HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-1952 Council Meeting Minutes d�
Canton, i.11inois
January 3 , 1952.
An adjourned meeting of the City Council of January 2, 1952, re-
convened this day at the hour of 9:30A. 1L. in the Canton high School
Assembly room. the meeting was called to order by �•ayor Woods and
there were present : Alderman Sebree, .Dlackaby, 1,-oore, Jones, ,,urphy,
Minder, viand , link, Lerpening, Cook, St. Clair and hlobuchar. =absent :
Aid er1ran Skinner.
.-inutes of the previous meeting were read and stood approved
as read .
i'he following claims were -oresented :
dater 1)e-ot : (-ienrral 1''unds
Oaks & Son- - - - - - - _ -459263. 21 1''ire Dept :
' Ill. Hell 'i el. Co. - - - _ _ 17 . 20 Cweari ngen y+holesl. - - - 4.70
C. 1 . r . S.- - - - _ - _ _ _ 854. 28 Weeder viallace- - - - - 19.07
Swearingen 4holesale- - - - 23.13 Jarvis, Welder- - - - - 4.c(
Foster & Gsllien- - - - - - - 17.06 i3rown,Lyncy,6cott - - - 10 .71
L. i�. Carper- - - - - - - - - 15.10 x,ing Auto Llec.- - - - -66. 50
r'lynn .dldg. - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _215. 79 County gelding Sup. - - -12.24 -
J arvi s, tiIeld er- - - _ _ _ _ _ 11 .25 CP lgon, Inc.- - - - - --13. 57
Virgil Dorothy heating- - - - 56. 50
Loore' s Conoco- - - - _ - - - 13.42 P-)rk lu- eter:
i:iller Auto -body- - - - - - - 150.45 pus C. Sandberg- - - - -26.45
1 ing Auto Llec.- - - - - - - - 45.42 CAlrens Lil- - - - - - _ -46.27
Continental (.il- - - - - - _ 379. 46 halls itandard- - - - - 97.17 -
ab cu cic Printery- - - - - - - 121. 35 Standard Oil- - - - - - 3. 72 -
'" hroell Elec. - - - - - - - - - 30 .00 Locks t'otor- - - - - - - 1 . 53
Addresso;,ra )h- - - - - - - - _ 3732 Anderson lire- - - - - 315.09
.1hiteIs Book Store- - - - - - -12 70 Oaks c, Sons- - - - - - -78 75
lnfilco- - - - - _ _ - - - - - 51 .81 canton fire G- Vulc- - - 10 .75
uallace � zeirnan- - - - - - - 25.78
Slliott h�achirne Shop - - - - - 59.83 St. !)e)-,t.' Mi
aock4ae11 i.fg. Co.- - - - - - -704. 51 -Bonder Service- - - - - 51 .44 -
Jell machinery- - - - - - - - 778 .32 47einstein r'eed- - - - -123.22 --
bob 6c -Lack Service- - -109 .67
uenerttl r'und : -ason 1 dTvr.- - - - - _ 2.34
r'olice Sc,pt. Co-- - - - - - - 19. 64 ° ;row tidwr. - - - - - - - 5.90
Standard uil- - - - - - - - -121. 31 L. Swartzbaugh - - - 17 .41
i+' ,.rmers Co. brain- - - - - - - 6.90 - Jarvis , Welder- - - - - 14.25
" Liberty garage- - - - - - - - 12. 60 Wliller Auto -body- - - - 44.75
Locks i,otor- - - - - - _ _ _ 53. 99
Owens mil- - - - - - - - - - 167 .10
i.=acomb Service- - - - - 61.98
Amos Jarnagan- - - - - - - - 31. 68
C. I . r . �.- - - - - - - - - 517 .82 ....
It was nioved by Alderman ivaoore, seconded by -ldel-rIan "erpeninc ,
all claims properly O .t,' d be allowed and paid wren funds are available
and the i:,otion carried -„y unanimous roll call vote.
the following officer' s monthly rep -:•rts were submitted ". (;i ty "ngr;
31dg. ofwfi ; St. erupt; Chief of .police; vaater treatment i-lant ; eater &
Sew�rr Dept ; City Treasurer. Un motion of Alderman St. Clair, seconded
by Alderman `'ook, the reports were accepted and ordered placed on file.
designation of I• enneth Lindzey as "hief of i-olice and requesting
that he be named as sergeant, was on motion of Alderman St. Clair,
seconded by Alderman hlobuchar, accepted by a viva voce vote.
it was moved by Alderman -blackaby, seconded by Alderman bebree,
the council accept the bid of James L. Clow and Co . , of lhicago on
water mains , and that the L-4or and Clerk lle authorized to enter into
contract with the -James B. Clow Co. . -moll call vote : AYE: Alderman
Sebree, Blackaby, Loore, Jones , 1E urphy, Linder, l and, `fink, Xerpenin:;T ,
Cook, St. Clair and 1ilobuchar. _1 AY: None. "he chair declared the
notion carried .
An Ordinance entitled "Traffic Control Signals" was read for the
first time.
it was moved by Alderman nand, seconded by Alde-rman lilobuch, r
to suspend the rules rec!uiring the ordinance be read the second time.
moll call vote: AYE: Alderman jecree, ijlackaby, -L:-oore, Jones, Lurphy,
Linder, hand, Zerpening, 1-%ook, ot. glair and Ylobuchar. <yx : ldone.
It was moved by Alderman lerpening, seconded by Alderman -ool�, to
place on its pas. a�e ordinance entitled "Traffic control aignals " .
Aoll call vote: 1 r.r : ' lderman 6ebree, blackaby , Moore, Jones , i�-urphy,
minder, hand, link, erpen-ing, gook, it. glair and r,locuchar. .'Ii.i :
iwone. 1'he chair declared the motion carried and the ordinance passed,
being ordinance ltio .147.
lti resolution for --aintenance of Arterial -treets or :Mate high-
way s under the L-otor r'uel L'ax Law, was on motion of Alderman :3t.
Clair, seconded by Alderman nlobuchar, adopted by the following vote:
AYE: Ald erman aebree, -blackaby, L-oore, Jones, I urphy, Linder, nand,
`Pin', , ierpening, gook, St. Clair and r-lobuch�-ir. IlAY: None. i'he
chair declared the motion carried and resolution adopted .
Lr. L. L. Vi : t addressed the uounc:i.l in bel alf of the l._edical
and Dental Associations, relative to the fluoridation of the City
water supply. It was moved by Ald erman Linder, seconded by Alderman
St. Clair, the Ordinance Committee, and Water G newer counitt;e
and City Attorney, draft an Ordinance providing for the fluoridation
} of the water, to meet rewire.°-gents of the estate -ooard. poll call
vote: AYE: Alderman jebree, 31ackaby, Lv,00re, Jones , L-urphy, Linder,
i:and , fink, 2erpening, look, 6t. Clair and nlobuchar. NAY:none .
On motion of Alderman 6t. glair, seconded by Alderman .1�-oore,
the council adjourned back to the City Council Chambers in the City
mall at 7 :0011 .1. , January 9, 1952.
Uanton, Illinois
Jan. 8 , 1952
An adjourned meeting of the laity douncil of 9 :30A. I. , Jan.
8 , 1952, reconvened at 7 :OOF.". in the City Co,incil Chambers with
-ayor floods presiding.
"oll call showed the following present : "lderman 6ebree,
Blackaby, more , ,tones , L_urphy, skinner, Linder, nand, fink, -
Wook, St. Clair WoMmMhams Absent : Alderman ierpening, hlobuchar.
An Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Granting the Aight and
Permission to Canton City Lines, inc. , to aintain and Operate
a l otor Jus Gystem for dire upon the streets of the aty of Canton"
was read for the first time.
it was moved by Alderman St. Clair, seconded by Alderman Hand
to suspend the rules requiring the ordinance be read the second
time. Aoll call vote: All; Alderman aebree, Blackaby, Woore,
Jones, �urphy, 6kinner, Linder, hand , Wink, Cook, and St. Clair.
AA Y: none.
It was moved by Alderman St. Clair, seconded by Alderman nand
to place on its ;passage Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Granting
the _fight and Permission to Canton City "Lines, Inc . , to . aintain and
Cperate a :_otor Bus System for hire upon the atreets of the City
of Canton" . Moll call vote : AVE: Alderman aebree, Blackaby,
Koo-re , j ones, nurphy, skinner, Linder, hand, Qook and of . &lair;
1v one. the chair declared the motion carried and Ordinance
paused , being ordinance no . 148 .
On motion of Alderman "ook, seconded by Alderman slackaby ,
the meeting adjourned .