HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-19-1983 Council Meeting Minutes 409 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on July lgth , 1983 in Council Chambers . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING , FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY MAYOR EDWARDS . Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6 : 30 p .m. Present : Aldermen Kovachevich , Savill , Workman , Carl , Horr . Absent : Aldermen Hammond , Sarff . MINUTES OF JULY 5TH . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Workman , the minutes of July 5th be accepted and placed on file . Voice vote , motion carried . Mayor Edwards appointed a 4th Ward Alderman of James T . May . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Carl the appointment of James T . May as alderman 4th ward be confirmed . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr, Carl , Workman , Savill , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 5 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Mr . May then took the oath of office . BILLS FOR JUNE . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Savill , the bills properly approved be paid . Discussion . Pat Wright City Treasurer commented about a bill that ' s been added to Q the list of bills in the amount of $3 ,000 . 00 from the Kroger Company Q payable to Jim Malmgren . The Kroger Co . will reimburse the city for this expense . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Savill , Workman , Carl . May , Horr. NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . COMMITTEE REPORTS : None . COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN - BUDGET/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. Dave brought up the phone expense for the elected officials and department heads , and if the officials and dept . heads would want to give up this expense paid by the city . Alderman Horr, Savill and Mayor Edwards are willing to give up their expense . Motion by Alderman Horr , second by Alderman Savill , to dispense with payment of telephone expense for elected officials . Discussion . Jim Malmgren City Attorney stated that there is a constitutional provision that an elected officials salary may not be increased or decreased during the term of office . You could encourage them to relinquish this expense . Motion and second withdrawn . Motion by Alderman Horr , second by Alderman Savill to encourage elected officials to relinquish their telephone allowance . Discussion . Jim Malmgren will draft a notice for the elected officials , so checks won ' t have to be written and then surrendered back to the treasurer. Voice vote , motion carried . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Workman , the telephone expense for those governed by union contracts be paid every 3 months . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , May , Carl , Workman , Savill , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Horr , the dept. heads telephone allowance be sent to the Finance Committee Voice vote , motion carried . Dave Dorgan has given copies to all council members of a draft of a new personnel policy. Look it over carefullly . Referred to the clerical committee . COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER . A letter from Crawford , Murphy & Tilly is asking the city to send and sign a letter addressed to the State Historic Preservation Office , Depart- ment of Conservation Springfield , Illinois . The letter from us would state . . . The City of Canton is in the process of completing a facilities planning report for various sewer improvements . A 410 CONTINEUD JULY 19th , 1983 "conditional sign-off" is required at this time to avoid delays in the grant process . We agree to provide for an archaeological survey of the project site by a competent professional archaeologist prior to any ground disturbance . Should archaeological resources be located that are eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places , we agree to provide for mitigation of the impact prior to the onset of ground disturbance . A copy of this letter will be included in the facilities planning report and sent to the E . P .A . Should be signed by the mayor. Cliff was told that we have to sign this and agree to before the project is dead as far as filtering it along and the process of asking for the step 2 grant . Were not obligating ourselves to spend any money unless we do procede with the project . However , if we do procede , then we are saying we will have this survey done . Archaeologist will come to the site , search the site for any artifacts , and if there found they are allowed to take them. The consulting engineer is estimating this cost at $6 ,000 . 00 . Jim Malmgren City Attorney stated this does not obligate the city to the expenditure of money unless you continue with step 3 . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Savill the mayor be authorized to sign the letter . Voice vote , motioncarried . The facilities plan report on sewers and sewage treatment im- provements are available for review, Cliff has one and the city clerk has one . Received some literature from the dept . of transportation and Epa regarding the lake , certain things were suppose to do to be in compliance with there regulations . One of which is to check the spalding concrete on the spillway . We ' ve never had the opportunity until now , minor amount of work and decided to do it ourselves . Probably will spend $200. 00 to $300 . 00 for epoxy and buy 6 to 8 bags of cement . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Workman , that the expenditure be approved . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Savill , Workman , Carl , May , Horr. NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . Projects we are going to be doing . . . . Concrete repair work on the convenient store alley on W. Locust , will repair as soon as we get the funds . . . . re-ditch 4th avenue which is now a man power problem on getting it done . . . .want to make a ditch on 20th avenue , east of , we are waiting for manpower to return from vacations . Presently designing sewer systems for Fairview Heights . Cliff wants to know if the city wants to spend extra money to go extra deep to drain basements or drain the outlets of their sewer system , that now goes to the septic tanks . Cliff wants to drain the inlets to their septic systems . Lengthy discussion . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Workman to concur with the city engineer ' s plans for engineer work on Fairview Heights . Voice vote , motion carried . One nay heard by Alderman Horr. The Fairview Heights Grant is approved and the city has it in writing , reported Dave Dorgan . The M. F . T . sealing and chipping was completed today . The contrac- tor will come back later and do the overlay . Cliff has had Jim Boyd and one assistant with the contractor at all times and Cliff is pleased with the job this year . Alderman Workman reported that he was an on site observer and thought they did a good job . Want to spend around $200 . 00 to put in a 6 to 7 inch plastic pipe to drain a ditch into one of the inlets . Will add this to the hud work . 411 CONTINUED JULY 19TH , 1983 COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Kovachevich to accept the resignation of Jim May from the Liquor Commission . Voice vote , motion carried . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Savill , a new director of Esda Howard Williams be confirmed . Discussion , In May an appointment was made for 90 days , this appointment will be effective at the end of that 90 day period . Voice vote , motion carried . OLD BUSINESS : ORIDINANCE - AMENDING ORDINANCE #948 BEING CANTON FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE . Second reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Horr , the ordinance be placed upon its passage . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , May , Carl , Workman , Savill , Kovachevich , NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Ordinance being #983 . ORDINANCE - ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE . Second reading , ,-read Q by title . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Q Carl , the ordinance be placed upon its passage . Discussion . Pat Wright City Treasurer reported that page 7 had been corrected as there was a typed error . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovache- vich , Savill , Workman , Carl , May , Horr. NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . Ordinance being #984 . ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR STOP SIGN AT NORTH AVENUE B AND WEST MYRTLE STREET . Second reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Workman the ordinance be placed upon its passage . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , May , Carl , Workman , Savill , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . Ordinance being #985 . ORDINANCE - AMENDING CHAPTER 1 , TITLE 5 , RE-STRUCTURING THE CITY OF CANTON FIRE DEPARTMENT . Second reading , read by title . Mayor Edwards read a letter from the president of the union that was addressed to Dave Dorgan . They are willing to meet to discuss man problems associated with fire house 2 . We are willing to consider solutions to this problem and including the use of trained volunteers . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Kovachevich , the ordinance be laid over to the August 2nd meeting . Voice vote , motion carried . NEW BUSINESS : RESOLUTION - REQUESTING PERMISSION TO CLOSE ILLINOIS ROUTE 9 & 78 ON OCTOBER 7TH , FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE . First reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Workman , the resolution be adopted . Voice vote , motion carried . ADJOURNMENT . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman May to adjourn . Voice vote , motion carried . Council adjourned at 7 : 30 p .m, CITY ILERK APPROVED . MAY R