HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-1983 Council Meeting Minutes 443 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on September 20th , 1983 in Council Chambers . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING , FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCA- TION GIVEN BY MAYOR EDWARDS . Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6 : 30 p .m. Present : Aldermen Hammond , Savill , Sarff , Workman , Carl , May , Horr. Absent : Alder- man Kovachevich . PUBLIC HEARING - CONTINUATION OF THE 1983. AMENDMENT TO THE CANTON REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT - 6 : 30 P .M . Mayor Edwards and Alderman Carl have a conflict of interest by the fact they own property in the tax increment area , therefore they excused themselves from participating from debate , or the public hearing , or in any way voting upon any question . The clerk then called for nomiations from the floor for a mayor pro-tem to chair the public hearing . Alderman Horr nominated Alderman Sarff. Motion by Ald- erman Hammond , second by Alderman Workman , the nominations be closed . Voice vote , motion carried . Motion by Alderman Horr , second by Alderman Savill , that Alderman Sarff serve as Mayor Pro-Tem for tonight ' s public hearing . Voice vote , motion carried . Alderman Sarff stated the purpose for tonight ' s public hearing : to (29 continue the public hearing of July 20th , 1983 concerning the purpose Q changes to the redevelopment plan . Q Citizens were then asked for input . No citizen responded to the request . Alderman Lester Workman of 493 West Pine Canton , Illinois ; stated he had an objecter to the Canton Tax Increment Development Plan that is now in use . He had an objection from a resident who lives on West Pine Street, Paul Hurst . Mr. Hurst residence is included in this plan , which includes W . Pine Street thru Walnut Street South . And he feels he is not a business and he should not be included in this tax increment plan that has been drawn up . Mr . Hurst wants his home removed from this plan . It just barely comes across and puts him in , stated Alderman Workman . Acting Mayor Pro- tem told Les it would be noted that the objection had been raised . Two letters were delivered to the mayor ' s office and one was received on September 15th , 1983 from Eli Byrum of 215 W. Vine Street , Canton , Illinois ; the second letter was received on September 20th 1983 from Russell Cardosi of 517 North Seventh , Princeton , Illinois . Both agree that traffic should be able to have movability around the square . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Horr the public hearing be closed . Voice vote , motion carried . Council reconvened at 6 : 38 p .m. BILLS FOR AUGUST . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill that all bills properly approved be paid . Roll call . AYES : Alderman Horr, May, Carl , Workman , Sarff, Savill , Hammond . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent . MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 6TH MEETING . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Workman the minutes of September 6th meeting be approved and placed on file . Voice vote , motion carried . COMMITTEE REPORTS : Finance . Council Action Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Workman the city treasurer be instructed to take $10 ,500 . 00 from the general fund to pay Robert Derenzy for the city ' s fire truck . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Hammond , Savill , Sarff, Workman , Carl , May , Horr . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent . Negotiations , Grievance & Personnel . Council Action None . Legal & Ordinance . Council Action None . 444 CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 20TH , 1983 Community & Industrial Development . Council Action Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Horr , that bids be let for demolition for property at 944 South 7th . Discussion . Dave Dorgan Community Development Director , said this was demolition without acquisition , its a health and safety hazard . Voice vote , motion carried . COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN - BUDGET/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. Dave said that he needs 3 weeks vacation from October 16th thru November 6th . Cliff Sagaser City Engineer reported that Dave while in Germany will be talking to Dcca people representing business ' s in Germany about our industrial problems . Mayor Edwards recommended that we give Dave 2 weeks vacation , he ' s been here 7 months and has done a good job . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill that Dave Dorgan be allowed to take 2 weeks vac- ation and 1 week personal time . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , May , Carl , Workman , Sarff , Savill , Hammond . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Were ready to move ahead on 9th Avenue and Sam Scott , we now have the change order. The cost estimates for Sam Scott is $9 ,994 . 00 ; 9th Avenue cost $12 ,690 . 00 which is curb and gutter type work and will bring in a crew to do the work . Much of the street work will be done by the city ' s personnel . In addition to those 2 streets we discussed 2 drainage projects which is estimated at $2 ,500 . 00 . Dave said the total for both of these projects total $25 ,184 . 75 . This would be an extension of our contract under our present hud program . These monies would come from our 1980 program which would conclude the program and ready us for doing a close-out audit. Cliff Sagaser explained that this would be curb and gutter on both of these streets out as far as we want them , that area between the purpose curb and gutter , the existing surface rock base which is there now , which will be exca- vated , hauled away , and the new rock will be brought in and rolled in place , similar from what you saw prior to the asphalt layer that went down on this year ' s program. There will be no asphalt put on it , it will be up to us next year to regrade , chip it , sand seal it , or what ever , it will not be asphalt . Were not going to spend that much money on it. Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman May that the work changes outlined be allowed on 9th Avenue and Sam Scott Street for $25 ,184 . 75 , plus the letting of bids for a close out audit on 1980 hud funds . Discussion . Alderman Carl asked why would we put out for bids when its such a small amount of work? Dave said a better word would be soliciting of bids ( quotes ) . Roll call . Aldermen Horr , May , Carl , Workman , Sarff , Savill , Hammond . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent . Dave Dorgan stated that were approaching an agreement with M. S . D . on the Industrial Site . We did meet with them and discussed what were expecting in terms of land acquisition . We have all the doc- uments necessary so we can finalize this . We maybe ready for there first board meeting and hope not to call a special meeting of the council to approve purchase . COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER. Cliff met with the officials of the hospital and the contractor regarding work being done on the right-of-way on Walnut Street . We ' ve agreed with the hospital that we will overlay next year, Walnut Street with a three quarters sand seal similar to what were doing on our main- tenance program at the present time . In exchange for that , they will 445 CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 20TH , 1983 bring to grade all the depressed areas in the area of construction , in the area between Martin Avenue and the west entrance to the hos- pital grounds . They will replace all of the curb , with new curb , from Martin Avenue to the 1st entrance just west of the building where they will also replace all the sidewalk along that same section on the south side of the road . The M. F . T . map for this year is available . We are spending more money then what the contract amount was , they allow us to go over 10% with no explanation , but if we go 10% over the quantity we have to varify why it is . We ' ve already expressed a desire in staff to have a very extensive street maintenance next year of this type (this year) . We would like to go into a program of sand sealing to the extent of twice as much as this year . Some streets don ' t have curb and gutter , �. they have ditches , Cliff would not recommend this if the ditches were not carrying the water away . COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS . Were running out of funds in C9 the Jones Park area for special police . Bob Molleck Chief Police < commented that we ' ve had many good comments and is money well spent . Q Bob suggested that its successful enough that we should continue . Bob also suggested going thru the Chamber of Commerce Retail Trades for some help in funding . Mayor Edwards agreed and wants to put another $1 ,000 . 00 into it and approach the Retail Trades . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Hammond that $1 ,000 . 00 be alloted if funds are available for the continuation of the program and contact the Retail Trades . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , May, Carl , Workman , Sarff , Savill , Hammond . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent . Mr. Postin of the Auxiliary Police has contacted the Mayor about using the city ' s radio frequency at night . Bob Molleck Chief of Police , said what they would like to do is that some of the money they ' ve earned , they want to buy a couple of portables of their own . The radio ' s they intend to buy have several frequency capabilities . The one frequency that I write a authorization to use , is the police frequency. They also have the civil defense frequency in case of disaster and the street department frequency , an aid in case of disaster. Jim Boyd said ft would not interfere with him. Council had no problems with this request . OLD BUSINESS : RESOLUTION - AMENDING " POLICY GUIDELINES " FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRA- TION BY RESOLUTION NUMBER 796 . Second reading , read by title . Jim Malmgren City Attorney stated that this is an amended resolution , it is amended in paragraph 2 and 4 . Motion by Alderman Sarff , sec- ond by Alderman Savill , the resolution be adopted as amended . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Hammond , Savill , Sarff , Workman , Carl , May , Horr. NAYS : None . Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent . Res olution being #1000 . ORDINANCE - AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CONVEYANCE OF A PORTION OF THE CITY OF CANTON ' S INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY FOR A CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT . Second reading , read by title . Cliff Sagaser City Engi - neer, said he looked at this site since council met and the water would drain to this lake , however , we will be expediting it by putting in pipe for the water to drain . Motion by Alderman Horr , second by Alderman Workman , the ordinance be placed on its passage . Discussion . Alderman Hammond stated what was brought up at the last meeting by Jim Malmgren was the donation to the government of the land . Jim said there was some kind of a self limiting time factor , but Cliff and I are in agreement . 446 CONTINUED SEPTEMBER 20TH , 1983 I would not recommend to you that you authorize an permanent easement . Cliff Sagaser suggested if an amendment is made , that on paragraph 5 of the right-of -entry for construction , should read . . . so long as the sewer exist. Jim Malmgren stated the following language to be inserted in paragraph 5 . . . for so long as said sewer is in use by the United States of America . Motion by Alderman Hammond , second by Alderman Savill an amend- ment be made to paragraph 5 adding the words . . . for so long as said sewer is in use by the United States of America . Voice vote , motion carried . Motion and second concurred with the amendment . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr, May , Carl , Workman , Sarff, Savill , Hammond . NAYS : None , Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent . Ordinance being #991 . NEW BUSINESS : RESOLUTION - ESTABLISHING COST-OF-LIVING ALLOWANCES FOR MEMBERS OF THE CANTON FIRE DEPARTMENT AND CANTON POLICE DEPARTMENT . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Sarff to send the resolution back to the Negotiations , Grievance & Personnel Committee . Dave Dorgan said that he had been in discussion with both depprtments concerning the resolution . Voice vote , motion carried . EXECUTIVE SESSION - PERSONNEL . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Hammond to go into executive session . Voice vote , motion carried. Council recessed at 7 : 30 p .m. The executive session began at 7 : 35 p .m. The minutes are on file in the office of the city clerk . ADJOURNMENT . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Sarff to adjourn . Voice vote , motion carried . Council adjourned at 7 : 46 p .m. CITf CLERK APPROVED . MAYOR