HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-15-1952 Council Meeting Minutes 5
january 15, 1952
A reE-ular meeting of the ,.;ity council held this day U C,
onv ning
at the hour of 7 :00 1' . L-. with u_ayor ,foods residing. aoll call
showed the follol,,vinE -present: Aldeniian --Dlackaby , --oorek ,"ones ,
.u-urphy, skinner, Linder, -Link, i'er,,peniniz, �t. glair and
hlobuchE-r. ,�b , ent : Aldenrran .),ebree and_i,and .
red ular
i-inutes of the/,,e�_,'Uin,, of Jan. 2nd , Jan. 8th meeting at 9:Yu
A. and Jan. 8th meeting at 7 :COP.1- . were read , and it w,),s
r= oved by Alder-man Skinner, seconded by ildei�man ferpen-.ing, that
all acts and doings of same be confirt:-.ed and a-,l-'roved , and the
11'.0tio- c ,,-,r,ried by unaniic-..ous roll c :-z11 vote .
Petition for water - sewer on y . 8tl_ eve. b et,,.,je(,,n 'Dirch it .
and jycayore t. was on ,rioU I on of 11lderrran skinner, seconded by
Al d err.--an at. �lai r, ref erred to the r L._,n d se r cci i. -J- t*t,e,: i11,
ol;ti.--r to act .
It was iiioved by Alderman took, seconded by Aldert' an Skinner�
replacin'_ hydrant at 875 E. rt,lnut j-U. , be i V e
jtiE_ ed by the
water and se,.,jer coiiiri:ittee and city ent-YJ_Yneero by a viva voce vote.
it Vv- 8 roved 10y Alderman okinner, seconded by Ald eimaan
hlobuchar, the city attorney take action Lq--ainst the railroads
when city ordin�Lnce is violated in ree,,3--rd �o closing crossinr�s
t',-e c� rried 1-y a viva, vc : ,e, vcte.
'he followinc- resolutions for iri-.,rjrove,,,;_ent by unicipality
under the i-otor i`uel fax were sub1:itt`ed *-
c ak ; 't* f
roi,i ,::
iv . A to First Ave, and second five. to Fifth Ave.
SUM 01
ilickory street fro! . ain to _,irsll --ind ;3,ec,- nd Ave . to "hird Avc: .
s�..ii.; of 4 7 ,000 .010 .
Lleventh Ave. from Ash to Locust 6t. , sur of 12,000 .00
.-irch St. from -votirth Ave. to -;orlporate Limits and Light Ave .
froit-, Birch to Ash 6t. , sur,� of �41 ,CCEoo
Ave. D, fror.,-. Locust to d.-_-.-tlnut 6t .
Ave. A froi:, xjr to mine Wit .
1.. rtin ,eve. i-ine to Ave. D.
ilnut it. eve. j to i-ain it .
line St. Ave. _D to
J estnut St. fro,,I� Ave. L) to Ave. A
of "6,5,CCC .00
It was moved 1,y �lderir,,an 6t. glair, by Aldert-,,,@-n L,-oore,
to adopt the resolutions and Iv-i,e l'-oticil C I-r-ried 1,y t-11-le
vote: AYIE: lde r.-an olac'K-a_'Cy , , ocre, Jones , __u-_-.py, skinner, Lindc,;r,
i:001:, )t . glair and one. -L'h e
decl� red til-le .otion carr-41- ed �end resolutions adopted .
ufl 1-10tcjll Of Aldezi,ar -:-oore, seconded by Alderr:iran jonc_s , the
e t ng adjourned .
T! ty
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