HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-21-1981Council Meeting Minutes 112 A regular meeting of the Canton City, Council was held on April 21st 1981 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MIEETING, FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY ALDERMAN GENE DANNER. Mayor Crouch asked for roll call at 6:30 P.M. Present: Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza, Selfridge, Cark, Clarke, Danner, Motsinger, Churchill . Absent : Aldermen Grant, Horr. MINUTES OF MARCH 30TH, 1981 SPECIAL MEETING. Motion by Alderman Danner , second by Alderman Clarke, the minutes of March 30th special meeting be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried . MINUTES OF APRIL 8TH MEETING. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alder- man Clarke, the minutes of April 8th be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. BILLS FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH. Motion by Alderman Mazza , second by Alderman Selfridge, the bills for March be paid. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner, Clarke, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS : None. Motion carried . 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. COMMITTEE REPORTS : Finance & Personnel 2 meetings. Council Action. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Clarke, to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk enter into an agreement with Crawford Murphy & Tilly for $50,000.00 for Step 2 Grant Study. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams , Mazza , Selfridge, Carl , Clarke, Danner , Motsinger, Churchill . NAYS : None. Motion carried . 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. j i Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Danner we enter into an agreement with Crawford Murphy & Tilly for a slaker, and the cost not to exceed $12,000.00 and to be paid out of Revenue Sharing. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger , Danner, Clarke, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS : None. Motion carried. 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Clarke the sludge tank from Pearson Brothers in the amount of $4,562.00 to be approved and paid out of the Water Dept. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams , Mazza , Selfridge, Carl , Clarke, Danner, Motsinger, Churchill . NAYS : None. Motion carried . 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Selfridge, we enter into an agreement with Great West Life Insurance for the City' s Health and Life Lnsurance . Discussion . Alderman Mazza explained that there is an unique feature to the Great West program and should be highlighted, the rates are depreciably lower than any of the other quotes. In some instances by 50%, and the reasons they are is that we will self-fund , for medical treatment at the cost of $1 ,000.00 per employee or $2 ,000.00 per family. Mayor Crouch stated that the union contracts have a clause in their contracts that states: should the City decide that change of insurance companies would be beneficial , the coverage proposed shall be submitted to the union for review. Rollcall . AYES : Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner , Clarke, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS : None. Motion carried . 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. 113 Continued April 21st, 1981 Public Works & Buildings Council Action . Motion by Alderman Selfridge, second by Alderman Kovachevich, that we accept the low bid of Hillyer Excavating in the amount of $19,763.50. Discussion. Monies will come from Water & Sewer Depreciation Account. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza, Selfridge, Carl , Clarke, Danner, Mot- singer, Churchill . NAYS : None. Motion carried. 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Mazza , the monies to come from the depreciation account of the Water & Sewer Dept: Voice vote, motion carried. Alderman Grant arrived at the Council meeting at 6:58 P.M. Motion by Alderman Selfridge, second by Alderman Danner, the City Attorney draft an amendment to the existing ordinance to allow for a charge of $20.00 whenever the water must be shut off and turned back on. Discussion. Voice vote, Motion carried . Alderman williams brought up the issue on the man-holes on E. Chestnut and what has been done? Alderman Selfridge' s committee of Public Works will take this Q under consideration. Q Community and Industrial Development. Council Action. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Clarke the bid of James Booth for demolotion of a building on 445 S. 7th in the amount of $735.00 subject to his successful su,bmittance of insurance coverage. Discussion . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner, Clarke, Grant, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried . 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Public Safety & Protection. Council action. None. MAYOR'S REPORT. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Clarke, a class A liquor license be issued to the Motel Siesta. Discussion. It is the liquor commission's recommendation. Roll call . AYES: Alderman Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza , Self- ridge, Carl , Grant, Clarke, Danner, Motsinger , Churchill . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Mayor Crouch recognized Chad Parrish from troop 104 of the Boys Scout who is working on his Eagle Scout Badge. He recruited several others and cleaned up around the lake. Mayor Crouch commended them for this effort. Mayor Crouch met with the officers of the Planning and Zoning Commission , and he is recommending that the City purchase 4 or 5 signs that indicate the prop- erty that is up for rezoning, or annexation what ever the case may be. Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Grant, that the Planning and Zoning Commission be allowed to purchase 5 signs. Discussion. Mayor Crouch reported these signs will indicate the present zoning and the request for change, as well as the date of the hearing. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner, Clarke, Grant, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza , Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Motion carried . 114 Continued April 21st, 1981 Mayor Crouch asked the Council members if they want the premilnary review of budgets be held over for the next adninistration? Council 's feeling was to hold over the budgets for preliminary review by the next administration. Mayor Crouch has been informed by the regional F.D.D.A. offices that the $108,119.00 was approved and sent to the federal level with recommendation for inclusion in the payment, the federal office has been requested to draft acheck in the amount of $209,911 .00 Additionally a review of the law does indicate that we have $344,939.00 which were expended in one form or another in our Tax Increment Project; all of these monies are reimbursable to the general fund to the issue of Tax Increment Bonds . He recommends that the next administration, as soon as possible, that a bond issue of significance be made, the City' s general fund to be reimbursed in the amount of $344,939.00. In the general corporate fund area , the maintenance, garbage, streets and the general adminstrative budget are all coming in under budget . The Water Dept. Water treatment and water & sewer maintenance are also coming in under budget . Two departments, the police and fire are somewhat over budget. Over all , if we take all budgets at the current time, we are $214,950.00 under budget. This represents that the department heads have dome a good job of controlling the expenses as well as the council , and the various committees. Mayor Crouch recommends that all members of council read the report of Ray McKinney's dated February 19th. Mayor Crouch stated that its commendable what he has done. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - AM ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH THE PROCEDURES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TAX INCREMENT ALLOCATION BONDS. Second reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Danner , second by Alderman Clarke this ordinance be tabled until May 19th. Voice vote, motion carried. ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PARKING FOR MORE THAN TWO CONSECUTIVE HOURS BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6 A.M. AND 6 P.M. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF W. MAPLE BETWEEN SOUTH MAIN AND SOUTH AVENUE B. Second reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Williams, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevi.ch, Williams, Mazza , Selfridge, Carl , Grant, Clarke, Danner, Motsinger, Churchill . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Ordinance being #880. ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TITLE 9 OF THE CANTON MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AND REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TITLE 9 CONCERNING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. Second reading , read by title only. Motion by Alderman Clarke, second by Alderman Grant , the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner, Clarke, Grant, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS : None. Motion carried. 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Ordinance being #881 . Alderman Williams asked about the North Mai.n Street Project? Alderman Self- ridge related that we discovered that the contractor had to finish some of the project as of this date. The street department will have to do the seeding. Alderman Danner asked about the special service area on E. Ash Street for sidewalks, as to what has happened. John McCarthy stated the City was unsuccessful in selling the bonds, but the Tax Levy i.s still on. NEW BUSINESS : ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE VACATING EXCHANGE COURT IN THE CITY OF CANTON. First reading, read by title only. ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PART OF SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. First read- ing, read by title only. Discussion. 115 Continued April 21 st, 1981 RESOLUTION - A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT TO EXTEND THE. COLLE_CTI:VE. BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE. CITY OF CANTON AND THE FIRE. DEPARTMENT LOCAL 1897 , INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGH:TE:RS. First reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Grant, second by Alderman Mazza , the resolution be approved. Voice vote, motion carried. Resolution being # 877 . RESOLUTION - A RESOLUTION APPROVLNG AN AGREEMENT TO EXTEND THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND THE CITY OF CANTON PUBLIC WORKS DEPT, LOCAL 1372, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNI.CI:PAL EMPLOYEES. First reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Mazza , second by Alderman Grant, the resolution be approved . Voice vote , motion carried. Resolution being #878. RESOLUTION - A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT TO EXTEND THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND THE CITY OF CANTON POLICE DEPT. , LOCAL 463, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE , COUNTY AND MUNCIPAL EMPLOYEES. First reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Grant, second by Alderman C' Clarke, the resolution be approved . Voice vote, motion carried . Resolution ,Q being #879. Q PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - DOUGLAS ROTHERT AND JEANNE K. ROTHERT. First reading, read by title only. The agreement is being referred by the Planning and Zoning Commission and does recommend the approval of the agreement at a meeting held on April 20th. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Churchill , this agreement be entered into. Discussion. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza , Selfridge, Carl , Grant, Clarke, Danner , Motsinger , Churchill . NAYS : None. Motion carried . 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Agreement being #407. RESOLUTION - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF MONEY FROM THE GENERAL CORPORATE FUND OF THE CITY OF CANTON, TO THE POLICE PROTECTION FUND, THE FIRE PROTECTION FUND, THE ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND AND THE FIRE AND POLICE BUILDING FUND. First reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the resolution be approved . Roll call , AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner, Clarke, Grant, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams , Kovachevich. NAYS : None. Motion carried . 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent, Resolution being #880. RESOLUTION - A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND CANTON STATE BANK LAND TRUST 360. First reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Mazza , the resolution be adopted. Dis- cussion. Mayor Crouch stated this is to be paid out of the current funds we have under the Tax Increment Account, Roll call , AYES: Alderman Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza, Selfridge, Carl , Grant, Clarke, Danner, Motsinger, Churchill . NAYS : None. Motio ried . 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent, Resolution being #881 . Agreement beingk4�f' . ORDINANCE - ANNEXING AND REZONING THE PROPERTY OF ROBERT FULLER. First reading, read by title only. ADJOURNMENT. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Clarke, the meeting be adjourned . Voice vote, motion carried . Council adjourned at 8 :09 P.M. �%•.--- C I TY C L E ITK APPROVED. MAYOR