HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-04-1952 Council Meeting Minutes wanton, 111.
Larch 4, 1952
A regularmeeting of the City Council held this day convening at
the hour of 7 :00 P. . with .6ayor +Woods presiding. Roll call showed
the following present : Alderman .Blackaby, Moore, Jones, Murphy, Skinner,
Linder, Hand , Tink, Cook, St. Clair ind nlobuchar. Absent: Alderman
Sebree and 1erpening. It was moved by Alderman .Blackaby, seconded by
Alderman A-lobuchar, to mark the two absent alderman as present, and
the motion carried unanimously.
Minutes of the previous meeting w ere read and stood approved
as read .
The following
claims were
presented :
later Dept:
General Yunds :
Oaks &. Sons- - - -
- - 95.00
Fire -0ept:
.Flynn katerisls- -
- - 66.84
Reeder Iffallace- - -
- - 13.05
.Flynn Bldg. Aaat. -
- - 46.87
Associated kotors -
- - 17. 94
J . Pollard Co.- -
- -- 25. 44
Jarvis Welder- - - -
- 6.50
Wilkins Pipe- - -
- - 291.00
Canton Auto -body- -
- - 9 .50
IL & r Valve- - - -
- - 14.24
D. L. Swartzbaugh- -
- - 1 .81
Carver Pump Co. --
- -438. 40
Elliott Llacine- - -
- - 2.00
Difco Lab.- - - -
- - 8.64
vhillips t'etro .- - -
- -40 .65
Homelite Corp . - -
- - 20 .76
Cities Service- - - -
- 67.31
Infilco- - - - - -
- - 59.41
Lason hdwr.- - - - -
- 4.88
lkueller Co .- - - -
- - 79.09
Standard Oil- - -
- - 106.98
Park Teter:
hainlIne Sian- - -
- - 5.00
`'• B. homer0 - - -
- - 14.70
Diamond .Alkali - -
- -164.48
Jarvis, Welder- - -
- - 12.65
IcKesson &c Ho ;bins- - 248.04
'Iestern Metal Prod .-
- 25. 50
Kroell Elec. - - -
- - 331.20
Uaks & Sons- - - - -
- 30.00
r'o ster � gall ien-
- - 15. 42
Jarvis, 41dr.- - - -
- 1 . 50
Babcock Print- - -
- - 22.65
John Horton- - - - -
- 84.00
Filcher :impl .- - -
- - 33.75
1Uillman Totofs - - -
- 30 .00
Canton Plulabi g- -
- - 5. 57
Shelby Bright- - - -
- 104.88
Jarvis Elec.- - -
- - -14.00
Lliller Auto .Body - -
- 61.07
Roy Clift- - - - -
- - 20 . 96
killer Auto Body-
- - 39.90
Canton 'fire & "ulc.-
- 7 .75
L. #. Davis- - - - -
- 120 .00
Ill. �3ell Tel.- -
- - -17 .10
C. I . P. a.- - - - -
1044. 66
Shell Oil- - - - -
- -115.09
Sq. Deal ;�kt.- - - -
C. I . P. S.- - - -
- -901 .00
Logan Nright- - - -
- 61. 54
Moore Conoco- - -
- - 10 . 40
1+uason Hdwr.- - - - -
- 8.26
Uaks & Sons- - - -
t lumbing(�Yhite) - - -
- 53.75
Oaks � Sons- - - -
2 525.62
H. V. r'uller- - - -
- - 14.70
Saunders Standar - -
- -62.10
Owens Oil- - - - - -
- -58 .75
Phillips metro.- - -
- 172.25
Qanton 'Towel- - - -
- - 7.80
r'amers Co . Grain- -
- - 18. 40
kacomb. Comm. Serv.-
- - 70 .75
Indianapolis badge Co.-- 6.36
C. Shepley Son-
- 220. 25
r'red Thompson- - - -
- 80 .88 ._
Pettibone <<: Co.- - -
- 116.70
Bell 'Telephone- - -
- 21.75
V. Paul Woods- - - -
- 15.59
T. hk::ller- - - - - -
It was moved by Alderman k:oore, seconded by Alderman kurphy, that
all claims properly U.K' d be allowed and paid -,when funds are available.
After some question regardin- the hill of Uaks & Son, a letter
of explaination, accompanying the claim, was read. It was moved by
Ald erman Hand, seconded by Ald erman nlobuehar, to amend the original
motion, and moved that the letter be attached to the claim and the
claim allowed. Roll call vote: '� YE: Alderman Blackaby, 1,tLoore, Jones ,
Lurphy, Skinner, hand, 'rink, -ook, St. Clair and Klobuchar. iiAY:
Alderman Linder. .
doll call on the original motion: .,YE: Alderman Dlackaby, Loore,
Jones, Murphy, Skinner, -Linder, band , Wink, Cook, St. C]a it and
Klobuchar. N.'11Y : None. The chair declared the motion carried .
the following officers reports were submitted : Chief of Police ;
Water - Sewer Dept; Water & Sewer Dreatment slant; City Treasurer;
3ewa`e Plant, _reas . of Fire Dept. ltwas moved by Alderman St.
Clr-.ir, seconded by Loore, to accept the reports and place on file.
11equest of L. �ff. Davis for two-weeks vacation pay, was on
motion of Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman it. Clair, granted.
Alderman blackaby, chairman of the dater Corznittee, informed
the council the committee recommended a charge of 430 .00 per meter
with the city maintaining the meter in repairs.
llderman Moore moves, seconded by Alderman Cook, the recommenda-
tion of the eommittee be approved and concurred in, and the motion
carried by unanimous roll call vote.
,esolution requesting the 0. 1 . P. S. to install 26 overhead
lamps in the El-Van Addition and Van-Dyke Park Addition, at 024.00
per lamp per year, was on motion of Alderman Moore, seconded by
Aldeman Jones , adopted by unanimous roll call vote.
It was reconir_iended, by the dater Sewer co mittee, the billing
of water meters be every two months , in order to releave the
meter readers. This matter w as concurred in by the council on
motion of lUderman Moore, seconded by Ald erman L-urphy.
It vas moved by Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Skinner,
the monthly reading of the bills, in the future, be submitted
separately by departments, and acted on separately, and the motion
carried by t he following vote : AYE : Alderman Jones, �:urphy, Skinner ,
Linder, .'ink, Ilook, St. Clair and nlobuchar. J'AY: Alderman Blackaby,
hoore and Hand . The chair declared the motion carried . Ak
i .
Cn motion of Alderman 131ackaby, seconded by Alderman !:-,00re,
the meeting adjourned .
Uity C r