�r of car-, and triicT-:s being; T)P,,rV-ed on the terrace on the north side of 5th P- T7,7Tn St. , and rs--)ort Alderman Jones rn-norte(I he had contact PC' the T'111f-r Aiito 71o0y re;,prO.In'r the estpillishinp, of a J,-nl- 77,-re at their ert,-h" iq',mpnt on Fifth Aver-iie, and was infor- med it was not to be a 1nn' y,-�.rO., but a dis .y yard. On motion of Alderman St. Clair, seconded by Al.7rrmar. Jones, th.f. mei-tinr. 'jity 02pl�r