HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-16-1980 Council Meeting Minutes 50 September 16th, 1980 A regular meeting of the City Council was held on September 16th, 19-80 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING, FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY ALDERMAN GENE DANNER. Mayor Crouch asked for roll call at 6:30 P.M. Present. Aldermen Williams, Mazza, Selfridge, Carl , Horr, Clarke, Danner, Churchill . Absent: Aldermen Kovachevich, Grant, Motsinger. ` Alderman Grant is ill and Alderman Motsinger is out of the state.. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 2ND MEETING. Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Danner the minutes of the September 2nd meeting be accepted and placed on file. Discussion. Motion by Alderman Wi.11i.ams, second by Alderman Churchill the minutes of that meeting be amended to read - the minutes should reflect that Gordon Braun did inform the council that he had made his monthly inspections and found the building to be built in conformity to the plans and specifications which were provided by the City of Canton. Voice vote, motion carried. Voting on the minutes as amended, voice vote, motion carried. BILLS FOR AUGUST 1980. The bills according to Alderman Mazza were coming to Council without the recommendation of the Finance & Personnel committee, because of the difficulty in deciphering the bills. Alderman Carl , and Alderman Churchill both stated that not all bills listed came from the finance committee, their various committees had approved their bills. Motion by Alderman Williams, second by Alderman Selfridge, the bills for August be referred back to the Finance & Personnel Committee for review. Discussion. Some members of council felt that there has to be a better system to the billing system. Alderman Selfridge suggested that a meeting of the department heads and committee chairman be held, so all will have a better understanding of the billing process and the money picture of the City. Mayor Crouch said that such a meeting will take place. Voice vote, motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Street & Traffic. Council Action. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Williams, that the City Clerk be directed to advertise for birds for the removal of 11 trees, bids be returned by 6:30 P.M. October 7th. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by ,alderman Carl , second by Alderman Horr to allow the homecoming parade on October 10th, no state routes are involved. Voice vote, motion carried. Public Safety and Protection. Council Action. None. Alderman Churchill asked that council be reviewing the report that Chief Don Story gave on the condition of the police cars, also, the condition of the Fire Chiefs car. He has given a cost breakdown for repairs and upkeep on the vehicles. Finance & Personnel . Council Action. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Danner the expenses of the two department heads authorized to attend the Ill . Municipal League Convention not be reimbursed or advanced for that purpose. Discussion. Alderman Carl stated that 51 Continued September 16th, 1980 he had been approached by these department heads about going to the convention. Alderman Carl also stated that Mayor Crouch was going to bring it to council but forgot to do so. After that, Alderman Carl spoke to the chairman of Finance committee, and at that time the committee approved the advanced registration of $110.00. The Street and Traffic committee had approved the expenditure for them to attend. Alderman Mazza withdrew his motion, second accepted. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Horr to reimburse expenses incurred, for meals, lodging and motel . Amended to read reimbursement of properly itemi- zed expenses, with receipts that represent those expenses. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Danner, Clarke, Horr, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams. NAYS: None. 8 ayes 0 nays 3 absent. Motion carried. John Stanko firefighter gave a background presentation on personnel . Suggested a committee be formed of the Finance & Personnel , Public Safety, Fire Fighters, Chief of Fire, to review this and prepare a conclusion statement to give to the city council for their consideration. Mayor Crouch stated he would take it under (� consideration and make every attempt to appoint such a committee at the next council meeting. (29 Community & Industrial Development. a Q Council Action. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Clarke the bid of Berwyn Henderson in the amount of $10,926.00 for sidewalks on E. Linn be accepted. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Williams, Mazza, Selfridge, Carl , Horr, Clarke, Danner, Churchill . NAYS: None. 8 ayes 0 nays 3 absent. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Clarke the bid for demolition of the Anderson School by J. & J. Wrecking in the amount of $2,400.00 be accepted. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Danner, Clarke, Horr, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams. NAYS: None. 8 ayes 0 nays 3 absent. Motion carried. Public Works & Buildings. Council Action. Motion by Alderman Selfridge, second by Alderman Danner, the City Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for the sewer improvements on W. Birch St. Bids be returned to Public Works Committee on October 6th by 12:00 noon. Discussion. Several residents on W. Birch are having sewer main problems. The sewer main runs under one residents house, and the main is collapsing, causing problems for those in the area as well . Mayor Crouch stated that if this is the decision of the council , to put out for bids, the council will have to consider where funds are to be drawn from, and our ability to enter into that contract by the time the bids are received. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Selfrdige, second by Alderman Danner the increase in the additional contract of the St. David/Dunfermline water line be approved. Discussion. An additional 170 lineal feet of pipe from the original contract is needed. At a cost of $18.00 a foot, for a total additional cost of $3,060.00. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Mazza, Selfridge, Carl , Clarke, Danner, Churchill . NAYS: Aldermen Williams, Horr. 6 ayes 2 nays 3 absent. Mayor Crouch voting Aye. Motion carried. GRIEVANCES -# 80-111 Stanko, #80-112 Hoerman, #80-113 Wason, #80-114 Wason, #80-115 Heinze. #80-111 John Stanko, statement of grievance is an employee is being utilized to perform functions and assume responsiblities formerly performed by Lt. Dye. Employee is not being paid rank pay. Violation of section 10-5 of the current contract. Mayer Crouch's response to grievance by letter: I find that the grieving fireman was not assigned to a temporary rank higher tharm the permanent rank of the employee 52 Continued September 16th., 1980 by the Fire Chief or myself, as is required by Section 10.5 of the contract prior to being eligible for temporary rank pay. According to the term of section 10.5 of the contract, such assignments shall only- be made to provide proper management coverage. Neither the Chief nor I felt that a lack of proper management coverage existed and therefore no appointment was made. The contract states that it must be done in writing, so Alderman Danner asked that if it was done in writing? It was not stated Mayor Crouch. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Selfridge, the grievance be denied. Discussion. John Wason grievance officer made comments to this grievance. He reported that Stanko did perform all functions same as Lt. Dye. Chief Grier was asked questions from council . Alderman Danner felt that if the temporary rank status has to be in writing according to contract and was not, then the firefighters should have demanded that it be in wri:ting, and since they did not then they are in error. Voice vote, motion carried. #80-112 Larry Hoerman, statement of grievance, an employee was not paid rank pay for acting Lt. for the weeks of June 2 and June 9th. This is in violation of section 10.5 of the current contract. The lieutenant vacancy existed due to the vacation of assistant Chief Harold Carrison. Mayor Crouch's response to the grievance by letter: This employee was not assigned to a temporary rank higher than his permanent rank by either myself or the Mayor in writing as provided for in 10.5 of the current contract. Lieute- nant Heinze at Station # 1 and Lietuenant Smith at Station #2 provided proper management coverage. The employee is being utilized to perform functions withing the scope of any fire fighters duties as they are assigned by a superior officer. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Clarke, the grievance be denied. Discussion. John Wason stated that in essence it is the same as #80-111 , just names and place has changed. Voice vote, motion carried. #80-113 John Wason, statement of grievance, continuing and on-going non-payment i of temporary rank pay resulting from Howard Dye's leave of absence. This is a violation of Section 10.5 of the contract. Mayor Crouch' s report was the same as #80-112. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Selfridge the grievance be denied. Discussion. Voice vote, motion carried. #80-114 John Wason, statement of grievance, non-payment of temporary rank pay while assistant Chief Derenzy was on vacation. This is a viloation of Section 10.5 of the current contract. Mayor Crouch's response is the same as the other three. Discussion. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Carl the grievance be denied. Voice vote, motion carried. #80-115 Rodney Heinze, statement of grievance, employee was denied payment of 228 hours compensatory time as specified in section 10.7 of the current contract. Mayor Crouch's response by letter: The facts reflect that Lt. Heinze did in fact accumulate 324 hours of compensatory time, however, the contract specifically states in section 10.7 that a member of the fire dept. may only accrue up to 12 days. This would constitute 96 hours. These 96 hours were in fact paid to Lt. Heinze at the beginning of the fiscal year as required by contract. I , therefore, find this grievance has no merit. and the grievance be denied. Discussion. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Churchill , we honor the grievance and the Chief be directed to make every attempt to provide time off for officer Heinze during this fiscal year. Any remaining hours of the 228 hours that have not been used at the end of the fiscal year be paid to officer Heinze at that time. Discussion. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Chur- chill , Danner, Clarke, Horr, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza , Williams. NAYS: None. 8 ayes 0 nays 3 absent. The City Clerk to send a letter to John Stanko the grievance officer and a carbon copy to officer Heinze informing them of the action of council in this matter. MAYOR'S REPORT. No report. 53 Continued September 16th, 1980 OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - AMENDING SECTIONS OF TITLE 10, CHAPTER 13, CONCERNING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Second reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Danner, where 8,000 square feet is mentioned, it be amended to Mead three acres. Motion died for lack of second. Discussion. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Churchill , the ordinance be amended to a minumum size of one acre. Lenghty discussion. Voice vote, motion carried. Two nays heard. Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Mazza, on page one, section 10-13-2 the sentence begjhn ng "A Mobile Home Park", all be stricken, also, page two paragraph 12, all of the last sentence be stricken, and, under 10-13-5 (C) The sentence that begins with, "If the planned development is a mobile home park", all that be stricken. Discussion. Voice vote, motion carried. Two nays heard. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Churchill , this ordinance d, as amended be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Williams, Mazza. Selfridge, Clarke, Danner, Churchill . NAYS: Aldermen Carl , Horr. Mayor Crouch voting Aye. 7 ayes 2 nays 3 absent. Motion carried. Q Ordinance being # 838. Q ORDINANCE - VACATING AN ALLEY BETWEEN H. A. WHITNAH'S ADDITION AND BARLOW WEBSTER'S ADDITION. Second reading, read by title only. Discussion. There are not enough aldermen present for passage of this ordinance, stated Mayor Crouch. Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Danner the ordinance be laid over to the next council meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: BIDS - FIRE AND POLICE BUILDING DEMOLITION. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Clarke, the City Clerk be directed to open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried. J. & J. Wrecking for the demolition of the Gar Hall , total bid $2,800.00, bid secured with a cashier's check for $280.00. J. & J. Wrecking for the demolition of the Police and Fire building, total bid $7,000.00, bid secured with a cashier's check for $700.00. Motion by Alderman Williams, second by Alderman Horr the bids be referred to Public Works & Buildings committee for their review and recommendation. Discussion. Voice vote, motion carried. BIDS - SALE OF SOUTH FIRST AVENUE PROPERTY. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Carl , the City Clerk be directed to open the birds. Voice vote, motion carried. Dr. Cherian Mathews for the site of the Police, Fire and Gar Hall , the bid is for $1 .00 per square foot, for a total bid of $10,925.00. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Churchill , the bid be referred to Community & Industrial Development committee for their review and re- commendation. Discussion. Voice vote, motion carried. BIDS - SICKLE BAR FOR MOWER. No bids received. Motion by Alderman Danner, , second by Alderman Williams to bid again. Discussion. The City Clerk to send a memo to the Public Works Director asking that he provide cost by quotes for a sickle bar at the next council meeting, then council can decide if they want to take action, or put it out for bid. BIDS - TWO CHLORINE SCALES. No bids received. The City Clerk to send a memo to John Scarbrough Water Treatment Supt. , asking that he provide cost by quotes for two chlorine scales at the next council meeting. 54 Continued Septemberl6, 1980.- BIDS - JANITORIAL SERVIGES FOR THE FIRE POLICE AND COMFORT STATION., Motion by Alderman Williams, second by Alderman Mazza, the City Clerk be directed to open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried., Dawson Industries, total bid $173.35 per week. Essmon Hi.11yer, total bid $373.00 per week. Service Master of Spoon River, total bid $417.50 per week., Bard B Janitor Service, total bid $140.00 per week. Motion by Alderman Williams, second by Alderman Clarke, the birds be referred to the Public Works & Buildings committee for their review and recommendation. Voice vote, motion carried. ORDINANCE - PRESTON WINDOM ANNEXATION AND RE-ZONING. First reading, read by title only. ORDINANCE - JERRY SAWYER SPECIAL USE PERMIT. First reading, read by title only., Alderman Williams raided the question of committee meetings being held without a quorum present. John McCarthy City Attorney stated that he had brought this item to the Mayor. We do need to have a quorum present at these committee meetings. Mayor Crouch asked the cooperation of the council that a number-6f committee members be present before making recommendations to council . ADJOURNMENT. Motion by Alderman Selfridge, second by Alderman Danner to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned at 9:30 P.M. CITY C ERK G� APPROVED. MAYOR