HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-21-1982 Council Meeting Minutes 332
A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on December 21st,
1982 in Council Chambers.
Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 P.M. Present: Aldermen Hammond,
Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl , Larsen, Horr. Absent: Alderman Kovachevich.
MINUTES OF DECEMBER 7TH MEETING. Cliff Sagaser asked for corrections to
the minutes under his report. The 1st paragraph, the word "Locust" changed
to the word "Oak." Second paragraph, the word "sheet" changed to the word
"feet." The last paragraph, the word "most" changed to the word "some."
Motion by Alderman Horr, second by Alderman Sarff the minutes as corrected be
accepted and placed on file. Voic vote, motion carried.
BILLS FOR NOVEMBER. Motion by Alderman Grant, second by Alderman Savill all
bills properly approved be paid. Discussion. Alderman Sarff asked about the
bill of Graves Fire Equipment. The bill will be handled under the Finance
Committee report. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Horr, Larsen, Carl , Grant, Sarff,
Savill , Hammond. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent.
PUBLIC HEARING - ENTERPRISE ZONE - 7:00 P.M. The purpose of the public hearing
is to consider (but is not limited to) the following questions: a. Whether to
create the Enterprise Zone; b. What local plans, tax incentives and other prog-
rams should be established in connection with the zone; and, c. What the boun-
daries of the zone should be. Mayor Edwards reported that the following are the
names of those who will be involved in the public hearing. The aldermen, Planning
committee from the county Pete Murphy Chairman, Verne Curless, Tom Mathews;
Co Board Chairman Melba Ripper, State's Attorney Tom Homer, Jim Malmgren City
Attorney. The purpose of the hearing is to adopt an ordinance to start the
process for an enterprise zone for the City of Canton and the County of Fulton.
When the city asked that a prison be built in the county there was a committee
formed and appointed by the County Board, Jim Donnelly was the chairman and the
committee is known as the County Industrial Committee. They are very active
in seeking an industrial park which is to be located west of Canton. Also, the
committee has been working with Msd on their property. In the past month we've
had 5 people working on putting an application togather. The people are
Jim Malmgren, Cliff Sagaser, Bob Reed, Dave Dorgan, Bob Keime. They represent
the County, the City and the Industrial Committee. Tom Homer State's Attorney
has been working with the City Attorney Jim Malmgren on the legal 's.
Mayor Edwards asked that the elected officials introduce themselves. The city
officials are Alderman Horr, Alderman Larsen, Alderman Carl , Alderman Grant,
Alderman Sarff, Alderman Savill , Alderman Hammond, Alderman Kovachevich, Pat
Wright City Treasurer, Nancy Whites City Clerk, Mayor Edwards. County officials
are District 1 Julian Coultas, Robert Jenings, District 3 Mike Fontana, Jack
Juraco. Representing the Chamber of Commerce, The Executive Director Jim
Mayor Edwards outlined the enterprise zone, there are no direct benefits for
the city or county as far as grants or outright gifts, or wind falls coming into
our coiffures. The benefits that the city and county will see, will be for
jobs in the future and building a tax base. The legislation has in it $100
million state bonding power which would help aid low interest financing to the
businesses that would locate in this area. There's also a promise from the
state treasurer's office, banks that participate in financing industry in the
enterprise zone may have state monies deposited.'. . Some of the benefits to the
industry who locate in the enerprise area, would be the opportunity to relax
some of the regulations from a state level , city level or county level . Such
as building permits, and zoning. Tax breaks from the state would come in the
form of state income tax to the industry that locates in the enterprise zone.
The different tax entities within Fulton County could offer tax breaks in the
form of sales tax for material that's bought to go into the enterprise zone.
Also, the different entities could abate a certain portion of their property
tax. Mayor Edwards thought that this would be more for new industry then
exisiting industry that lies within the enterprise zone. The mayor has received
3 letters of support for the enterprise zone, they are local #1357 U.A.W. ,
I.H.C. and the Canton Planning Commission and Don Braden Mayor of Lewistown.
Alderman Larry Sarff-Question: Mayor Edwards mentioned the relaxing of
certain regulations, would that be of other tax related topics, or would it
be the OSHA standards or pollution standards? Jim Malmgren stated that at
the local level we would be looking primarily at the relaxation of building
codes, plumbing codes.
Mike Fontana-Question: How long will this be in effect? Jim Malmgren stated
that the statute authorizes a term of the zone for a period of time that the
City and County designate, but not to exceed twenty years.
Alderman Carl-Question: If the area can be enlarged at a later date? Mayor
Edwards reported that it can be deleted or added to.
Robert Jennings-Question: Does it have to be a new industry? Jim Malmgren
said that it can be an expansion of an existing business, a reconstruction
of an existing building, or a completely new business.
John Carroll-Question: He wants the county officials to explain what the
plans are around the perimeter of this enterprise zone? Also, the advantage
and disadvantage of having the limit as it is. Mayor Edwards said that the
Q enterprise zone can exist in an area from z square mile upto 10 square mile
Q in size. Bob Keime said that the county is looking at this as an package of
economic development. Part of the zone is the industrial park that the county
Industrial Development Committee has been working on. Another part of our
package would include possible grant money from DCCA. Mayor Edwards said that
2 residents that are in the area of the enterprise zone are renters on mds
Jim Donnelly gave the reason as to why the Industrial Development Committee
was formed, it was because of the meeting that some of the officials and members
of the chamber had with the governor about the prison locating 'in Canton. The
governor was positive, when we as a community, and we as a county, were trying
to help ourselves in the industrial development.
The public hearing adjourned at 7:37 P.M.
Council reconvened at 7:44 P.M.
Mayor Edwards called for a Special Council Meeting on December 27th, 1982
6:30 P.M. in Council Chambers for the purpose of passing and Ordinance for
an Enterprise Zone. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said that the council would need
to consider a Resolution of Intent to designate an Enterprise Zone.
Alderman Larsen wanted to talk about section 6 of the enterprise zone draft.
It' s his understanding that we can abate 100% of the city's share of any eligible
taxes within the enterprise zone. Jim Malmgren said that the city can abate
100% of the city's share of the real property tax which is allocable to the
improvement in the zone by reason of new development or redevelopment and
rejuvenation of existing businesses. We are not allowed to abate below our
present tax level .
Alderman Larsen stated that in preparing our application at this point not
knowing specifically what types of businesses and what their needs would be,
we would be remiss not to make ourselves eligilble to abate 100% of the taxes
for the total life of the zone. Mayor Edwards disagreed, because he didn 't
thing we could afford it, and was thinking of I .H.C. because of 2.4 million
assesed valuation, without it, we wouldn 't make it. Jim reported unless
I .H.C. builds a new plant or reconstructs the existing one, we would not be
allowed to abate below the present level .
Finance Committee.
Council Action
Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Sarff, the bill of Graves Fire
Equipment in the amount of $2,358.11 be paid. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen
Horr, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl , Larsen, Horr. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent.
Motion by Alderman Larsen, second by Alderman Hammond, the City of Canton
not participate in the request of the retail trades for christmas decoration.
hook-ups. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Horr, Larsen, Carl , Grant, Sarff,
Savill , Hammond. NAYS. None. Motion carried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent.
Negotiations, Grievance & Personnel .
Council Action
Informational : Pat Wright was instructed by the committee to contact the
financial institutions and discuss the collection of water bills. Pat
explained to the council that she contacted all three banks and met with
their presidents. They felt the couldn't do it unless they could charge a
fee. The banks would have to charge .25� per bill for collecting, and in
the long term, unless they did all of the collecting it wouldn 't save the
city any money. Alderman Carl suggested discussing this further at the next
committee meeting.
Community Development.
Council Action
Motion by Alderman Larsen, second by Alderman Horr, all bids previously
received for the sale of 6 parcels of real property be rejected. Voice vote,
motion carried.
Motion by Alderman Larsen, second by Alderman Sarff, the bid of Peat, Marwich
& Mitchell for an audit in the Community Development office in the amount of
$1 ,995.00 be accepted. Discussion. Bob Reed stated that the bid price of
Peat, Marwich & Mitchell is applicabale if they can began by the week of
January 3rd, 1983, if its later it would be $2,400.00. Roll call . AYES:
Aldermen Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl , Larsen, Horr. NAYS: None.
Motion carried. 7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Mayor Edwards asked that Bob Reed
send a letter to both of the bidder's telling them of council 's decision.
Legal & Ordinance.
Council Action
that he was presented with an resolution for a pole use agreement from Cips
as their was an error on the first resolution passed in January of this year.
Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Larsen the resolution be added to
the agenda. Voice vote, motion carried.
FIRE DEPARTMENT'S AUTHORIZED STRENGTH. Second reading, read by title. Al.der-
man Carl stated that the committee's recommendation is that this ordinance
not be passed. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Larsen, the ord-
inance be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES: None. NAYS: Aldermen
Horr, Larsen, Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill . Hammond. Motion defeated. o ayes
7 nays 1 absent.
THE SCRIPPS BUILDING TO THE CITY OF CANTON. First reading, read by title.
Jim reported that the owners of the Scripps building upon donating it to the
city without any cost to the city, the city accepted and approved the concept
and a deed was drafted and sent to the city, and after researching the deed and
counsel in Chicago did some research, the city had no legal authority to accept
the property with certain restrictions placed upon. The owners were made aware
of this and given us a executed deed in order that the gift of the property
to the city, be final . We have not had time to examine a abstract of title
or a title insurance policy, so for that reason, this acceptance is made condi-
tional upon examination of title and finding nolliens upon the property.
Alderman Carl asked if the resolution should spell out the taxes be paid by the
giver? Jim Malmgren stated he could make that amendment and make it under the
condition, at no cost to the city.
Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Hammond, an amendment be made to
the resolution that under the condition that at no cost to the city. Voice
vote, motion carried. Jim Malmgren stated that under subparagh A, second
paragraph, delete the semicolon and add the words "and at no cost of whatso
ever nature to the city;" Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman
Carl the resolution as amended be adopted. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Ham-
mond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl , Larsen, Horr. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Resolution being #976.
by title. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Savill , the resolution
be adopted. Discussion. Alderman Hammond asked the reason for this resolution
when we passed one like it previously? The resolution passed early this year
was resolution #922, it had an error on paragraph 5 that the cips service co.
should have the waver of being held responsible for the negilence of the city.
This new resolution states that the City of Canton would not hold the cips
responsible for the city' s negilence. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Horr,
Larsen, Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond. NAYS: None. Motion carried.
7 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. The resolution being #977.
(� Bob Reed Community Development Director stated that he was looking for some
Q direction in tearing down the Scripps building. If you the council would want
to have that included in the possible use of surplus funds. Mayor Edwards
Q asked if we could use the monies for a new building? Bob Reed stated that it
was something that could be discussed with hud. Mayor Edwards said that if we
destroy the building we need to replace it and build on the lot, or use the
$200,000.00 to remodel it. Cliff Sagaser agreed with Mr. Reed on the use of
surplus funds.
Alderman Sarff mentioned the cable tv rates had increased by $1 .00, when council
agreed to .25¢ increase. The $1 .00 is in addition to the .25t. Alderman
Sarff thought council had to approve all increases. Motion by Alderman Larsen,
second by Alderman Sarff, that the cable tv franchise have a representative
attend the next regular scheduled council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried.
Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Larsen that council go into execu-
tive session for the discussion of personnel . Voice vote, motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Savill , to adjourn.
Council adjourned at 9:08 P.M.