HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-19-1983 Council Meeting Minutes 370 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on April 19th , 1983 in council chambers . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING , FOLLOWED BY THE INVO- CATION GIVEN BY MAYOR EDWARDS . Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6 : 30 P . M. Present : Alder- men Kovachevich , Hammond , Savill , Sarff , Grant , Carl , Larsen , Horr. Absent . None . PUBLIC HEARING - 6 : 30 P . M. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FUNDS . PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: Planned Application for Community Development Assistance Program (CDAP ) Funds being made available through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs . This hearing is for public input to the application process to be held at the Canton City Building on April 19th , 1983 at 6 : 30 in the City Council Chambers . Dave Dorgan stated that the City of Canton has chosen to make appli - cation for CDAP thru the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs . What we have done here is to target two areas which we would like to make application for , one is the downtown area , were looking toward implementing a downtown plan . Secondly the Fairview Heights area . which presently the city annexed about three years ago where they are wanting city water and city sewer . Their making appli - cation to possibly provide city water and city sewer for these resi - dents in the city . An outline of those proposed cost are in the neighborhood of $538 ,000 . 00 for the downtown development , which would include activities of demolition , acquisition , street construction , sidewalks , alleyways and improvements including administration , legal fees and engineering . The fairview heights project outlined for the cost are sewer line project estimated at being $130 ,000 . 00 . The water main area total cost at $59 ,700 . 00 , and bringing the total project cost to $208 ,750 . 00 . Those combined togather for a total project cost of $746 ,892 . 00 . The most the city can apply for is $750 ,000 . 00 under this program. PUBLIC INPUT : Mayor Edwards asked if some company wants to buy I . H . C . then we can still apply for another discreational grant? Dave Dorgan commented that if we make this application , and there would be a company coming in in the near future before these grants would be awarded , we may be able to do that . However , the grant application deadline is May 2nd for the competitive round . What that means is that round will be closed as of May 2nd , so if it doesn ' t come within that period of time , its unlikely you could make that application for I . H . C . There is a state set aside program which is not nearly as much money , they have reduced that from a competitive round to $250 ,000. 00 out of the same pool of funds . That ' s the only area we could go to for funds for I . H . C . Alderman Sarff ask Dave Dorgan to briefly describe the types of projects that are eligible . Dave said there are basically 3 types of projects that would be proposed for these types of funds : 1 . Economic Development . 2 . Housing . 3 . Public Works Project . Which this area would come under public works . There are jobs bill going to the state for communities of Canton ' s size that will either be run thru this program or programs that the state would choose to set out for public works projects . Alderman Carl ask Dave to give his idea what leverage funds are from? Dave stated that he doesn ' t have them divided up , we maybe looking as high as $110 ,000 . 00 of leveraging money for the uptown area thru the public benefit funds and tax increment funds . The precise number I don ' t know yet. The fairview heights portion of the project would be partly leveraged by residents themselves by them doing their own hook-ups . We would count that as part of the application , but we would estimate that they would be hooking onto the sewer when we run it past there house . We would take those cost that they would be incurring and use them as leveraging , and plus some cost to the city for resurfacing the street and that would also be some 371 CONTINUED APRIL 19TH , 1983 levarging . In public works type projects you have to come up to a 20% figure in order to get the maximum points of leveraging , and that ' s the point I ' m trying to get in both of these cases . Dave said we can get our leveraging without a special assesment . Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Hammond to adjourn . Voice vote , motion carried . The public hearing was adjourned at 6 : 41 P .M. Council reconvened its regular session . MINUTES OF APRIL 5TH . Motion by Alderman Hammond , second by Alder- man Savill the minutes of April 5th meeting be accepted and placed on file . Voice vote , motion carried . BILLS FOR MARCH . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Sarff, all bills properly approved be paid . Discussion . Alderman Hammond stated that 3 bills were to be paid out of Revenue Sharing . They are : Byers Brothers , Sherwin Williams and Duck Island Sand & Gravel . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , Larsen , Carl , Grant , Sarff, Savill , Hammond , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent . (9 COMMITTEE REPORTS : Q Finance . Q i Council Action Moiton by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Hammond the expenditure of $3 ,500 . 00 for the repair and purchase of a tailgate for a garbage truck and the emergency repairs be allowed for the street dept . trucks in the amount of $365 . 00 . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Hammond , Savill , Sarff , Grant , Carl , Larsen , Horr . NAYS : None , Motion carried . 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent. Negotiations , Grievances & Personnel . Council Action Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Hammond all bids recei - ved on the city ' s group insurance be rejected . Voice vote , motion carried . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Larsen we accept the bid of Small /Parker/Ackerman for the city ' s group insurance carrier as soon as practicable . Discussion . Alderman Savill ask if this was not the lowest bid? Alderman Carl agreed . Dave Dorgan explained that what your looking at is just the maximum cost , not necessarily the low bid . Actually its a dead heat , its really a matter of pre- ference . Mayor Edwards said that the school district has Small / Parker/Ackerman and gave a good recommendation . Jim Malmgren City Attorney stated that these are not bids in the same sense that bids were rejected , these are more in the line of proposals , neither bid was sealed. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , Larsen , Carl , Grant , Sarff , Savill , Hammond , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent . Community Development . Council Action Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Hammond , the city parti - cipate inthe Ceta program and the green thumb program again this year . Discussion . Alderman Sarff asked how many jobs are we talking about? Dave Dorgan Director of Budget and Administration said that this is a summer youth type program for ages of 16 thru 21 . Voice vote , motion carried . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Kovachevich , the bid of $3 ,535 . 50 for property located at 256 S . 5th be accepted . Roll call . 372 CONTINUED APRIL 19TH , 1983 AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Hammond , Sarff , Savill , Grant , Carl , Larsen , Horr . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Hammond , the bids rece- ived for property located at 75 N . 8th ; 559 E . Elm ; 665 South 3rd ; 536 S . 1st be rejected . Voice vote ,motion carried . Legal & Ordinance . Council Action None . Informational : Alderman Hammond stated that at the next committee meeting we have set aside a 30 minute time period with Planning & Zoning ' s executive board to discuss the proposed ordinance provisions . COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER - CLIFF SAGASER . The sewer inspec- tion in the north end of town has started last week . We have 3 or 4 locations where we are going to have to disconnect our own storm system as its dumping into the sanitary system in that area . The road work on our hud project has started . The contractor has been spending time on the highway project . There are 10 man-hole covers on 5th avenue that is the city ' s res- ponsibility to adjust , these are valve box covers , and we were not informed until yesterday by the state . Cliff is recommending that we do them like the contractor does , and that is break out the man- hole concrete around the valve box cover and raise it with brick . This is cheaper but does require alot of man hours . The sanitary sewers the state is adjusting for us . The system at the south end of the town was a combined system in part , and there- fore their adjusting all of the sanitary system with their money . Material for the 4th avenue water line which is north of the I . H . C . is in and we will start the work on Monday . Alderman Carl asked when lst avenue would be black topped? Cliff said were not going to blacktop , decided to pour 112 inch of concrete asphalt . Jim Boyd Street Supt . has some material to pour over the concrete , it will look the same as asphalt . COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATION . Discussed one area with the Fire & Police Commission and the fire chief about a vacancy in the fire dept. Dave ' s suggested a temporary freeze put on the positions within the fire dept. and give that guidance to the Fire & Police Commission . Jim Malmgren City Attorney stated that he is concerned , we all make the distinction the Fire & Police Commission has the absolute statutory power and authority to make appointments to the uniform service . However , the city council controls the purse , and to that extent controls the Fire & Police Commission and would not make an appointment if there ' s no money there to pay . Recommendation by Dave is only temporary accord- ing to Jim. Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Hammond , that a temp- orary freeze for 4 months on hiring a fireman be allowed . Voice vote , motion carried. 1 nay heard . 373 CONTINUED APRIL 19TH , 1983 COMMUNICATION FROM MAYOR EDWARDS . The City Works Managerial Retirees Club met and recommended the uptown plan unanimously . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill the letter be placed on file . Voice vote , motion carried . OLD BUSINESS : ORDINANCE - AMENDING CHAPTER 16 , TITLE 1 RELATING TO THE OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND ADMINISTRATION . Second reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Hammond , second by Alderman Kovachevich the ordinance be placed on its passage as amended . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr, Larsen , Carl , Grant , Sarff, Savill , Hammond , Kovachev- ich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent . Ordinance being #972 . ORDINANCE - AMENDING ORDINANCE #935 . Second reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Grant , second by Alderman Hammond the ordinance be placed upon its passage as amended . Discussion . The legal description was amended to bring into confirmity stated Jim Malmgren . (� Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Hammond , Savill , Sarff , Grant , Q Carl , Larsen , Horr. NAYS : None . Motion carried . 8 ayes 0 nays Q 0 absent . Ordinance being #973 . NEW BUSINESS : RESOLUTION - THE PLACEMENT OF SPEED BUMPS ON NORTH PARK DRIVE . First reading , read in its entirety. Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill the resolution be adopted . Discussion . There ' s a safety hazard with speeding in the area and feel the lesser of several evils reported Alderman Sarff . Cliff feels 3 is needed , but will place one now and hold up on the other two and wait for the residents reaction . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , Larsen , Carl , Grant , Sarff, Savill , Hammond , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Mo- tion carried . 8 ayes 0 nays 0 absent. Resolution being #982 . ORDINANCE - THE PLACEMENT OF STOP SIGNS ON WALLING COURT WITH WEST MAPLE STREET REGULATING NORTH NOUND TRAFFIC . First reading , read by title . ORDINANCE - REDUCING SPEED LIMITS ON NORTH PARK DRIVE . First reading , read by title . Jim Malmgren reported that the slow- est you can go and regulate by state statute is 20 miles per hour . You can reduce the speed limit to know less then 20 miles per hour. We don ' t need permission from Illinois Department of Transportation . The mayor suggested the suspension of the rules for immediate passage . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Larsen , the suspension of the rules . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Savill , Sarff , Grant , Carl , Larsen , Horr. NAYS : Alderman Hammond . Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill the ordinance be placed upon its passage . Discussion . Alderman Carl wanted to know what the speed is now in the park? Jim Malmgren said it is 10-15 miles per hour. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , Larsen , Carl , Grant , Sarff, Savill , Hammond , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . Ordinance being#974 . Alderman Horr asked that the city attorney and the Budget director be at the meeting of Public Safety & Traffic . Representatives of Crawford , Murphy & Tilly will be at the meeting on April 26th . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Carl , to go into executive session for Threatened/ Emminent Litigation . Voice vote , motion carried . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Hammond , 3'74 CONTINUED APRIL 19TH , 1983 Savill , Sarff , Grant , Carl , Larsen , Horr , NAYS : None . Motion carried . RESOLUTION - ESTABLISHING AN "ANNI'VERSARY DATE" FOR PRESENT CITY EMPLOYEES ( FORMER CETA EMPLOYEES) AND SETTING AND ESTABLISHING POLICY GUIDELINES FOR ANY SUCH FUTURE EMPLOYEES . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Hammond the resolution be tabled until May 17th meeting . Voice vote , motion carried . The regularcouncil meeting adjourned at 7 : 35 P .M . ADJOURNMENT : Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Hammond to adjourn . Voice vote , motion carried . Council adjourned at 8 : 10 P .M. CITY LERK R APP VED .0 A OR