HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-06-1952 Council Meeting Minutes r i Canton, Ill. ,91 l6:ay 69 1952 A regular meeting of the City Council held this day convening at the hour of 7 :30 P . L, . with Layor floods presiding. moll call showed the fol- lowing present : Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, -w=oore, Jones, lvurphy , Skinner, Linder, band , fink, twx-pimic 'look , St . Clair and "lobuchar. Absent : Alder- man '1 erpening. kinutes of the previous regular and special meet)ng were read and stood approved as read . bequest of the Post Office postmaster L. +feller to install a 24-ft. driveway entrance off S. Ave. A to the P .G. parking lot, was on motion of Alderman St. Clair, seconded by Alderman Blackaby, granted by unanimous roll call vote. Resolution for installation of 1 overhead lamp on p61e P1992 1orth Park Drive, was on motion of Ald erman Moore, seconded by Alderman 6ebrec', adopted by unanimous roll call vote. The following claims were presented : C� arbage: -* C. I . P. S. Co.- - - - - - 165.98 - Phillips Petro . - - - - - - 40 .65 - 495.83 ping Auto Blec- - - - - - - 88. 51 Reeder `'Na.11ace- - - - - - - 24.41 Oontinental Uil- - - - - - -40.68 - Dillman L_otors- - - - - - - 93. 56 hainline aign- - - - - - - 4.00 - Liberty Garage- - - - - - - 3.00 Jarvis, ovelder- - - - - - 1 .25 Associated luotors- - - - - - 8.30 Jillman motors- - - - - - Canton fire Vulc.- - - - - 1.75 Traffic : Canton Sash Door- - - - - 13.61 Lyle Signs- - - - - - - - -3424.80 Standard Gil- - - - - - - - 4.41 Eagle 6ignal Corp.- - -1071.87 tying Auto Elec. - - - - - - 23.25 homer L' lec. - - - - - - - 486.62 -Dld g. &. Gds : Disc : Amos Jarnagan- - - - - - - 12.42 riarry Whalen Glass- - - - 43.75 r'rank 1hornber- - - - - - - 87.08 tihites -book Store - - - - - 18 . 69 S & H. Supply- - - - - - - 43.44 _ 4,,merican pity xv.agazine- - - 4.00 B. y�eaver- - - - - - - - .3.60 ti hason hdwr.- - - - - - - - -11.53 ` ' U. Shepley- - - - - - - -186.95 Sash & moor- - - - - - - - - 6. 52 - 111. -dell lel .- - - - - - - 17.25 - Ill. Office 6upply- - - - - 58 .36 Parking & Police: Postmaster-stam_s- - - - - - 15.00 Water & :Sewer: i�arr�ers Co . urain- - - - - 25.30 - C i � 1-, S�- - _ 967.16 J . L. Andrews 'umber - - - 1.23 111."Cell T'el.- - 7.16 Phillips r'etro.- - - - - - 172. 25 -- Swearingen holesale- - - - - 17. 52 21 .8 5 Kroell ale c.- - - - - - - martin & Itilartin- - - - - - - 13. 44 Owens Gil- - - - - - - - - 19.83 b & rj. Supply - - - - - - - 11 .24 kiiller teeters- 2.83 Canton suppy l - 4.09 Thos. Heller- - - - - - - - 98.00 pp y �o .- - _ Cities Service- - - - - - - 15.20 - Shell Oil- - - - - - - - - - 123.07 laason hdwr.- - - - - - - - - 1. 53 Moore Conoco-- - - - - - - - 5.83 Bonded Service- - - - - - _140 .04 roster & �iallien- - - - - - - 43.26 0standard Uil moo.- - - - - - 98. 54 Jarvis , +elder- - - - - - - - 97 .05 Chester Phillips- - - - - - 15.00 - Standard Oil- - - - - - - - -110 .36 Liberty Garage- - - - - - - 2. 40- T etty Cash- - - - - - - - - - 45. 79 �niite Court Cafe- - - - - - 4.09 h• `V• Dierdoeff & Son- - - - 137. 50 1-ing Auto Elec.- - - - - - -86.74 Diamond Alkali- - - - - - - 164.48 C nton fire � ulc. - - - - - 4.75 lci�esson & 1tobbins- - - - - 257 .75 Ja:rvis Welder- - - - - - - 16. 55- Iowa salve- - - - - - - - - -303.00 � O . 1-1 . Biersdorf- - - - - - 7. 70 - �'fhi tes Book- - - - - - - - - 4.44 Chicago Pump Co .-- - - - - - 16.30 Hersey 1f. Go.- - - 33.83 Street Service-i Bonded S -70.34 'Cite ball Sewer- - - - - - -227.44 - - - - - ockwell I'�'fg. Co .- 265.83 hainline Sign - - - - - - - 3.00 i-RiWell ILaeY�inery- - - - - - - 172. 31 Aldrich :service- - - - - - 89. 31 James .S. Clow- - - - - - - - 1341.72 Duck Isl��nd Sand & Gravel-113.42 Crawford �uurphy & Tilly- - -3621.64 Jarvis, 'vVelder- - - - - - -14. 25 Oaks � Son- - - - - - - - - 7796.08 Swartzbaugh cc Nelson- - - -18 .74 Long Rock Co.- - - - - - - 65.05 L-iller Auto moody- - - - - -98 . 58 hason ridwr.- - - - - - - - 1.38 Shelby Wright- . - - - - - - 91 .23 Canton -'ire ulc.- - - 48. 36 �3ullders Supply- - - - - -104.91 i Printing: i .Babcock Printery- - - - - -29.85 - a 2 t On motion of Alderman i�,o ore, seconded by Alderman 0it . Qlair, all claims properly C . h_. were allowed and ordered paid when funds are available. the following monthly reports and yearly reports were ,presented : Chief of i'olice ;Bldg. �;or:m; 6upt. of Streets ; City Engr; water & Sewer d ept ; r'ire Chief; Water treatment plant ;sewer treatment plant, treas . of fire dept; City Attorney and City Treasurer. It was moved by Alderman St. Clair, seconded by Alderman % ones, to accept the reports and place same on file. Alderman Blackaby, mer,_ber of the municipal band committee, recorr;en- ded the city sponser at least two of the band concerts to be held during the summer months, which would require at least X600.00 to be appropria- ted for same. It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded byAlderman Skinner, the city sponser two concerts and include the expense in the annual appropriation, and the motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. First reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the hoard of Local Improvements of the City of Canto, providing for 'Uhe local improvement of certain portions of I . Sixth Avenue and Oak St. in the City of Canton, forming a connected system of pavement and designated as "Canton Paving Imrpovement No. 51-J '. It was moved by Alderman Skinner, seconded by Alderman Linder tospbpend the rubes.: rdquiring the ordinance be read the second time. roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, iLoore, Jones, 1. urphy, skinner, Linder, hand, 'T'ink, gook, St. Clair ..nd Klobuchar. day; None. It was then moved by Alderman Skinner, seconded by Alderman Linder to place the ordinance on its pasr,age. moll call vote: AYE: Ald ernan Sebree, Blackaby, "Loore, Jones, 1prphy, Skinner, Linder, viand, Tink, Cook, St . Clair and Klobuchar. AY : None. The chair declared the r..otion carried and ordinance passed , being Ordinance Teo . 160. First reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Canton, providing for the local improvement of certain portions of East hickory St. in the City of Canton, providing for the local irnpro- vernent of certain portions of East hickory St. , forming a connected system, of pavement and designated as "6anton Paving improvement ho . 51-K" . It was moved by Alderman Linder, seconded by Alderman Skinner to sus- pend the rules requiring the ordinancebe read the second time. Aoll call vote: AYE: alderman Sebree, Blackaby, Moore, Jones , Lurphy, Skinner, Linder, viand , Tihk, Qook, St. Chit and Klobuchar. 1JAY :none. It was then moved by Alderman Skinner, seconded by Alderman Linder to place the ordinance on its passage. Aoll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, ..00re, Jones , ,:urphy, 6kinner, Linder, Band, litik, Cook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. iiAY:none. the chair declared the motion carried and ordinance passed, being Ordinance 1vo. 161. r'irst reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Canton, providing for the local improverr.ent of certain portions of East Birch Street, 14 . 7th Avenue and 1 . 8th Avenue, in the City of Canton, forming a connected syst�:r,. of pavement and designated as "Canton Paving Improvement loo. 51-0. " it was moved by Alderman St. Clair, seconded by Alderman Klobuchar to s uspend the rules requiring the ordinance be read the second time. roll call vote : AYE: Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, ..00re, Jones , i::urphy, Skinner, Linder, nand, Tirk, Cook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. 14A)� : none. It-,zas 4ioved by Alderman Klobuchar, seconded by Alderman St. Clair to place the ordinance on its passage. Aoll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, 31ackaby, i,00re, Jones , 1wurphy, Skinner, Linder, Hand, Ti° k, Cook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. NAY: None. The chair de- clared the motion carried and ordinance passed , being urdina.nceio. 162. dirst reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transr__itted and its passage recorrrrrended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Canton, providing for the local improvement of certain portions of N. 11th Avenue in the City of Canton, forming a connected system of pave- ment and designated as "Canton Paving Improvement No. 51-N11. It was moved by AldermanKlobuchar, seconded byAlderman St. Clair to suspend the rules requiring the Ordinance be read the second tine. Holl call vote : AYE: Alderman Sebree, .Elackaby, U.00re, Jones, 1,,urphy, Skinner, Linder, rand, `rink, Cook, St. Clair andKlobuchar. NAY: None. It was moved by Alderman St. Clair, seconded by Alderman "lobuchar to place the ordinance on its toassage. moll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, >lackaby, ,�,,-,00re , Jones , L,. rphy , Skinner , Linder, nand , fink, Cook, St. Clair, and Klobuchar. NAY :None. The chair declared the rr.otion carried and ordinance passed, being ordinance No . 161. Petition for the anneitation of a tract of land known as the iller- r Brown School Site, by the canton union School District loo . 66, was r 21 submitted. It was moved by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Ivloore, to grant the petition and adopt resolution granting same. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, 1vioore, Jones , Murphy, Skinner, Linder, hand, 'fink, Cook, St. Clair and t'-lobuchar. NAY : none. First reading of "An Urdinance annexing to the City of Canton, Illinois, a part of the SE 1%uarter of Section 22, in l'ownship 7 North, stance 4 East of the 4th Principal L' eridan, owned by Canton Umion School District ,Jo. 66, known as the Liller-Brown School Site. " It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman 1-oore to amend the ordinance and plat, so as to include North Fain Street --14 poll call vote on the amendment : AYE: Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, -w�oore, Jones , L,urpry, Skinner, Linder, Hand, `fink, Uook, St. Clair and rlobuchar. 1AY:none. The chair declared the motion carried . It was moved by Alderman hand, secon- ded by Alderman Cook, to suspend the rules requiring the ordinance be read the second time. Boll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, 1oore, Jones , %.urphy, Skinner, Linder, nand, Tibk, vook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. NAY:none. ltvas moved by Alderman nand, seconded by Alder- h, ran Jones to place the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, Moore, Jones, Llurphy, Skinner, Linder, nand, ��- rink, Uook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. NAY: none. The chair declared the motion carried and ordinance passed , Bing ordinance loo. 164. Retition for the annexation of real estate known as "The Athletic Park" was submitted . It was moved by Alderman Loore, seconded by Alder- man Hand to grant the petition and adopt resolution granting same. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, BlackabyI Moore, Jones , L;urphy, Skinner, Linder, hand , 'fink, gook, St. Clair and nlobuchar. NAY: none. the chair declared the motion carried and petition granted . Ordinance "Annexing to the city of canton, Illinois, real Estate known as "The Athletic Park, described as a part of the h .E. quarter of Section 27, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the 4th Principal iLeridan" was read for the first time. First reading of "An Ordinance-Water and Sewage Treatment Plant Operators ". First reading of "City Attorney and Uity Engineer Salaries Ordinance. " It was moved by alderman St. Ulair, seconded by Alderman hlackaby, to open bids advertised for this date for materials to be used on the square and adjacent streets, and the motion carried. The following bids were submitted W. L. .miller Uo . , Elvaston, Ill. , andBiamond Uonst. Co. of c uincy. It was moved by -�lde man St. Ulair, seconded by Alderman Klobuchar to refer the bids to the Street U Alley committee, City Lngr. , L.ayor and City Attorney, and report back at the next meeting and the motion carried by a viva voce vote. i The Mayor makes the following appointments for approval by the council : i Water Dept: Sewage Disposal Plant Orval Kuh*, Chief Operator Floyd hammond, Chief Uper. iZonald Yeldner Ueorge smith 3en Huggins, Roy Kirkpatrick Andrew Rumler r'red butkovich Plumbinw Inspector: James Yeir Leter Readers : Eugene -1 enkins, 4illiarrl Gaskill f Office Cashier: Catherine Emans Asst:Cashier: L'ildred Brewer Rest Boom custodians : dilliam Lucas and teary Lucas i Becretary to L'a.yor7t L-ildred Gray Deputy City Ulerk: 1'rancelle i-echarich Custodian Park & Uity -ldg . : 6. A. :urgent t City Attorney: Joseph -artin x; � xx7�x �x7 �ari�s Street Supt: Grover 6immerman Lr xadio aerator: Lester amith Cemetery jextion: Uren 3rown Garbage Dept ; Leon Utto, Elmer Strode, r'rancis Evans Liquor Comm: Cameron Benham, Ularence Engle r'ire & lolice Commissioner for 3 years : Howard Griffin It was moved by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Jones, to confirrri the appointments . moll call vote : AYE: Alderman Sebree, Black- aby, .:ooze, Jones, 1urphy, Skinner , Linder, hand, `rink, Cook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. NAY : none. The chair declared the motion carried and appointments confirmed . The �:ayor names the following cormittee members for the year: Finance: Linder, .6.ocre, aebree lolice & Legal : Sebree, Klobuchar, Jones Street & Alley . St. Clair, Skinner, Cook 'Nater & Sewer: Hand , Linder, Moore rin#ing : Klobuchar, Blackaby, Jones Crdinance: h`ioore, Skinner, St. Clair Buildings Gds . : Skinner, Linder, L'-lobuchar Licenses : Jones, Cook, Blackaby Garbage: Cook, fink, Skinner Lights : Jones, hand, Cook Claims : fink, Blackaby, lerpening raff.ic : Blackaby , Cook, 'rink It was moved by Alderman Lllobucharg seconded by Aldermen Blackaby, to table the corrmittee appointments. poll call vote: AYE: Alderman 6ebree, Blackaby, L-oore, Jones, Skinner, nand, 'link, Cook and r�lobuchar. AY: Alderman l:urphy, Linder and at. Clair. The chair declared the motion carried and appointments tabled . Alderman Klobuch<l.r is excused. h.r. Crawford of Crawford , --urpr_y and l'illey submitted plans and specifications and cost estimate of the proposed water plant improvements showing an estimated cost of 0104,105.CO, which plans included fluorida- tiori equipment. loo action taken on the rra.tter. It was moved by Alderman fink, seconded by -lderman Cook, that Alderman Zerpening be marked as present, and the notion carried by unanimous roll call vote. On motion of Alderman St. Clair, seconded by Alderman hoore, the meeting adjourned . Cit rk