HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-08-1981Council Meeting Minutes 109 April 8th, 1981 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on April 8th, 1981 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING, FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY WHITES . Mayor Crouch asked for roll call at 6 :30 P.M. Present: Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza , Selfridge, Grant, Horr, Clarke, Danner, Churchill . Absent : Aldermen Carl , Motsinger. MINUTES OF MARCH 17TH MEETING. Correction to be made. Alderman Churchill requested that the words "Lake Development" be added before the word "informational " under the Public Safety & Protecti.on report. Moti.on by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Grant, the mi.nutes of March 17th be accepted and placed on file as corrected . Voice vote, motion carried . The same to be done. d- COMMITTEE REPORTS : Public Works & Buildings. a Q Council Action. None. Informational : The committee accepted the low bid of Pearson Brothers in the amount of $4,562 .00 on the truck mounted spreader and are referring i.t to Finance & Personnel for payment. Alderman Selfridge asked that all council members read their minutes of his meeting. Finance & Personnel . Council Action. Motion by Alderman Mazza , second by Alderman Williams, the City Clerk be directed to advertise for bids of the City Audit for the fiscal year ending April 30th 1981 , for two years and bids to be returned by 5 :00 P.M. on May 5th. Discussion. Voice vote, motion carried . Street & Traffic. Council Action. Motion by Alderman Williams, second by Alderman Grant the bid of Tapsco for street name signs in the amount of $7,054.65, be accepted subject to the review of the Finance & Personnel Committee. Discussion . The former bid was never forwarded to Tapsco commented Alderman Wi.11i.ams. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Danner, Clarke, Horr, Grant, Selfridge, Mazza , Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS : None. Motion carried . 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . Motion by Alderman Williams , second by Alderman Kovachevi.ch, the bi.d of Tapsco for embossed signs in the amount of $3,732.00 on November 5th, 1980 be rescinded. Voice vote , motion carried . MAYOR'S REPORT. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Selfridge, the reappointment of Eli Byrum to the Planning Commission be confirmed . Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Grant , second by Alderman Williams, the reappointment of Richard Maurer to the Police & Fire Commission be confirmed. Voice vote, motion carried. OLD BUSINESS : AGREEMENT - CRAWFORD MURPHY & TILLY ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT -STRUCTURAL DESIGN FOR BULK LIME SYSTEM. Second reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Selfridge, we enter 110 Continued April 8th, 1981 into this agreement. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevi.ch, Williams , Mazza, Selfridge, Grant, Horr, Clarke, Danner, Churchill . NAYS : None. 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Agreement being #405. Discussion. Alderman Selfridge stated that the electrical work was going to be done in house by our City Engineer before he left, but, it was not accomplished . Ald- erman Selfridge suggested hiring Crawford Murphy & Tilly to do it . Mayor Crouch asked if it could 'nt be done when the city hires a City Engineer, and was told it was a possibility. AGREEMENT - ENGINEERING AGREEMENT FOR STEP 1 SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION SURVEY WITH CRAWFORD MURPHY & TILLY. Second reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Selfridge, second by Alderman Danner we enter into this agree- ment. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Danner, Clarke, Horr, Grant, Selfridge, Mazza, Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS : None. Motion carried . 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Agreement being #406. ORDINANCE - REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY OF E. EUGENE SANDERS AND SHIRLEY A. SANDERS. Second reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Danner the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza, Selfridge, Grant , Horr , Clarke, Danner, Churchill . NAYS: None. Motion carried . 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Ordinance being #879. NEW BUSINESS : BIDS - STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR BIRCH STREET. Motion by Alderman Clarke, second by Alderman Danner the City Clerk be instructed to open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried . Two bids were received . G.J. Joyce in the amount of $25,911 .81 , secured with a cashiers check for $1 ,300.00. Hillyer excavating total bid $19,763, secured with a money order for $1 ,250.00. Motion by Alderman Selfridge, second by Alderman Williams , the bids be referred to Public Works & Buildings Committee for review and report back to council . Voice vote, motion carried. Alderman Williams asked if the City was responsible for the clean-up and re-seeding of the N. Main Street project? Alderman Selfridge chairman of Public Works Committee stated that we are responsible for restoration and would have to check with the water supt . Mayor Crouch asked that the chr. of Public Works review the contract . AGREEMENT - BETWEEN GORDON BRAUN AND THE CITY OF CANTON FOR 1981 MOTOR FUEL TAX. First reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Williams , second by Alderman Kovachevich, this agreement be referred back to the Street & Traffic Committee for review and report back to council as soon as possible. Discussion. Voice vote, motion carried . ' ; RESOLUTION - MAINTENANCE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS FOR MOTOR FUEL TAX FUNDS . First reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Danner , second by Alderman Churchill this resolution be approved. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Churchill , Danner, Clarke, Horr, Grant, Selfridge, Mazza , Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS : None . Motion carried . 9 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Agreement being #876. ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH THE PROCEDURES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF TAX INCREMENT ALLOCATION BONDS. First reading, read by title only. John McCarthy explained this ordinance and the next two and the agreement for bond purchase. ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $48,500.00 TAX INCREMENT ALLOCATION BONDS . First reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Williams, second by Alderman Kovachevich this 111 Continued April 8th, 1981 ordinance be tabled until May 19th meeting. Discussion . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams, Grant, Horr, Churchill . NAYS : Aldermen Mazza, Selfridge, Clarke, Danner. Motion carried . 5 ayes 4 nays 2 absent. Several nays heard. AGREEMENT - BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT. First reading , read by title only. Motion by Alderman Williams, second by Alderman Kovachevich, this ordi- nance be tabled until May 19th meeting . Voice vote, motion carried . Several nays heard. ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FRANCIS HADSALL AND THE CITY. First reading , read by title only. Motion by Ald- erman Williams, second by Alderman Kovachevich, this ordinance be tabled until May 19th. Voice vote, motion carried . Several nays heard . ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PARKING FOR MORE THAN TWO CONSECUTIVE I� HOURS BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6 A.M. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF W. MAPLE BETWEEN SOUTH MAIN AND SOUTH AVENUE B. First reading, read by title only. ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF TITLE 9 OF THE CANTON Q MUNICIPAL CODE CONCERNING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS AND REPEALING CERTAIN SECTIONS Q OF TITLE 9 CONCERNING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS . First reading , read by title only. Discussion. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Clarke to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried . Council adjourned at 7 :15 P.M. i i CITY ERK 1000P APPROVED. MAYOR