HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-15-1952 Council Meeting Minutes" Uanton, Illinois 15 April 15, 1952 A regular meeting of the City Council held this day convening at the hour of 7 :30r. .. with mayor Woods presiding. poll call showed the following present: Alderman Ceb ­ee, blackaby, L..00re, Jones , 'urphy, Skinner, Linder, hand , 'rink, -ook, at . Clair and Klobuchar. Absent: Alderman 'Verpening. linutes of the previous meeting were read and stood approved as read . retition of Claude bore to park a pop-corn wagon at the S.E. corner of the dquare, on the north side of Llm St. , was on motion of Alderman -oore, seconded by Alderman aebree, referred to the street and Alley co,nmittee to report back, by a viva voce vote. Petition of the Standard Qil Co. to erect 3-2000gal . underground tanks at their station on 5th and Chestnut St. , was on motion of Alderman 11-oore , seconded by Alderman -Olackaby, rejected by the follow- ing vote : AYE: Alderman Sebree, blackaby, L'.00rg, Jones , 'Murphy, Skinner, Linder, nand , Wink, gook, at. Clair and Klobuchar. NAY: none. It was moved by Alderman St. Clair, seconded by "lderman Cook, the Ordinance corninittee have drafted an ordinance, regulating under- d ground storage tanks, and the motion carried unanimously by a viva voce vote. xesolution to transfer 45000.00 from the uarbage r'und to the (jener;3l r'und was submitted. It was moved by Alderman Jones , seconded by -�lderzrian Klobuchar, to reject the resolution. Moll call vote : AYE: Alderman Jones , Skinner, Linder, 'land, Zink, gook, St. glair and Klobuchar. NAY : Alderman Sebree, blackaby, Loore and l•-urphy. Z,he chair declared the motion carried . iesoluti-n to transfer 460000 from the rarking iLeter d'und to the Goad & :Bridge Fund , was submitted . It was moved by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Sebree, to adopt the resolution. =toll cell vote: AYE: Alderman aebree, blackby, L.00re, --urphy, Skinner, Linder, nand , rink and Cook. JAY : Alderman Jones, St. Clair and Klobuchar. the chair declared the motion carried and resolution ado,3ted . r'irst reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the board of Local improvements of the City of Canton, Illinois , providing for the local ir:prover:ient of certain portions of South Sixth Ave. in the City of Canton, Illinois , forn--ing a connected system of pavement and designated "Canton "raving improve- went l+o . 51-3" . It was moved by Alderman Linder, seconded by Alder- man Klobuchar, to suspend the rules requiring the ordinance b e read the second time. poll call vote : AIE: Alderman Sebree, aslackaby, L.00re, Jones, :.urphy, Skinner, Linder, hand, link, Cook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. NA",, : none. the chair declared the motion carried . It was moved by alderman .6.00re, seconded by Alderman Jones to place the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote : .AYE : Alderman aebree, 131ackaby, :�oore, Jones, Lurphy, Skinner, Linder, nand, Zink, gook, St. Clair, Klobuchar. i4A : none. i'he chair declared the motion carried and the ordinance passed, being Ordinance �o . 153. First reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the board of Local Improvements of the City of Canton, Illinois, providing for the local improvement of certain portions of + . Ave. 73 in the City of Uanton, formig a connected system of pavement and designated "Canton Paving Improvement L.o . 51-1)". It was moved by Alderman h.00re, seconded by -blackaby to suspend the rules requiring the ordinance be read the second time. roll call vote: c&YE : Alderman Sebree, blackaby, L:_oore, Jones, ILurphy, Skinner, Linder, hand , '''ink, Cook, St . Clair and Klobuchar. NAY : none. The chair declared the motion carried. it was moved by Alderman blackab-,, 9 seconded by Alderman Loore to place the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote : A YE: Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, L-oore, Jones, Murphy, Skinner, Linder, nand, Zink, Cook, 5t. Clair and Klobuchar. id.'tY: None. 'he chair declared the motion carried and ordinance passed, being "rdinance i�o . 154. First reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the board of Local Improvements of the City of Canton, providing for the local improvement of certain portions of East.Spruce street in the City of Canton, Illinois, forming a connected system of pavement and designated "Canton raving Improvement i�o . 51-r"' it was moved by Alderman Linder, seconded by Alderman L-oore to suspend the rules requiring the ordinance ,be read the second time. moll call vote : AYE: Alderri an 6ebree, Llackaby , y-oore, J ones, 1"urphy, Skinner, Linder, viand , Wink, look, St. Clair and nlobuchar. NAY : None. The chair declared the motion carried . it was moved by Alderman sV•oore, seconded by Alderman fink, to place the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: Alderman aebree, dlackaby, iL-oore, Jones , ILurphy, akinner, Linder, -nand , ':Pink, Cook, St. Clair and nlobuchar, idA'Y : None. The chair de- clared the motion carried and the ordinance passed, being ordinance i4o.155. r'irst reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the hoard of Local Improvements of tr:e City of Canton, providing for the local improvement of certain portions of Last spruce Ctreet in the City of Canton, Illinois , forriing a connected systet;i of pavement and designated "Canton laving Improvement !dumber 51-Cf. it was moved by Alderman nlobuchar, seconded by � lderrran St. Cl,�ir, to suspend the rules requiring the ordinance be read the second time. 'loll call vote: i� YE: alder-:-an aebree, blackab,T , wioore, Jones, iviurphy, akinner, Linder, viand, rink, Cook, at. Clair and 1lobuchar. NiYY : None. The ch:.ir declared the motion carried . it wasmoved by Alder::an Klobuchar, seconded by Alderman at. Clair, to place the or d finance on its passage. -toll call vote: AYE: Alderman aebree , blackaby, l:oor ;, -Jones, i_urphy, Skinner, Linder, hand, rink, Cook, St. Clair and hlobuchar. N"iY : none. The chair declared the motion carried and ordinaced passed, being Ordinance ."o . 156. Yirst reading of "An Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the Hoard of Local Imi:roverients of the City of Canton, providing for the local improvement of certain portions of haffner Court and Thompson Court in the City of Canton, Illinois , forining a connected system of pavement and designated "Canton laving improvement �,ur,^l,er 51-h". It was moved by Alderman pit. Qlair, seconded by Alderman nlobuchar, to suspend the rules requiring the ordinance be read the second time. aoll call vote: ii YE: Alderman oebree, -blackaby, is-oore, Jones , 1;:-urphy, Skinner, Linder, hand, link, gook, at. Clair and Klobuchar. Iv:1Y : None. the chair declared the motion carried . it was moved by Alderman hlobuchar, seconded by Alderman at. Ulair, to place the ordi- nance on its passage. moll call vote : Ali,;: Alderman jebree, Blackaby, .:.00re, Jones , :, urphy, Skinner, Linder, !land , Zink, look, at. Clair and Klobuchar. The chair declared the motion carried and ordinance passed, being ordinance o . 157 . Virst reading of "An Ordinate prepared and transmitted and its passage recomt e-ided by the .board of Local irnproverr,ents of the City of Canton, Illinois , providing for the local impm vement of certa n portions of a. :eve. 13. in the City of Canton, forming a connected system of pave- ment and designated as "Canton raving improvement ido . 51-I " . it was moved by i'ilderman Linder, seconded by Ald erman Jones , to suspend the rules requiring the reading of the krdinanee the second time. poll- call vote : AYE: Alderman ,)ebreet blackaby, Loor9, Jones, -.urphy , Skinner, Linder, Hand , Tink, Uook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. NA-i : none. the chair declared the r:iotion m.-ried . it was riioved by k1derrnan Skinner, seconded by alderman Jones, to place th ordinance on its passage. 'loll call vote: YE: :alderman aebree, Blackaby, Lioore, Jones, Lurphy, Skinner, Linder, iia,nd , . ink, Cook, at. Clair and nlobuchar. Ii AY : none. the chair de- cl�ired the motion carried and ordinance passed , beinfT ordinance ido . 158. r'irst reading of 'rlin Ordinance prepared and transmitted and its passage recommended by the Board of Local Improvements of the City of Canton, Illinois providing for the local-improvement of certain portions of East Cherry Stret, in the uity of Canton, forming a connected system of pave- ir:ent and designated as "Canton awing Improvement io. 51-1,11 . it -;as moved by =alderman akinner, eecranded by Alderman Jon s to suspend the rules re- c; .firing the ordinance be read the second time. .toll call vote: A'YE: Alderman aebree, Blackaby, i-oore, Jones , L-urphy, Skinner, Linder , hand, i ink, Cook, St. Clair and nlobuchar. JA:Y : none. i`he chaiir declared the motion carried . It ;gas moved by j�lderman Jones, seconded by Alderman "Linder to place tf e ordinance on its passage. poll call vote: AE: _'alderman 'Jebree , -Blackaby, i::oore, Jones , wurphy, akinner, Linder, rand, 'rink, Cook, St. Clair and 1-lobuchar. " AY : none. The chair declared the -motion carried and ordinance passed, being ordinance lic . 159. 17 t Alderman 5t. :lair moves , seconded by Alderman r,lobuchar, the Oity Clerk advertise for bids for re-surfacing of the City square and adjacent blocks, bids to be rec _-ived on I"ay 6th. Aoll call votes AYE% Alderman 6ebree, .8lackaby, LAoo-re, Jones , i,,urphyg Skiriner, Lindefq hand , 'link, Upok, 6t. Clair and t-lobuchar. EAY': none. Che chair declared the motion carried . ti.r. Homer routs addressed the Council in connection with the _ orginazation of a municipal bank. Alderman bl-�,ckaby moves, seconded by :alderman Jones, the :mayor appoint a committee to investigate the -)ossibility and report back at the next meeting, and the motion carried by a viva voce vote. jhe i;_ayor appoints to this committee : alderman Jones , rand and gook. Alderman Hlackaby moves, seconded by Alderman lvioore, to take off the table resclution presented at the previous meeting directing the City treasurer to transfer from the Yiater 6: fewer account to the 00 :'Vater and Sewer LYevenue -iccount, the sum of X2,000 per month for a L*11J period of 26 months , to be used solely for the extension of water and 7" se er facilities to the VanLyke nark Addition and L,aplehurst Addition. "oll call vote : Aih: Alderman oebree, blackaby , oore, Jones, yurphy , Skinner, Linder, hand, Wink, Look, it. Clair and iilobuchar. 4AY : none. the chair declared the motion carried . it was moved by -alderman .8lackaby, seconded by Alderman Klobuchar, to insert the sung of 48,000 to be credited as advance payment of charges for water service of the respective subscribers or contriiutore and adopt the resolution. Loll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, .6lack- aby, i. 00re, Jones , 'lurphy, Skinner, Linder, nand , 'fink, "ook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. I AY : none. the chair declared the motion carried and resolution adopted . Cn motion of Alder-!,an i..00re, seconded by Ald erinan Skinner, the meeting adjourned. Uity er I 4