HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-20-1952 Council Meeting Minutes - 1
Cantrnn, I11 innis
A mppti.np• of the City Cn,inci.? hPl.d this day aonve-ninr at tti,e hoer o'
7:')n T . M. with Ma-Tor 1400ds rrPSidina. Roll ca'll showed the fo?loirinP ,r�sPnt: Alder-
man Selirpe, Pla.clrahv, Monre , Jones, 81-inner, Linder, Rand , Tinl-, Conk, St . C?.a.ir and
Y1 ohiirhar. AhsPnt : Aldprrlan. TTurrhy and T-r-t-ninp-.
MirnitP. of ti,P rre�rio,i,s mp-tinn- wprp rpadand stood ar,,rovPd as read a.ftnr P. r.,or-
rection that at the nrpvirnis mAAtinp the rlecommpndati.nn to hold two hand coxjirt-rts
sronsared by the city, WP s, made by A1r;prman Jones, instead of Alderman P7ac1-0)v.
Petition of the Staniar( Oil Co. to erpnt 1-20nOpa?. . Storas-P Tanks at their
station at [th R• CrPGtnv.t st.rPPt , w.np on motion of Ala-rmpn St . CIPIr, spcnnded by
AldPrnpn Sphree, Pra.nted , end _-? so movwrl the Ordinalice CnmM. Itt-e hPire drafted an
Orrlinsnce red-ardin,7 Trans,)or.ts, and the mntinn carried Ini rn.arImors rn l? cn1, vote.
It was moved by Alderman St . Clair, spcondpd by Aldprma.n Sehro-P , that Claude
Moor,- hP rrnntAd nprmission to erect a nor-cnrn stand at PlTn St . on the smith-Past
r'1 corner ft Ying Drug Store. Roll ca?'' vote: AYr: Aldprmnn SehrPe, Jones =,nd 8T-innpr
and St . C?air. NA.Y: Alderman R?.ackahv, Moore, Li.nr'pr, TT^nd , Ti.nlr. Cooi- and Y?oh,ich�r.
The chair declared tlhP moti.nr. lost .
" It was moved 'hy Alderman St . Clair, spenrdpd 'hy Aldprma.n. Tinorr , the Mayor and
~~ City C?.Prk_ Pntpr into contract urith the Miller Const . Co. for matpri.a.ls for re-siir.f cin
the sniia.re and. ad•joininv strPPts , incl-ui inp a In-day comrlption date. Roll cal.' vote:
Alrlerma.r_ Sehrpp, W.a.ekahy, Moore, Jnnes, Skinn-r, Linder, TTand , Tinl-, Cool-, St . Clair.
and >T1o1^Tichar. . ''TAY: ]+Tone. The chair declarer' t.l-e motion. carried..
It urns moved by Alderman St . Clair, seconrled liv Alderman Cook, the clerk rpt,irn
to the linsilecessf,i? hidr'pr his and th- motion carriers .
RpsIpnation of John L. Miirn}iy as Aldprrnan from the Ira yard , 4rao- on T1ntinn, of
Al rs Prman St . Clair, sP cnr.P F-ri hT Alderman TTanr' a.cee„t pd h;,r a viva voce ,rote.
T1Psipnation of James Wpir, r1T,mhinp- insrPCtor, effantl.,rP J,ine 1_rt1h , i,,Pq on
motion.. of Alderman JonPS, spcnrloe by AldPrma.n Y'ohiich�r, a,cr'entPd by a vivP voce ,rntP.
Cor,mlinic?tion from the Clia.mh,r of Comm-rce sptti.np -orth res,ilts of a recent
survey for the hptt.rrmpnt of the Ci.t�r, wns on T"ntinn of .Alderman St. Clair, second Pd
by Alderman CooT�., acnertpd and ordnrerl filed .
It wnr. moved by A,_r'prman Ylohlirh=r s°con'Pfi h•T Aldprrian Cool-, to tai-e off the
t�h1P , committee anointmPnts submitted hlT the 14p ror Pt t>^e rre,rirnis mp^tin�^. Ro1�
ca1.1 vot : QYF: AT e.rmar. Sehrep, R1nci-ahr, Monrp Jnnf-s . Ss-inner, Tinrier, TTarri , Tihlr,
Cool-, St . Clair and v1.oh„cU-r, VAv. none.
It urns moved hr Aldprmar. Pl-cirahy, secnnrierl hTT Al.dPrm.an TTonrp, to accent the n1ar,.s
and srecifications siihmitted. by Crawford , "li.rrhv R. T11?,r nt tl,P rrevioiis rip-tin., for
imnrovpments at the v,, t-r n1a.n.t , Pitcl,irainp Sludge-h Pd_ and Flori.datton treatment .
Rol, cai? vote: ' pvl~: A1_rlprmnn Sehrpe, Tinore' , Jones , 91-i.nnpr, T,inrapr, Rand,
Tink, Cool.-, St . C1 it Pnr Yloh,,oh-r. TTA”: none. ^"np chair the mntinn carried
It w s moved by Aldprma.n TTanrl , spennr'ed by A?riprman Tlonr- , the C? P-1- advertise
for bids for the imnroirempnts rt the w- +.prworlrs nlant, to he s„limittPd by Jii'1* l ,
iir to 7•oOP.T”. Roll call votp: A77: Alderman. Sphrop, T4nnrp . S1-inne?r. , Linder, Rand ,
TinT-, Cool-, St . Clair and Yinhnehar. T'7,ANr: Ai.dPrmnn Rlackary Prel Jones. The chair
d ec1 a reB the mot i�r- Carr i,pd .
It *,Tss moved by Alde,,rpn ST-inner, sPcnn.dpd by A7r1prm?,n T'� Oh, Ch"r a letter by
sent to tip T'resi.dent of the T. P. P. ',.I. Railroad , remardinp the rein.it Of their
crossi.nes, and a?so to tine Co,inty TT-plt,^ Tte )cartTnpnt . rp?ativF, to Circii.s rand C^rniva?s
h,r ,-Pore l p. ring t n`m. I± tin^n moved by Alderman Coot-, sPcna-
c1p?nin� iin the rr miss.. .,,i Sri 1.*i.th
dPd h-,r A1dQrman Jones, to comm,inicat,- in'tr',d rnp�rr'i_n,a railro- corss4nps
r m , Q, W. T?ai.?rna? ,rp�irient . TTle
I?l i,ripi s Commerce Commission ins+,P^ra or the P
motion carried l,r �i.r�n„�'tr h•r 'Poll c-1 ,rn+e on +.1�e P"Andment and ori.pinal riottnn.
An. Ordi.nancp ��ray.0yi_ri;na Pr�,r-rpd an.rl '"ran.smitterl anal itr nass?pe recnmmpndpd
the 11opr,; of LOcp1. Imnrovem^nt,c 0-c tl�r+ (!ii.y of Cantnn, nro ri.ai.nr' for tT"P loc?l
imrrovempn.t of o-rt^in rortinns of S. Aire. . D. , Solith Avg . A. , Martin Avp . , West
1":anl e Strut , West t9�lnnt Strpt , 1^lest Piro- Strppt , and West Chestnut Strept in t.I,p
City of Cart or. fnrriin�^ n connected sYotpm of ,oa,rnmpnt and desi.pnatpd a.s "Cs,ntnn
P• -in:r^ ImrrovpmPnt TTiamh-r 51-All was rp-,d for the first tirie. It inns mn,red 1)7r
1 R?o„zchn r second pd hp Al r'ermai^. Lind pr to. siis� Pnr' thr, ri,lec re cii.r,np the
A_dprman i '.11a(-r, r
Ordfinance h r.pad t1^F second time . Rol" c^ll votp: P'F: Aldprrian SPhrpp,
St . Clair
J�oore , J�nps , Skinner, Linder, Rand, Tink, Cook, a.nd Itlohlich�r. . HAY: n^ne.
It was then moved by Alderman Ylohu_ch r , spcnnr?pd 'hv Al ri Prma.n Tinder, to n1sce. the
Ordinance on its na.ssa e . Roll cal vote: AYF: Alderman Sehrpp, Rl-^cl-aby, Moor”,
Jones, Skinner, Linder, Yard , Tink, Cook, St . Clair and Ylo'huclar. TTAY: none . The
chtpir declared the motion ca"rried and Ordinance nassed. hmin,& Ordinance ?To.166.
An (Win^nce IIAnexinFr to the City of Canton Athi Ptic Perk Districts' urns re=d
for the sp con(. time. No act ion t a1-en on the Ord in,nce.
The Mpyor a-rrnoints a, committed consisting of A7dprma.n TTar.d . St C7a.ir anti Jonpc,
toP_'pt!IPr with the City 7np*i.neer , to meet with the Pa.rI, Ronrd , relative a numrer of
PPan oli.esti.ons before adontin- the Ordina.ncp for Pnnpx-tion, and the 'motion
c-rripd by a viva voc,, vote .
Second r.eadinp; of Ordinance entitled I'Wa.tpr T:rF—Ftmpnt Plant Onpnntnrs -T)d
Sp!ra p mrprtmpnt P7 ant Onpra,torsfI. TTo action t^'-pn.
Second. reariinr, of Crdinancp Fntitl.ead "City. Attornplr P Citsr Fn inepr.
It wn s Tnnv-1 by Alderman "RI-ck-by, second-d by Alderman SpbreA, to'
vot p on7.TM on
the City EnrinpPrIo s^1�ry, and the motion carried by � vi�ra voce vote. Ordinance
pr.titled "City I'.ncr'!'i.nppres SrIp.rvn wa.° the^n read for the first ti,~e. It vpq moved.
101T P_ldprman ?"onrp, sacon(led. by Aldi-rman Co617 to sn.s-r)pn(' the r' 7. rAr,,;r;n the
0�airyTice be read the second time. P.ol1 cal." vote: AVr: Alderm n S�-')rpp, T?laclr-
nr TTOnre, Jnaps, S?~ir,n-r, Lir-r?pr, TT.-r,', Tlnl�-, Cook, St . Clair ane, Yloh,,ch�r.
TTAv, none . Tu,e chair declar.pr t',e -rntinn c?.rriec ./ It wnc mo«pd by Aldo-rman
lo'� zch^r', secnn.r'pd by A7dprman St . 07^ir to 7)1?ce the orIirance on its, ra,.ssarp.
Poll cps' Zrotr: Al(Ierm^n Se lire e', 7?lack?1��T, ry!OOrP ii Jones, STrirnr, I;ir' o-r,
tt.a 1"; 1- ^ '. St Cilai.r sr.d. Yl '') l-- eT s'• .- 1,.. 7 1
-- �� o n.c r. A non.P .� The c, : it r pc -+red the
motion c^rripd a.nrl or�ina.ncp nas,sed , hpi.nM Orriinanc- 7o. 7�7.
On motion of A1dPrTvr Rlaclrabv, Spcnnr'Pd by Vl Prma.n. T,Toorr,, the Ordinan.cP
comrni_ttep wprp inst. ctwr t.o r'r2ft an ordirrncp cov, "Inf, tl-,p City Attornp7-tS
The T,"„-,-or nreserts the n,--m- of TTOard Cri'-bons as City 7n?rin�pr. It ur=s
moved h,r Alderm.pn Moore, secon,'ed by Al.d.ermrn Yl ohiicn,r to accp-nt the a-nointment
and the motion carried bzr the -'oliowinp vote: A"F: A1.derm?n SeI)rpp, '131acira'hy,
?Toorp, Jonpc, Skinner, Linder, Nand, Ti.ni,7, Cool-, St . Clair and Y7ohnchr-r. YAV:TTore .
Alderman Nand. moves , secnnd.ed by Al darma.n. Linr?Pr to ascent the *Tpirors
recommend.--ti.on of committee annointnients. Rol.” cal" yo`-e: A"T: Alder- .r_ Sebrne,
Linripr, 7pri,, and :'t . C1-air. NAY: Alderman 71,c&a.by, Moorp, Jones, Skinner,
Tinlr, Cook and Klol-m.ch-r. T?-e clh,-.ir declared thn motion lost .
The MP-7or a-points p committee of A7.0prman 'Moorp , St . Clair a.nd. Slrirm-r, to
dr.our nn an Crd in nce. on the City Attorney's sa?p rv, a.nd, siihmit it at the next
TI,p nTpyor Pnnni.nts a. commW tee consisti.np of Alderman Linder, Moorp ane
Sebrpe to a.-nr,rove bonds of city annointees. Aftpr a.Tnroval bf the bonds by
Vie committee, it w^s moved by A1_r',prman "Too'',-, seconded 'her A1dPrma.n Nand to
acr--nt tbp bonds Pn(I }-P motion carried by a viva voce vote.
On motion ofAldprrna.n Nand , second.ed by Alderman Coop, the citTr C1Prlr urns
Ai.rpctpd to o')tain nricps on the pmniiP7 nrdit.
It waG moved by .Alderman Cook, secondpd by Alderman vl.ohTTchar, the absent
A7riArman he marked present , anra the motion ca"rried by itna""imov.s roll cal vote.
On. "otinn of A7,,Prmpn TToore , seconded 'htr Alrlprmsn Cool-, the mpet,inp, s.d jo,1rned..
Cit, e